Every Confirmed Game for E3. Get 'em While They’re Interesting!

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Topic started: Tue, 12 Apr 2005 14:44
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Joined 29 Mar 2005
Wed, 13 Apr 2005 00:50
Yea.. I'm like the anti-gangster. I'm all about rock music, video games, and hot punk girls. I despise rap because of the influence it has on my hobbies. 50 cent could put out a cd about eating Chinese food out of diapers and these f**king soulless tools would still buy his CD in masses, and then he gets a game.. Probably developed by EA no less, so the suits decided to make up some contrived irrelevant story as an excuse to have people blast away as their favorite rapper and it’s a done deal. I hate it. 25 to life, 50 cents game, grand theft autos turn to the thug life in san andreas, Snoops Dogs game, even the video game awards on TV were nothing but gangster rap. I mean seriously.. enough is enough, this is getting ridiculous.
Joined 2 Nov 2004
Wed, 13 Apr 2005 06:04
Right on man. It's my real problem with Microsoft and Sony. They are not specialists, they see the video game industry as lucrative because they can outsource product development to small companies, and pay them garbage while reaping huge profits on higher software sales. They also now have their feet in the door because of what the future holds. The Xbox 2 will be a computer. It will not be shown, presented or marketed as a computer. But look at it for what it is. It's an AIO (All In One) which will now be the term used for the foreboding end to specialty. Nintendo are specialists, and they make great games because of it. When an industry consists of only 1-2 HUGE all inclusive companies, the consumer suffers, from high game prices, and lack of originality. Given the fact that each system can only play certain games, unlike PCs, and the future looks bleak.

It all boils down to supporting the originator, not because they were the innovative best 20 years ago, but because they carry that torch now, and into the future. They make great addicting games that, when given the chance, are unforgettable. They DO NOT pander to the masses, they DO NOT sell themselves out to get your dollar. They want your money, of course, but they want you to look back and not regret it. And I will note in this LOOOOONG ASS RANT that I hope someone reads, that the only games I have every regretted spending money on, have been from 3rd parties.
Joined 7 Apr 2005
Wed, 13 Apr 2005 06:20
You know what, Just for starters I'd like to state that Neo is back in the forums and he's talking s**t again even though he said he was leaving...SIGH*.Well, on a lighter note: everyone here except for anyone talking up the PS2(neo) is right...I can't remember if there were any other fanboys in here or not(Nintendo fanboys are ok, Ninty at least deserves fanboys). And I saw absolutley NO games for any system that really, really caught my eyes. I'm hoping that there will be some really cool, actually suprise anouncements that were worth keeping secret. And as for everyone talking about the systems and what's wrong with them it's easy, Xbox failed in the exclusives department in my opinion...the ones they did have weren't really worth buying an Xbox for unless you were really into FPS's(Halo1/2, Deus Ex) or PC RPG games(morrowind). Then you've got PS2, they've got great games, don't get me wrong...but to me they're not die hard into game development...I side with the head of Tecmo on this one, they moved into games just to help support their other home electronics. They failed miserably in the online arena that proved to be key for Xbox and Live. And the fact that they were cocksuckers and ditched their HDD for a slimmer PS2 is just stupid on their part. Those real hardcore gamers that did buy the HDD with FFXI are getting screwed out of their money and the time they spent on leveling for that matter. Then our favorite, Gamecube...well...as always they had superb first party support and horrid third party support. Now if you just go on over to the Ebgames website and look around for those great games coming soon to Nintendo's console. No seriously, keep looking....wait....can't find anything?! Well, you will have to look deeper because according to the site the last time I checked(less than two weeks ago)there were only 21....TWENTY ONE games coming for the 'Cube. Now I realise that some games aren't announced yet, but look at the PS2(mostly NFL controllers) and the Xbox which both have a bunch of games. What the F**K is going on in the gaming industry...I can't wait until I graduate from school, start my own development team and start making games, I promise you guys...in ten years look for "Agrypnia" (pronounced: “Angipnia”)....it's insomniac in either spanish or french I don't recall, but that'll be my Dev teams name and I swear to you as another loyal gamer that there will be some GREAT games coming from our doorway.
Joined 30 Sep 2004
Wed, 13 Apr 2005 15:21
exclusive xbox games worth owning...

