PS3 worldwide ship in November 2006

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Topic started: Wed, 15 Mar 2006 11:51
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Joined 29 Sep 2005
Wed, 15 Mar 2006 20:00
fluffstardx wrote:
Well, people will be able to afford it. Just with, as Kutaragi himself said, by putting in extra hours to get the cash.

My money's on £5-600.

Dude that's a really high estimate. They'd be killing themselves with that figure. I'd say max £400 more likely £300+, its expensive but Sony (like MS) are prepared to take a big financial hit at the start of a consoles lifestyle. Even fanboys would balk at £500, especially compared to the 360 which will cost around half that.

Like DoctorDee said, Sony have been around for a while - selling comparable products (to the 360) for double the price is suicide (unless you've got the branding strenght, which the ipod does but I don't think the playstation has - not at that price anyway).
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Wed, 15 Mar 2006 20:59
Great comment by I'll Eat Your Soul and Ohms makes a good point too.

What I didn't see on that list was the bit about Sony letting PSP owners download a PS1 emulator to let PSP run PS1 games. This would be interesting but its still Sony.

All the other PS3 stuff sounds okay, but I'm frustrated by the lack of games being mentioned as well as the damn thing being held up by damn Blu Ray and bloody movie studios. This relying on films to sell your system is Sony's real plan, much like the same on PS2. I don't much like the idea of buying into new formats just so studios can sleep tight at night. In fact I pretty much like the current DVD format.

I'll give hackers a five year window and I bet Blu Ray will be broken wide open if it becomes standard. And all this is made worse by HD-DVD and a lot of confusion for customers.

November is a good time for PS3. Whether we all get one for xmas is unlikely. Such a worldwide launch will no doubt push us all shortages (Sony's favourite word).
For me it's also hanging on the final pad design, which I guess we'll see at E3. Lets hope that boomerang doesn't come back once thrown by Sony.

I'm still up for the Rev more because gaming, and developers large and small, need a champion once again. That champ sure ain't MS or Sony, no matter how pretty they are or might seem.
Joined 2 Apr 2005
Thu, 16 Mar 2006 00:39
It's good Sony's willing to put more effort to Blu-ray and fight f**kin' piracy.Any publisher's gonna chose a better format to generate more profits i think. Ninty's quite allright on this front but MS will lose a lot.

HDD capacity isn't too bad either but 100GB+ would've been more delicious.

Poor Sony, must be very despairful with global launch announcement since they actually had no choice with N & MS making it a standard.

What he meant by 4D, actually could be anything but maybe it has someting to do with EyeToy.

Was the price avoided cause of the Blu-ray finalizing too?Sony's really set to make PS3 a -no kid district- I think, and with that Revolution,X360 are not guaranteed but could easily see better sales.
vault 13
Joined 22 Oct 2004
Thu, 16 Mar 2006 01:51
Joji wrote:
I don't much like the idea of buying into new formats just so studios can sleep tight at night. In fact I pretty much like the current DVD format.

That's what people said about DVDs when they first came out. That's what EVERYONE says when a new format comes out. The fact is, Blu-Ray or HD-DVD IS going to knock your socks off and you ARE going to buy one. Whether you like it or not. It'll just take one viewing of near uncompressed video to change your mind.

I also don't see why people are bitching about Sony now. I thought we were all anti-Microsoft people here?! Where's my bretheren??? There should be no bitching about Sony and how they'll NEVER be able to do a worldwide launch. Microsoft couldn't even do it! Just try and find a system nowadays, let alone a deluxe one. So I'm going to praise Sony for being ambitious and stepping up to the plate and going toe to toe with the big M. We all know they have better games, better branding, better commercials, better mascots, and better hardware designers (aesthetics only). I will be the first damn guy to plunk down money for PS3!

Oh and don't bitch about the Blu-Ray and how it sucks that we have to pay so much for the system. I bet alot of you are going to buy the HD-DVD add-on for 360. Let's do some math: 360 ($400) + HD-DVD Add-on($200 probably) = PS3 with Blu-Ray drive already inside. Most likely will end up being the same! If Microsoft drops price, it's only to undercut Sony and they will be losing much more money, which they can of course because they've got gobs of money to throw away! Whoever said the 360 was going to driive M$ into the black was severely mistaken.
Joined 14 Oct 1999
Thu, 16 Mar 2006 09:27
Joji wrote:
November is a good time for PS3. Whether we all get one for xmas is unlikely. Such a worldwide launch will no doubt push us all shortages (Sony's favourite word).

November is a really good time for PS3, especially for those of us un Europe.

