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Topic started: Tue, 17 May 2005 12:10
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Joined 17 May 2005
Tue, 17 May 2005 16:19
Adam M wrote:
Unknown wrote:
this round nintendo will be less advance than the serprior Xbox-360, and the PS3.

Depends how you define "advance".

this new nintendo is more of a 1.5 towards the gaycube.

It's going to be 3 times as powerful. It might have a totally unique feature that sets it apart from the Xbox and PS3. The Gamecube is a competant console itself.

ook at this, would you buy a Kia vehicle that pushes a mair 120 horsepower over a brandnew porch car that pushes 3200 horsepower and has everything that the kia has with better response? would ya?

now take that to the bank

LMAO. You have no idea how funny you are.

Do you need 3200 horsepower? What if the Kia saves you petrol? What if you find it easier to hand and park? What if you want a car that is functional and fashionable? What if you don't want to spend thousands more on the Porche with excess speed? What if you don't have that much money to spend?

The flaws in your argument are too numerous.

you simple minded entity, what makes a car move? answer! wheel. what makes a wheel move? answer! engine. it's elementry, stranger. no one likes nintendo now, how can you put a new car on the block without wheels and an engine. or for the simple minded individuals, why would you only upgrade you're car with a 1.5 engine and others is going for a 5.0 upgrade? who are going to buy it? oh, i'm sorry, only you and the one's that believe nintendo is making a right decision.
Joined 17 May 2005
Tue, 17 May 2005 16:31
vault 13 wrote:
You obviously are a graphics whore. I bet your gonna also argue that X-Box is the only system worth playing because of it's sErperior graphics.

hey, hey, let me ask you this question. if you a guy and you like females, what would you prefer. (A) a women that has a perfect 10 body including a perfect face so when you and her goes out people envy you or (b) a women with a perfect body but a face that can make god ashame of his work and baby cries when they see her. would you pick (B)? what i'm saying, in this century, nintendo should be on par with the new generation and not behind, why would you come out with a system that's not even innovative in anyway. in this century, when you play a game, you expect the graphics to be crazy nice and the gameplay to be out of this world. for the record book, the DS sucks in everyway possible. i am no more of a Nintendo fan with a 1.5 version upgrade.

hell has finally freeze over............
Joined 17 May 2005
Tue, 17 May 2005 16:37
give it up people, like i did, we need to conceid, nintendo that we knew is no longer. i was the die hardest nintendo fan out there, but enough is enough. this so called 1.5 "Revolution" is going to suck all around. not even a bang, while the rest is saying boom.

"Game over Men" they has come for us..........
Joined 26 Jan 2005
Tue, 17 May 2005 17:31
can you guys stop being so negative about the system. I like the look of it, this is a step in the right direction for Nintendo and for once their machine doesnt look like a toy.
Graphics are not a big selling point to me, gameplay comes first. I am sure that this system will still produce excellent visuals.
Let wait to see the specs and how the system is controlled, i am excited about this.
Joined 17 May 2005
Tue, 17 May 2005 17:35
your arguments, unknown, are not sound, that's why you're getting attacked so much for faulty logic.

It's not as if one is a "perfect 10" and the other is a "buterface" (that's the term for someone who is hot, except for the face, by the way)

It would be a sounder argument if you said "one is hot, and she's fun/interesting/insert other adjectives!" and the other is "not as hot, and not fun/ect/ect"

However, you did not say that. I did, and don't necessarily believe it. I don't think that the developers will likely make good use of the power the machines have, especially if they're doing multi-system releases.

In my opinion, you buy a Nintendo machine because you like their exclusives, not because you want to play an EA or Ubisoft game. Nintendo may not make the flashiest games, but they do tend to make more quality games than Sony...
Joined 17 May 2005
Tue, 17 May 2005 19:39
Nintendo employee1:"ok... we dropped the ball with the gamecube. it was weak, had no online, almost no 3rd party support and it was a freakin purple box with a HANDLE!. so how do we win this round?"

Nintendo employee2: "alright... i think i have the solution. we'll make it look like a modem, throw in some online play features we stole from microsoft, and make more mario games! yeah! and kirby too! remember them?! yeah!!!"

Nintendo employee1: "i see nothing wrong with this plan what-so-ever. how about some new hardware?"

Nintendo employee2: "hmm... well, we'll throw in some of those left over GameCube and Virtual Boy chips we couldn't sell. that'll beef up the power about 0.5 times more than what we have now"

Nintendo employee1: "great! who would have thought we could have built this system in the ten minutes before our lunch break!"