anything sega (some of them wherent as great as expected, but from a "classic" gaming stand point, they are all awsome)
panzer dragoon
crazy taxi3
jet set radio future
gun valkirye(sp?)
out run (i dunno if i woudl pay 50 bucks for it... but i may pick it up used for liek 20-30, not that it isnt awsome, but since its an arcade racer it lacks some of the depth of console only racers)
halo 1&2
ninja gaiden (one fo the best games ever made, period)
doom3 (no revolutionary game play but damn fun to play and an amazing experience and the co-op is fantastic)
all of the splintercell and rainbow six games (not all exclusive... but sooo much better than there counterparts... chaos theory is absolutly amazing to behold)
Project gotham 1&2 (a grat racign game all around.. snazy lookign with more arcadey controlls than GT and the kudos points really encourage you to perciviere and tightent up your driving skills)
fable (severly over hyped and a big let down if you where expectign the game peter talked abotu all those years ago, but taken on tis own, a very fun and beutifull game with alot of promise for future incarnations, well worth the 6-8 hours it takes to beat )
breakdown (controlls coudl have been better but much liek doom3 its just an amazing experience)
DOA3 and ultimate (i know there are those that bitch about its button masher feel... to those peopel i say... i coudl wipe the floor with any button masher out there, its fun for everyone... unliek virtua fighter (which i love by the way) which is really hard to pick up and play but incredibly rewarding if you pu the time in.
DOAX (suprsisngly fun multiplayer and way more fun buying bathing suits and gifts then it shoudl be)
steel battalion (worth the price? maybe not, but damn is it cool!)
MEchassault 1&2 honestly not my favorite game but alo fof peopel absolutly love them.
Crimson skies (highly underated, fun multiplayer and very entertaining single player campaign, decent style physics... none of that dfamn reality to make a plan game unfun... plsu the special manuvers add alot of variety to it)
top spin (perhaps the onyl real competition for mario tennis, tons of fun and awsome graphics)
buffy the vampire slayer (im not proud of it, but that was a suprsingly good game, and for refference sake, damn i hate that show)
full spectrum warrior
odd world stranger wrath
phantom dust
return to castle wolfenstein (the xbox and ps2 games are VERY differentand the xbox has the live portion wich was awsome)

to come... conker and forza still looking very good

i dunno if that is everything... i just felt like killing time trying to think up the list... nor do i think any one person wants to own all fo those games... but they are all very good games and well worth it for those who woudl be interested.

now im sure you coudl probably make up a similar sized list for the ps2 but somethign to consider is how many of those i listed are actual first part games (i.e M$ game studios) versus how many of the best playstation 2 games are made by sony, if the xbox had the same 3rd party support that sony does they woudl have a much better list (i think anyway) ... sadly the game cube probably really only has maybe 10-15 really good exclusives and they are almost all from nitendo (except for rogue squadron and resident evil4 and 1 or two others probably)

sorry for the length, but it gets a little anoying when i keep seeing peoplg talking aboug how there are no good exclusive xbox games when i know i own more game than i have been able to finish and there are a ton more i never even got around to buying.

i own an xbox and a cube and the few game i felt i aboslutly had to play on ps2... i have played on my friends... so all you "real gamers" out there who dont think its worth it... your missing out on alot... unless you own a pc... in which case you aren;t missing out on quite as much... but then... we wherent discussign pc gaming (i dont really consider 1500-3000 computers to be in the same discusion as 150-300 dollar consoles)

discuss amongst yourselves :P

Joined 13 Apr 2005
Wed, 13 Apr 2005 16:11
My personal opinion about all this is that Microsoft(no matter how much i like my xbox) and Sony should make games for Nintendo and their console. Yes I realize this makes alot of people angry but, MS and sony don't really require a special medium to produce their games as Nintendo does and that is what they're all about. this is just my opinion about the consoles.
Joined 30 Sep 2004
Wed, 13 Apr 2005 16:29
Pistol-Pat wrote:
My personal opinion about all this is that Microsoft(no matter how much i like my xbox) and Sony should make games for Nintendo and their console.

whiel i understand the thoguh process i actualyl have the opposite feeling... nintendo do make nice systems but sony and M$ have the excess cash to take a hit ont he hardware and make soem really bad ass systems. The cube really isnt very different from the other systems... its controler is actualyl statling liek a dual shock except for the akwardly placed z button and the nipple like c-stick and the teeny tiny d-pad... all handycaps if you ask me. heres a magic plan... sony makes a console.. ms designs the dev tools for it... sets up an agrement with sony for downloadable content and nintendo keep son making gasmes for whatever the console is... then the whole thing gets licensed otu to be manufacture by and shmuck who wants in on it... like the goldstar 3d0.. you want a game system that stands on tis end... by the panasonic... you want a top loader isntead of a front loader... try the samsung... the onyl problem there is the lack of forced inovation int he hardware department due to no competition on that end.