If the Spring 2006 was ever a real estimate and not just a spoiler for the XBox 360, then it was only going to be in Japan. The US would have got PS3 in time for Thanksgiving and Europe would have picked up the scraps from the table sometime in 2007. Just look at the PSP release schedule for confirmation of this.

So what was announced yesterday is a delay in the Japanese launch date and an earlier launch date for Europe.

Also, if Sony's production figures are correct (1M per month, 6M by March 2007) then we should see 2 million PS3s for the launch across three territories. Split that as 600,000 for JP and 700,000 each for US and EU and you have a reasonable launch, not up to PS2 levels, but better than the XBox 360 which launched with 326,000 units sold in November in the US and 300,000 available on day one in the EU.

So, if we can believe all that Sony has announced, it looks like a decent situation for Europe, better than with the XBox 360 anyway.
Joined 16 Mar 2006
Thu, 16 Mar 2006 11:44
vault 13 wrote:
We all know they have better games, better branding, better commercials, better mascots, and better hardware designers (aesthetics only). I will be the first damn guy to plunk down money for PS3!

WE dont all know that the PS2 has better games, unless you of course mean the "royal" we, and as for your other comments........

...better shades of grey, better plug sockets, better packaging, better "warning messages", better shaped rubber feet FFS........

If your gonna be the first to plunk down your money for a PS3 based on such bizarre reasoning, be my guest.

I for one have the Xbox 360, and will be pre-ordering my PS3 too. Im sure the Rev will find its way into my living room over time too..... I just tend to buy stuff I enjoy playing. I REALLY dont judge a games console on its brand strength or because its got better TV commercials........ THAT would be stupid!

Rant over..... ;)
Joined 22 Nov 2005
Thu, 16 Mar 2006 12:46

Nice to know it'll play all the old stuff, and in hi def.
Having said that though, it'll be a long time before I can afford one.

???play old stuff in hi def??? that's on that type of ignorance that Sony capitalises!!! they throw fairy tales hype to ignorant consumers & they buy it!!! i.e. the "live 4-D" thing...what a lol!!! No my friend, it won't play old stuff in hi def, it will upscale low def to hi def but not transform it in Hi def, the textures in old games are low resolution, no matter what you do!!! The practical result will be textures twice as ugly, because they are all streched, since PS2 has quite a few games with horrible textures, the result will be "blurp"... One more thing, you will need a Hi def TV no matter what, just Playing on a PS3 won't give you Hi def, the output is a issue too. I hate when corporate companies try to capitalise on the consumer ignorance, they twist reality and plainly lie to everybody, shame on you Sony(again)!!!
Joined 16 Mar 2006
Thu, 16 Mar 2006 13:06
It's all deja vu. Sony did the same with the PSP, they were bullish as always and claimed they could release the PSP worldwide at the same time. They miserably failed as always.

The question is when will big corporations be punished for public lies?

Those corporations are traded on the stock market and those lies have influence over their stock.

Imagine if Sony told the "truth" and admitted they will never be ready before 2007. Not only M$ would be very happy but investors would run away from Sony.

If only the world was a bit more fair, corporate lies would be heavily punished.
Joined 16 Mar 2006
Thu, 16 Mar 2006 13:11
You are wrong about the hi-def.

Higher resolution will be useful to reduce aliasing, increase edges appearance and improve on the crap rendering of the PS2: non perspective correct color interpolation, rubbish mip-mapping algorithm are other examples.

It is possible with the exact same data to get a much higher rendering quality thanks to a real graphics card and not the crap custom Sony chip.
Joined 22 Nov 2005
Thu, 16 Mar 2006 13:38
vault 13 wrote:
Joji wrote:
I don't much like the idea of buying into new formats just so studios can sleep tight at night. In fact I pretty much like the current DVD format.

That's what people said about DVDs when they first came out. That's what EVERYONE says when a new format comes out. The fact is, Blu-Ray or HD-DVD IS going to knock your socks off and you ARE going to buy one. Whether you like it or not. It'll just take one viewing of near uncompressed video to change your mind.

I also don't see why people are bitching about Sony now. I thought we were all anti-Microsoft people here?! Where's my bretheren??? There should be no bitching about Sony and how they'll NEVER be able to do a worldwide launch. Microsoft couldn't even do it! Just try and find a system nowadays, let alone a deluxe one. So I'm going to praise Sony for being ambitious and stepping up to the plate and going toe to toe with the big M. We all know they have better games, better branding, better commercials, better mascots, and better hardware designers (aesthetics only). I will be the first damn guy to plunk down money for PS3!