Nintendo employee2: "yeah! lets get some tacos."
Joined 17 May 2005
Tue, 17 May 2005 19:40
TwoADay wrote:
your arguments, unknown, are not sound, that's why you're getting attacked so much for faulty logic.

for the books, i can take any criticism. first off, the individuals who are attacking because it's reality. deep down in their heart, they wish nintendo could stop playing kiddy games and leave that for the gameboy. second off, what i found out is that this lady that says "the revolution is going to be around 2-3 times more powerful than the gamecube" did not kno what the Hell she were saying. i've check with and nintendo laugh at x-box 360 specs. what does that mean? who knows, maybe "Revolution has something more powerful and innovative than that. and no one was impress with the x-box 360, but were with the PS3 and "Revolution".
anyway i stand by what i said, the gamecube graphics were surperior to Ps2 and on par with x-box, but this generation, it should match with the others, not 2-3 ahead of you're, if that's true. think about it, would you prefer Hally Berry in all her glory or Rosy Odanold and her extra belly? i don't think you use to travel on the yellow school bus, so you kno where i'm coming from.

Go into the light, it's over man...............

Joined 17 May 2005
Tue, 17 May 2005 20:27
Unknown wrote:

anyway i stand by what i said, the gamecube graphics were surperior to Ps2 and on par with x-box, but this generation, it should match with the others, not 2-3 ahead of you're, if that's true. think about it, would you prefer Hally Berry in all her glory or Rosy Odanold and her extra belly? i don't think you use to travel on the yellow school bus, so you kno where i'm coming from.

Go into the light, it's over man...............

I don't know who "Rosy Odanold" is, so I'll just take it that she's a fattie. But that's not the topic, is it?

If it were purely about graphics and power, the Neo Geo would have been king. Or the 3DO. The Atari Lynx or the Sega Game Gear would have trounced the Gameboy.

But that never happened. Systems are not made or destroyed by their specs. As all these execs are saying, "It's about the games." Remember that Xbox's specs were known before the PS2 launch. Xbox is number 2 worldwide. why? GAMES. Grand Theft Auto, Final Fantasy (whatever number they're on), ect ect were either all out long before they made it onto Xbox, or exclusive titles.

Until we see what these systems DO, in real time, with a person playing in normal settings, we don't really know what each system will be like.

In the end, it will likely not matter which one has more power. Why? Because 3rd parties won't go through too much extra to give a game exclusives if they're trying for simultaneous releases. Sure, Madden on PS3 might look better than other systems (maybe Xbox 360, maybe Revolution) but it won't be so clear that people will say: "why bother with the others?" because they can't spend too much time solely on the PS3. They need to get Madden out at the same time for all the consoles. That's why one doesn't see much difference between the systems now. If they WERE optimized from the ground up for each system, we would probably have a better benchmark of each system. We'll only see those differences on the exclusives.

And FYI, all school buses are yellow, if you live in the U.S. I believe the term you meant to use was "short bus."
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Tue, 17 May 2005 20:38
I find this very funny but I'm with Vault13 and Annouk on this one.

Graphics whores and nay sayers, pull up your knicks and open your closed minds.

We've established that Nintendo are the third horse in this race and I find it quite amazing that some of you folk are already placing your bets heavily against them doing well. Best joke of the day that one.

So Nintendo haven't dropped a pile of cyber specs in our laps for us to play with in our minds so we can measure and wonder. Is this why you are crying? With the the launch due next year don't you think you will here the specs at some point? Ofcourse you will.

Personally I have no problem with the Revolution being a certain more powerful than GC because it will keep costs down and bring developers back with some luck. Not every developers has the money bags of EA and the like. The GC itself was supposed to last til 2007 and judging by RE4 could have done okay for a few more years. If revolution improves on it that's cool but like Nintendo have said the graphics war is now more or less at a stalemate and 99.9% of games will look lush, and Xbox360 and PS3 will no doubt hold this arguement aloft.

It's folk like you Unknown, that doubte the DS because the PSP was again graphically superior and sexier in exterior design. The very fact that Nintendo will proved you wrong despite it's graphics by selling 6 million DS units is a slap in your face and proves that Nintendo know their stuff. DS games at E3 will again bring it for Nintendo and if you doubt that then just compare the DS games to the PSP games at E3.

The Revolution itself looks good IMO, as does the PS3 too (except for that awful looking pad). Free online service, downloadable NES, SNES N64 back catalogue will sell this to a lot of people qwho yearn for simpler quick gaming. Think about that for a second, the Revolution will play all previous Nintendo console game s (most likely roms) along with GC and Revolution games. This is the kind of thing people want and have never been offered before. If you wanna do the math that is a ot of games at your fingertips. And how I miss the days of having games stored on a system, will Nintendo do this too.

A nice black Wavebird will do nicely thanks. Should be interesting to see where developers place their hats this time. Whatever happens it makes for an interesting next gen battle royale stand off. We will soon see if Nintedo have learned to play poker face or whether they are bluffing us all and themselves. Time will tell, but I just hope I can afford to have just two of these new systems.
Joined 29 Nov 2004
Tue, 17 May 2005 21:15
Unknown wrote:
hey, hey, let me ask you this question. if you a guy and you like females, what would you prefer. (A) a women that has a perfect 10 body including a perfect face so when you and her goes out people envy you or (b) a women with a perfect body but a face that can make god ashame of his work and baby cries when they see her. would you pick (B)?