i think the best and most realistic out come is M$ and sony battlign it out for console supremacy for the near future and nintendo going the sega way and just making games for all systems (all two of em anyway)

i am realling starting to worry about the revolution... dont get me wrong i love my virtual boy... but i dont think they can afford another one of those.

on a side note... sort off... the psp is very limited compared to the ds in one major way... the d-pad and touch screen combo makes for better first person controls than any console game ever. Sure its great for all the "inovative" uses peopel shoudl come up with for it... but soem really great fps's would go along way to help the DS really get the mainstream uptake it needs to really suceed int he long run. For me, i really dont liek the way metroid ont he cube plays at all... but i was giddy the frist tiem i tried the hunters demo... the idea of gettign to play it in a standard fps control scheme is very exciting.

touching is good, but not at work (interperate that however you want) :P
Joined 13 Apr 2005
Wed, 13 Apr 2005 17:24
so were talking about dream situations, here is a dream situation Nintendo with M$ pocket book and a sony styled hardware(with excess testing done to prevent the hardware from attacking the consumer) just a thought.
Joined 2 Nov 2004
Wed, 13 Apr 2005 17:44
Learn to speak before you argue you moron. And also, nearly all of those Xbox "exclusives" can be found in one way or another in PC version. Most of these also turn out to be better than the original Xbox version. AND IN ADDITION, PC's are NOT 1500-3000. Go to your local $h!thole consumer electronics store and see for yourself. A 3 year old Compaq desktop will have the same processing power and memory than a speculated souped up Xbox 2. So why not just play the freaking games on your PC. Controllers can be bought, and multiplayer can be arranged..... soooooo basically you just like to have that glowing green garbage next to your TV under your skeet filled draws because you think it makes you cooler. Or is it the testosterone driven force behind another WW2 FP shooter that is what excites you, but secretly you're using this masculine tough image, backed by your movies games clothes and music, to make up for your own "little shooter". Either way man, quit the stuh-stuh-studderingly bad grammar and such, and make a real arguement.
Joined 7 Apr 2005
Wed, 13 Apr 2005 18:04
westerhive, that was uncalled for man. you cam out of nowhere for no reason just to bash this guy...really, you need a life bro. He actually had a decent list of good xbox games. And as for your arguement about PC's not costing that much...you're so full of it man. I work at Radioshack and happen to sell those compaq computers and they are nothing compared to the current Xbox. To get a system to play anything worth playing you would be spending a base price of about $1500. And even then you'd want a better video card and more RAM. So how about next time before you start running your mouth and making yourself look like a big ol' douche...just stop and think about how much smarter 90% of the population is than you. See how well that works for you :)
Joined 30 Sep 2004
Wed, 13 Apr 2005 18:10
westerhive5 wrote:
Learn to speak before you argue you moron.

sorry i dont spend my life spell checking everythign i type on an internet forum, i didnt realize i wa sbeign gradded.

And also, nearly all of those Xbox "exclusives" can be found in one way or another in PC version.

ok and you point is...

Most of these also turn out to be better than the original Xbox version. AND IN ADDITION, PC's are NOT 1500-3000. Go to your local $h!thole consumer electronics store and see for yourself. A 3 year old Compaq desktop will have the same processing power and memory than a speculated souped up Xbox 2.

... ohh you dont have one... i see... a 3 year old compaq... hmm so we are talkign what? pentium 4 1.5ghz? 256 ram? 20 gig hard drive?

i can tell you that is basiclal ywhat i have sittign at home right now... it barely rusn doom 3 at its lowest detail settign in 640x480... yet my xbox(1) runs it beutifully with all the belsl and whistles(at least all the ones its older shadder set alows) and it has co-op

in theory the "specualted souped up xbox" will have 3 3ghs processors... to buy three 3ghz p4 right now by them selces woudl cost you over a grand... not counting the mobo, sound proc, ram, hard drive and the every expensive (i.e. 500 dolars when they com eout new) GPU that will be included in it... soo... in order to buy an xbox now... you would probably spend over 2g's and the xbox 1 runs current gen pc games at a decent quality even though its processor is about 5 year old tech... moving along...