Oh and don't bitch about the Blu-Ray and how it sucks that we have to pay so much for the system. I bet alot of you are going to buy the HD-DVD add-on for 360. Let's do some math: 360 ($400) + HD-DVD Add-on($200 probably) = PS3 with Blu-Ray drive already inside. Most likely will end up being the same! If Microsoft drops price, it's only to undercut Sony and they will be losing much more money, which they can of course because they've got gobs of money to throw away! Whoever said the 360 was going to driive M$ into the black was severely mistaken.

You are so full of crap!!! At least we now know that you work for Sony, your function: hype magnifier!!! The only thing Sony does better then Nintendo is marketing: make inferior products look better than they really are aka lying to the costumer! save your market-hype for retards, you sound like an AB-PRO comercial, at least you make me lol !!!
Joined 22 Nov 2005
Thu, 16 Mar 2006 13:45
Anonymous2006 wrote:
You are wrong about the hi-def.

Higher resolution will be useful to reduce aliasing, increase edges appearance and improve on the crap rendering of the PS2: non perspective correct color interpolation, rubbish mip-mapping algorithm are other examples.

It is possible with the exact same data to get a much higher rendering quality thanks to a real graphics card and not the crap custom Sony chip.

Still won't make ti HI def and the low resolution textures will remain low on a Hi def tv, so they will be streched so they wil be even uglier!!! don't come at me with tech stuff, you'll only bite your own ass!!!
Joined 14 Oct 1999
Thu, 16 Mar 2006 14:12
GameGod wrote:
Still won't make ti HI def and the low resolution textures will remain low on a Hi def tv, so they will be streched so they wil be even uglier!!! don't come at me with tech stuff, you'll only bite your own ass!!!

Render it at a high-def resolution and it will be high-def. The input textures may be lower res that you would want if you were starting from scratch, but you can get better quality overall image at a higher resolution.

For an example of how better hardware can render the same scene and improve it, have a look at this comparison of XBox games on the 360 and note that they captured the 360 frames at 720p and downsized to 480p to match the XBox version. Or you could play a PS1 game on your PS2 and enable texture smoothing.
Joined 30 Sep 2004
Thu, 16 Mar 2006 14:41
GameGod wrote:
don't come at me with tech stuff, you'll only bite your own ass!!!

oh boy, arm chair quarter back ...

listen man your iffy idea of how 3d works is absolutely laughable. low res textures loosk better when render high res... period. the points about anti aliasing and such are also very valid and will help to make it look much nicer. Since you seem to be a big fan of xbox (as am i ) you shoudl also check out doa ultimate (not 2) and then compare that with its original ps1/saturn version. they used the exact same textures and models but just render it much smoother and nicer... and its still only 480i on a tandard tv.

Also incase your completely oblivious this is not an IGN forum, a lot of peopel who post here do so because they know they can have a fairly intelligent conversation with some reasonably well informed people, as such a good number of us are actually much more intimatly familiare with the subject matter than your average froum trolls.

plus no one said "OMG sony will mke my 1982 13" blavk white TV a high def tv just buy plugging in their magic box *GAWRSH* thats awsome!" all they said was backwards compatible with better rendering, yea... which... while im a part time sony hatter... is actually prett impressive, since MS can't manage itand they only have one previous generation to cover.

4th dimension is retarded though.

im betting on $500 for ps3 launch, don't think they can afford to go any higher or lower.
Joined 29 Sep 2005
Thu, 16 Mar 2006 14:56
LUPOS wrote:
all they said was backwards compatible with better rendering, yea... which... while im a part time sony hatter... is actually prett impressive, since MS can't manage itand they only have one previous generation to cover.

Alright, I thought the way that Sony did back compatability for the ps2 was to whack the equivilent of a psone inside every ps2?

MS have the problem with their previous box that the graphics card was made with Nvidia - but MS didn't own the rights to the design (something rectified this gen and that sony does as standard. I think). Amongst other things (such as keeping manufacturing costs high) this means this caused MS to change partners for the graphics card in the 360 to ATI. ATI developed it, but MS owns the design and can subsequently manufacture it cheaper.

The downside to this is that there's no easy direct upscaling of the graphics from the xbox to the 360 (something one assumes would be easier if Nvidia continued to partner MS) - everything has to go through software first.

This is my understanding behind difficulties with back compatability with the 360. How it could affect bacxk compatibility for the ps3 is beyond me.
Joined 30 Sep 2004
Thu, 16 Mar 2006 15:17
thane_jaw wrote:
How it could affect bacxk compatibility for the ps3 is beyond me.

sounds spot on with my understanding as well... doesnt make it any less impressive that they are doing it... sony actually lucks out again in this gen as they can basically do they same thing again they did last round and just include the bare minimum chips from the original systems to properly run the old code emulation free. and seeing as the "emotion engine" or whatever is propriatary they have none of the troubles MS does.

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