Sony Patents Real World Version of The Matrix

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Topic started: Thu, 7 Apr 2005 09:28
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Joined 15 Apr 2004
Fri, 8 Apr 2005 21:27
This is worrying. I mean, if control of senses is possible in this way, the Matrix possibly wouldn't be that far away at all.
Just think, you have a dream whrere you're kidnapped by Sony. When you wake up, you continue your normal life. Little du you know you've been turned into a PSP battery.
Joined 28 Feb 2005
Sat, 9 Apr 2005 00:12
LordVader717 wrote:
This is worrying. I mean, if control of senses is possible in this way, the Matrix possibly wouldn't be that far away at all.
Just think, you have a dream whrere you're kidnapped by Sony. When you wake up, you continue your normal life. Little du you know you've been turned into a PSP battery.

I would so prefer to be a PSP battery than a UMD =P
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