both of u are idiots. first off uncharted has about 30 gigs of game data on the disc, resistance is 18, and gran turismo 5 will probably push the 50 gig dual-layer limit. no ways could these games have been made similarly for the xbox 360, since dvd's are only 9 gigs. think about how much longer halo 3 could ve been!! people finished it in 6 hours for gods sake!! and pretty soon theres gonna be downloadable maps and extra's, for a price, because they couldnt fit it on the disc. Heavenly Sword is beautiful, and Uncharted has easily out-done any 360 title when comparing graphics. if u think the 360 has better graphics, then all i can say is take a look at any gran turismo 5 video. 86% people cant tell the difference between the DEMO and real life. Mark, do you think perfect dark zero uses the 360 as well as say halo 3? i didnt think so, u need to give developers time to learn the machine. and while we are talking about perfect dark zero, compare that to resistance or motorstorm, both blow any 360 launch title out of the water. all i can say is for those of us who bought a ps3, great things to come.
first off uncharted has about 30 gigs of game data on the disc, resistance is 18, and gran turismo 5 will probably push the 50 gig dual-layer limit. no ways could these games have been made similarly for the xbox 360, since dvd's are only 9 gigs.
It's called 'compression', look it up.
Most likely Uncharted isn't even compressed (why would it have to, you can get something like 50Gig on a Blu-Ray), and if it's "only using a third of the PS3's power" there's no need to be using 30Gig other than the simple fact that the space is there. Especially considering Uncharted is incredibly short - I wouldn't know if it's comparable to something like Halo 3 in terms of completion (maybe someone can help me out) but you can get equally short games on PS3 with 30Gigs. You could argue that at least Halo 3 is being economic with the size, being able to fit on a mere 9Gigs.
the 360 is currently the superior choice by far when going for a 'hardcore' console, its got so many good games in comparison to the ps3 and great online features. If you really want to play warhawk or uncharted or whatever that much, or you just have more dosh than sense, fair enough buy a ps3. but dont let your silly sony fanboy ways cheat you out of playing some great games, games far better than anything youll get on ps3 for a good while, on the 360! I can be a bit nintendo fanboyish, but f**k me if i dont have a 360 under my telly and plans to get a ps3 as soon as it gets some excellent games
I hope you aren't suggesting Svend is a Sony fanboy...its common knowledge that Svend is, in fact, a SEGA fanboy, and has been accused of being the MS partisan among the SPOnG staff.
im not calling svend anything, but ps3 and xbox are aimed at the same market, with the same type of games, so to own only the ps3 when the xbox is superior by a country mile in price, online and catalogue of games.. :P
i find it funny how this game, ratchet, and heavenly sword could not have been made on your "3-fix-me's" they dont have enough power in there,,,,go figure that out
SuperSaiyan4, it would help if you and others like you knew what your talking about technologically when making posts like this. Transfer rates for optical drives of different types shouldn't be directly compared to each other. Look at the following CD transfer rate chart from wikipedia: Transfer Speed Megabytes/s Megabits/s Mebibits/s 1x 0.15 1.2 1.1444 2x 0.3 2.4 2.2888 4x 0.6 4.8 4.5776 8x 1.2 9.6 9.1553 10x 1.5 12.0 11.4441 12x 1.8 14.4 13.7329 20x 3.0 24.0 22.8882 32x 4.8 38.4 36.6211 36x 5.4 43.2 41.1987 40x 6.0 48.0 45.7764 48x 7.2 57.6 54.9316 50x 7.5 60.0 57.2205 52x 7.8 62.4 59.5093
For a DVD, 1x is 1352.54KB/second (that's a bit over the 9x CD drive speeds). Following the convention, 2x for a DVD drive is 2,705KB/second, 4x is 5,410KB/second, 8x is 10,820KB/second, and 16x would be 21,640KB/second.
A blu-ray at 2x is approx 72megabits/s. Slightly slower than a 12x DVDROM but plenty fast for the rotational speed and writing speed of the cheap HDD in consoles, which are 4200rpm w/2MB cache. Yes it could be faster for loading into RAM, but again this is true of every console that has a HDD.
As for your comment on co-op and multi-play? This is up to the devs you idiot. Look at COD4, it is the same on both systems, both have on-line play and neither has a co-op mode.
These console wars are retarded. Neither is better, they are different. They are MEANT to be different. Each has pros and cons, get over it.