So why not just play the freaking games on your PC. Controllers can be bought, and multiplayer can be arranged.....

please scroll up for this and answers to many othe rpertinent questions, like "why your a lip dribblign mongoloid!"

soooooo basically you just like to have that glowing green garbage next to your TV under your skeet filled draws because you think it makes you cooler. Or is it the testosterone driven force behind another WW2 FP shooter that is what excites you, but secretly you're using this masculine tough image, backed by your movies games clothes and music, to make up for your own "little shooter". Either way man, quit the stuh-stuh-studderingly bad grammar and such, and make a real arguement.

uh... i didnt list any ww2 fps's in fact i dont liek simulation style games... i like non real games... like ninja gaiden, which i listed as one of the best games ever in my opinion... along with such other man juicers as jet set radio future and buffy the vampire slayer... its liek you dont even think... the knee jerk reaction thing isnt very flattering and the poor attempts at makign me feel substandard due to my typing skilzzzz only help to galvanize my argument that you are a thoughtles xbox hating twit... and you probably smell bad... but thats complete conjecture on my part... i cant really prove it.

also for refference sake im a painfully average 6.5, certainy nothing to brag about but im not ashamed of it either, and niether is my GF, who by the way probably looks better than anything your having cyber sex with and who could also probably whip you at halo or soul calibur or whatever your favorite might be... what can i say, im blessed :)
.... _
....| | talk to the ascii hand buddy :P
.._| |___
\ \.........|
Joined 2 Nov 2004
Wed, 13 Apr 2005 18:50
First off, I learned spelling in 3rd grade, did you pass that one? Secondly, I personally have an iBook, because Macs are superior to PCs as far as hardware goes, and plus I'd rather not be forced to deal with Windows and its garbage. Mac owners are in the same boat as Nintendo owners. We have a superior product, but there are so many butt-effing morons like you that run around with your expensive piece of technocrap, that the quality of a product isn't worth even half of it's image. So what does all that mean, it means I personally don't purchase and play games on my computer. They don't interest me, and Mac doesn't really have much to offer. That said, I'd like to ask you a question about the future:

So, both Sony and Microsoft are OBVIOUSLY planning to make an all-inclusive entertainment hub within the next 2 "generations" of video-games consoles. With that you will most likely be locked into either one or the other. So that battle rages between the two, until there's resolution, a joint effort/merger/whatever it may be. Then there is one. One real stand out system that everyone must own. Not only is it your videogame console. It is you DVD player, your computer, your stereo, possibly even your TV, AllInOne. Bet 1/2 of you are screaming give it to me now. Look at it this way, a market like that is a legal way to bend the rules about "monopolies". Mild price gauging and restricted access to things would only be the least of the problems. With one real figure in the mix, creativity dies. You sir, you do what you will, love what you love, be whatever kind of fanboy you like, but bear in mind. That demon you hold close is not "THE NEXTBOX!!!", it is a company that has already been investigated, and split up, by the federal government. Why? Because they are power hungry. You go ahead, you hump Bill Gates' leg, and pray to God someday he'll spit on you. That'd be wonderful! Me, I'll stick with my Apple, my Nintendo, and keep waiting for that day you all realize what you have done to the entertainment and communications market.
Joined 30 Sep 2004
Wed, 13 Apr 2005 19:05
the great irony in this is how similarly we view things... the future you describe certainly is a bleak one... but i dont think it will be that drastic for a long time... all the hard ware built into the tv? seems a bit much... dvd combo.. sure... computer... probably... stereo... very possible... but not the tv... to have to buy a whoel new tv just to upgrade your system is a little rediculous... unless of course the processign is done on soem removable card thing that you coudl just replace every coupel years... but that would be a tricky standard.

i indeed own and love my xbox, but i also own and love a game cube... a limited edition platnum one at that! my reasons being that sony has a grotesquly disporportionate market share and by supportign the xbox right now i feel i am in soem way reigning in the power that is "playstation". when the day comes that xbox is disgustigly bigger than whatever sony is doing... i will buy whatever sony has going and protest M$.

as for my nintendo, well i love nintendo, and sega... and a large part of my current hate for sony is due to my blaming them for the demise of the dreamcast... if you woudl have seen any of my othe rposts you woudl know that, but you assuemd an awfull lot about me from a pretty harmless and unbiased post... all i said was xbox doesnt suck when it coems to games...