The Suffragettes would be proud of you, son.
Joined 17 May 2005
Tue, 17 May 2005 22:10
My only thing is, Im starting to feel like the rest of us. Im all about nintendo, but I think Imagination got way out of hand on "revolution", and like all of us we were hoping on some type of 3-D/Virtual thing. Maybe it still exists, but Im starting to believe that its just a better console than GC and a new type of controller, with some long over due online support. If all that comes down the pipe is a console that has a "Revolutionary" controller. Im going to be kinda let down. I just had this feeling that maybe Nintendo was going to split the gamming sceen wide open with a totaly new way of playing , kinda like a evolution not a revolution.
Joined 2 Apr 2005
Tue, 17 May 2005 23:55
I really hoped we'd get a glimpse of those new impressive interactive ways Nintendo is talking about for sooo long, but all we got is final box design...what the??! When they think they'll show it and it's about time should other developers start some real work for the 2006 launch.If Capt.Kaplan's power claims are true then multiplatform might be in the bin for Revolution and that's VERY stupid move.It does look best of three though.Are they planning to wait until everyone has settled with PS3 or xbox360!?Someone at Nintendo needs an immediate brain treatement.
Joined 8 Apr 2005
Wed, 18 May 2005 00:12
I skipped ahead to from the tech arguements to here to shut everyone up. Xbox 360: 3 3.2ghz CPUs. Revolution: 4 2.5ghz CPUs.

3 x 3.2 = 9.6

4x 2.5 = 10

What's more powerful now?

And Im so looking forward to dling every freaking game for SNES!

*Sry didnt mean to reply directly to you bkrusty
Joined 20 Dec 2004
Wed, 18 May 2005 02:33
The Revolution is a lot prettier than I was expecting and has some interesting features going on.

I think the idea of downloading all the old games is an interesting one (which sega did on the dreamcast I think) but I'm wondering if it means you can download every game ever released on a nintndo console or every nintendo game ever made. which is a very big difference.

I think all the people talking about the power of each console are missing a couple of little points.

You have to look at the costs involved here. Not just how much is each system going to cost and how much it's going to cost to develop for.
Nintendo said something about small independent developers in that presentation which to me sort of hints that they will take the same sort of approach as they are on DS with cheap to develop games and new or risky concepts. Or at the very least make that option a viable one for as many developers as possible.

The other one that I'm thinking of is from comments that Peter Moore from Microsoft said about Xbox360 and that there was a list of things that the games for it MUST have. History shows that games companies don't like being told how to make games. Nintendo tried that in the past and got their fingers burnt very publicly. Codemasters did it to them on the NES and Squaresoft did it on the N64, or rather, they didn't, they did it on PlayStation instead. (and I wonder if the NES Micromachines or Dizzy will be downloadable? can't see that happening)
So what if someone doesn't want their game online or HD or doesn't want to use XNA to develop it?

There isn't a lot of difference between the 3 consoles though. I don't see any one standout feature yet that is going to make me think one of them is going to outsell the others the way the PS2 did.
Free online play and that back catalogue do sound good and who knows what the controller will do....

...and yesterday I was going to post something about not finding this year's E3 stories very interesting, and then they all came up with the goods and well, here we go...
vault 13
Joined 22 Oct 2004
Wed, 18 May 2005 05:54
soanso wrote:
The Revolution is a lot prettier than I was expecting and has some interesting features going on...

F**k yeah man! Right on! That's what we need, more positive feedback. We have yet to ACTUALLY see these games in action, playable without fancy E3 tricks to make it look better. We haven't even seen screens of Revolution games or even the front end! Damn Unknown, MUST'VE been a "real" hardcore fan to be damning the system to hell. I mean it's not like the N64 or the Gamecube were HUGE graphical steps for mankind. I don't know what you're pissed at. (Oh and by the way hardcore gamers buy all the systems. Eating comes second.) The system really started to shine with Resident Evil 4 and the upcoming Legend of Zelda - Subtitle Unknown game. So to say the system was on PAR with X-Box is just plain idiotic. Ya know, I don't think I'd even begin to form ideas like that even if I was on twelve hits of acid, a bottle of jack was in me, and I was repeatedly being hit by Master Cheif's plasma pistol. Maybe, and it's a big MAYBE (you can tell by the capital letters), if you threw in a few whippet shots and some coke in there for good measure would my brain start kicking in ideas like Gamecube is on par with X-Box, or that the Virtual Boy was REALLY just marketed wrong, or even that if I was a video game exec sitting in a board room that I'd think that kids could REALLY afford $200 for King of Fighters for the $700 Neo-Geo. You get what I'm saying here boy. I really don't hate anyone on these forums. They post interesting if not intelligent things about games, but no one needs to hear you whine. Also to note, anger level has increased from Duke Davis to Mike Haggar. Tolerance for unfounded Nintendo haters is nil.

P.S. The Gamecube is a fine system with some muscle to match but grossly underpowered compared to an X-Box. Hell, the PS2 beats it out in raw polygon counts!

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