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Topic started: Thu, 9 Jun 2005 13:18
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Joined 14 Oct 1999
Mon, 13 Jun 2005 07:19
Ben Furfie wrote:
True, but if Sony where to, Microsoft's lawyers would be all over the advertsing body and Sony unless they put screen size letters saying "NOT INGAME FOOTAGE" scrolling across the screen. Ok, maybe not that dramatic, but if they were stupid enough to try it, Microsoft would complain big time.

I dunno which Halo 2 TV ads you saw, Ben, but from where I was looking, they were mostly cut-scenes, if not rendered specially for the ad sequences.

Everybody does it, very few games ads show actual in-game footage from the perspective of the player. Maybe the recent THQ ads in front of Enterprise. I know the Destroy all Humans one is mostly in-game, not sure about the Punisher ones.

Let's face it, compared to the average images on TV, most in-game footage is quite poor. Understandably so, but poor in comparison. For a TV advert to show in-game all the time, with no cut scenes or rendered animations would be quite brave. The DAH adverts are pretty jarring when you see them.
Joined 29 Nov 2004
Mon, 13 Jun 2005 08:29
Showing FMV cut-scenes is misleading, but if everyone's doing it, then I suppose it's fair game.

It's sort of similar to the Transformers, Thundercats, Centurions toy adverts of the eighties: I don't know how the dudes controlling them in the adverts managed to get them to fly, shoot, and do handbrake turns so convincingly, but I could never quite manage it.
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