so basically i will always buy whatever nintendo is doing and i will buy whoever the current underdog of the big two is... and if they even out, which is my hope... then i will happily buy them both...

as for the mac thing... your just silly :P

macs cost waaaay more than a comparable pc... the money you paid for that ibook could have bought you a muuuch better win based system... and if you really want to fight the powers that be, why not buy an intel based (not specifically affiliated with M$) and load up linux on there. I understand why peopel like mac, but honestly... this is the company that brings us the disgustingly hip and cool ipod and the s**t turd excuse for a computer that was the imac... sure... a 2ghz power pc is faster than a 2ghz P4... but it costs more than a 3.6ghz P4E(ht) sooo its not really comparable.

it hardly seems fair somone owning an ibook talking to be about over priced techno toys.

Joined 30 Sep 2004
Wed, 13 Apr 2005 19:12
oh i totaly messed up my calculations before... the next box will eb runnign powerpc chips(leik whats in a mac) not pentiums, so a 3ghz powerpc chip alone probably cost over a grand right now... so 3 of those... geez... thats a whole f**king lot if you ask me!

also... if my xbox replaces all the functionality of my pc and has better specs than a pc that costs tens times the price... i would gladly switch... if i could do my 3d modelign on a system the speed of a next box for 3-400 bucks i would throw away my old pc in a heart beat!
Joined 29 Nov 2004
Wed, 13 Apr 2005 21:33
There are so many holes in your rant you could paint it yellow and sell it to the Swiss.

westerhive5 wrote:
Learn to speak before you argue you moron. And also, nearly all of those Xbox "exclusives" can be found in one way or another in PC version.

panzer dragoon - FALSE
crazy taxi3 - TRUE
shenmue2 - FALSE
jet set radio future - FALSE
gun valkirye - FALSE
otogi1&2 - FALSE
out run - FALSE
halo 1&2 - TRUE/FALSE
ninja gaiden - FALSE
riddick - TRUE
doom3 - TRUE
kotor - TRUE
all of the splintercell and rainbow six games - TRUE/TRUE
Project gotham 1&2 - FALSE
fable - FALSE
breakdown - false
DOA3 and ultimate - FALSE/FALSE
MEchassault 1&2 - FALSE/FALSE
top spin - TRUE
full spectrum warrior - TRUE
odd world stranger wrath - FALSE
phantom dust - FALSE
return to castle wolfenstein - TRUE
deus-ex - TRUE
theif - TRUE
marrowind - TRUE

I make that 18 exclusives, and 13 also available on PC (4 of which appeared on XB first). So how is this "most"?

westerhive5 wrote:
Most of these also turn out to be better than the original Xbox version.

Maybe the FPS's. But any other genre I prefer a pad.

westerhive5 wrote:
AND IN ADDITION, PC's are NOT 1500-3000. Go to your local $h!thole consumer electronics store and see for yourself.

Maybe not for a bog-standard PC for Internet and MS Office, but if you want a kick-ass gaming PC in order to play cutting edge games for the next 18 months, you've gotta spend in the region of $2000. And then $400-$600 every year on graphics cards to keep up.

westerhive5 wrote:
A 3 year old Compaq desktop will have the same processing power and memory than a speculated souped up Xbox 2

What planet are you on? Xbox 2 is touted as being more capable than any current gaming PC. No one knows the exact figures, but it's estimated the next-gen machines will be around the 64-128 Gigaflop range. Current "top-end" PC's kick out 1-4 Gigaflops.

westerhive5 wrote:
So why not just play the freaking games on your PC. Controllers can be bought, and multiplayer can be arranged..... soooooo basically you just like to have that glowing green garbage next to your TV under your skeet filled draws because you think it makes you cooler. Or is it the testosterone driven force behind another WW2 FP shooter that is what excites you, but secretly you're using this masculine tough image, backed by your movies games clothes and music, to make up for your own "little shooter". Either way man, quit the stuh-stuh-studderingly bad grammar and such, and make a real arguement.

I've ran out of energy now. I haven't seen such a childish, petulant gob-s**te comment for some time. If you prefer PS2, GC or PC as your gaming paltform, fine. But to completely dismiss XB, when LUPOS has provided a list of valid reasons, makes you a rim-loving helmet-clasper.
Joined 2 Feb 2005
Wed, 13 Apr 2005 23:10
ninja gaiden - FALSE

what the hell...

At least you agreed with KOTOR.

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