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Topic started: Thu, 7 Apr 2005 11:50
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Joined 12 Mar 2004
Fri, 8 Apr 2005 14:05
I don't know why yanks can't do more sport when they are so fond of watching it. Perhaps that the problem, how many films have we seen of american high schools where the kids are always trying to dodge gym class? Plenty because some of them are proper lazy,they prefer the passive experience of watching basketball etc on tv than actually playing it. Stereotyping, maybe but credit goes to those kids that do make an effort to get their heart pumping. On top of that they have a large country so shouldn't have any trouble finding a green field or something to play on.

The situation in th u.k is different in that the majority of parks and greenspaces are being sold off behind our back to make way for more houses, the ones that are left are full of dogshit. Houses bring more people some who will have kids and where will these new kids play? They will play on street corners in groups, generally making people feel uncomfortable because there is nowhere for them to go and in some cases get up to no good once past frustration point (which in turn frustrates peers). Our government and councils then choose to establish curfews and criminalise kids which results in more ASBOs and more kids in jail. A real problem spirals out of control and all because the government and councils created the problem by forgetting to cater for their future voters, the kids. And they wonder why there is so much apathy amongst the young in the u.k.

I hope I'm not straying too far off topic. When a child get depressed (because your childhood is like that above) some will eat and put on weight so there is a domino effect in progress. In the u.s they have more to do actively than kids in the u.k, they are just more sloth like and eat more junk. Hopefully DDR will save their fat arses yet. Surprised they still need it when they have summer camp and stuff to do when we don't. If there were summer camps or similar here it might help kids off of the streets.

Be sure to let me know you Twinkies worth.
Joined 8 Mar 2005
Fri, 8 Apr 2005 23:43
im here in Canada, and since our population is almost nill, and we have a whackload of land, there allota room to do s**t. but like 90% of the population lives in a 200 km radius from where i am in ontario. althoe i drive 3 hours north, and im in the middle of the woods, at my cottage. the further north yu go from there, the less peeple there are, im talkin like 1 person per 100 km square...

there are sum large peeple i have seen around at skool, and i dont know how they can live with themselves, if i was ever like that, i would want to fix it. i thank god for my obessesion to soccer.

i realize that was off topic... yu can sue me.
Joined 2 Feb 2005
Fri, 8 Apr 2005 23:51
I think eyetoy is also another one of those things that help exercise, or maybe ddr for chubby legs, and eyetoy for chubby arms ;). Seriously after half an hour of kung foo they'll be unable to move their arms.
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