Gizmondo Fights Apathy - Pledges 89 Titles in 2005

> News Comments > SPOnG Comments Index

Topic started: Tue, 5 Apr 2005 19:09
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Joined 24 Jan 2004
Thu, 7 Apr 2005 13:57
shediesinred wrote:
Yea.. shedies in red is the name of my band, and it holds absolutely no relevance to the topic in discussion.

But who is the mysterious "Shedie"

And why is he wearing red?
Joined 29 Nov 2004
Thu, 7 Apr 2005 14:25
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Thu, 7 Apr 2005 18:11
You really hit the nail on the head and drove it all the way home there Svend. While it's sweet that someone steps up and defends Tiger's baby the truth is there for all to see if they choose to open their eyes and look, Gizmondo is the worst hand held yet released IMO.

Very true that even the likes of Nokia managed to get good advertising, games and product in stores. If Tiger can't do those things they are already doomed. It's painful if you paid for one but you will realise it sooner or later. Selling it you won't get much takers or money for it so you might opt for use as a doorstop.
Joined 5 Apr 2005
Thu, 7 Apr 2005 20:32
Svend Joscelyne wrote:
Jake wrote:
Entire Comments

Um, what? As a (training, taking a degree course ;P) journalist myself, I don't see any journalistic inaccuracies in SPOnG's post there. The only thing I've been told that SPOnG appear to "break" is that "You can't put opinion into news stories, only feature articles" - but since niche (read: gaming) media journalist sources tend to merge news stories with feature anyway, it's hardly something to bring to light :P

How can you possibly state & I quote from the article:
"the Gizmondo team has released a games slate for its intangible portable platform promising software that, when compared to the offerings of Sony and Nintendo, is laughably weak".
Ok lets start by actually analysing that statement.
The games listed number 25, more than half of which have never been released therefore never been played by the public. 89 games in total are to be released (89-25=64 games not mentioned)
My point is how can you state they are laughably weak, when a/ you don't know what the majority of them are (64) & b/ probably not played a fraction of the games that have been mentioned?
That is downright sloppy journalism.
Tantamount to expressing an opinion on a film you've not seen or for that matter a book you've not read!!!

(I'm surprised that you didn't pick up on that especially as you say you're studying journalism right now.)

DoctorDee's comments have nothing to do with being "linked with Nintendo". As a journalist, it's his duty to be as impartial as possible. Heck, if SPOnG actually had a Gizmondo to play on, I'm sure their perception of "your console" (since you, on the other hand, DO tend to act like you're being paid to promote it) would change dramatically.

Is it really possible to be impartial when you haven't tried all of the machines out there on the market? The fact that he hasn't been able to get his hands on a machine must surely add an element of bias to the review - how can he accurately review a product he hasn't tested? Sounds obvious?!

Summed up, SPOnG's news story reads:
- Gizmondo cannot be found anywhere outside London/specific cities
- Two titles have previously been released at launch (frankly, pathetic attempt at best), but more are planned
- Against Nintendo, Sony and perhaps even NGAGE, Gizmondo is seriously out of its depth at the moment.

For god's sake it's just been released. It's a newcomer to the market. You seem to want to throttle the living daylights out of it before it's given a chance to prove itself.
It's spec' is very impressive, 89 games coming out soon, 21 flagship stores opening globally from New York's Times Sq to Moscow to Shanghai to Rio de Janiero...

None of the above is false. It's all well and good to tell us to 'get our hands on a Gizmondo', but where do you propose we do that? I don't know about you, but I'm not willing to go out of my way to buy a console in a totally different city. The company has to come to the consumer and shout its product out. Not whimper in London and ask people to take a day trip to their specialist store just to pick one up.

Ok try:
gamestation & many more to come.
Just a little initiative is all it takes!

I've seen no adverts for it. Not in print, TV or otherwise. The best I've seen is the website - actually wait, tell a lie. I was at GameStars Live last year (VIP baby) and there was a Gizmondo stand there. It's a shame that they never actually showed anything aside from a few "construction" banners and signs signifying the console's coming soon, and a poor Powerpoint style presentation. What bothered me was that it took up a large space of GSLive, and Tiger (because let's face it, Tiger are the ones behind this - more on that later) did absolutely nothing to try and grab the attention of the passer by. In the stand's defence, the poor people couldn't, because they had no material to pull punters in with.

Tiget telematics have employed the award winning advertising agency "Mother". Tv ads have appeared on terrestrial tv & SKY.
However the "big push" campaign is yet to start here.
Additional commercials for the United states market will be screened at the US launch.

And Tiger, surely they've learned their mistakes with the Before Gizmondo there was the Tiger, and that sunk like nobody's business. That was said to "innovate" and "bring new ways of playing". Heck, the even had a touch screen. But the games for the handheld were trying to be 16-Bit, when the handheld obviously could only do 8-Bit monochrome at best. The best games for it were Solitaire (included in the console itself) and William's Arcade Classics (although STILL those basic graphics glitch and have slowdown). How do I know this... um... I'm ashamed to own one. It was only for collector's purposes... I had to get Sonic Jam for it... and now... now I played the worst Sonic game in existence (truly) on perhaps the worst handheld, I feel dirty

Bad homework! Tiger electronics relating to
were a completely different company!!! Tiger telematics an american company has nothing to do with the Tiger electronics company!
The namesake of Tiger has duped you.
It's just aswell you're not studying law isn't it?!

I would hope that Tiger would not make the same mistakes they made before, but it looks like in their bullish attitude, they want everyone to have a Gizmondo, but WE have to be the ones to come get it. It's failure will have nothing to do on people's judgements on the console (because from what I've read so far on its website, it's pretty ok feedback...) or on how much more Nintendo or Sony will sell, it'll be first and foremost down to Tiger's complete incompetence at the handheld industry. Heck, if the Gizmondo was a home console it'd be dead by now.

Is this an example of the "British disease" at work again? "It's always open season on any newcomer especially if it's looked upon as being an upstart"."Shoot it down before it gains flight for god's sake"!. Isn't that the routine?!

Sure, I'm pretty unbiased. Like you said Jake, I tend to view everything in a somewhat optimistic light, and meet with new contenders with enthusiasm for daring to be different. I have a Game Gear and NGPC and love 'em. But, there's a reason the previous handhelds failed, but the reason I'm worried about Gizmondo is for something entirely different. While the Game Gear, NGPC and others were happily trying to advertise at least once in a blue moon and managed to get stock into major stores... Gizmondo's managed to bag itself a limited run in two northern Gamestation stores and precious few other retailers, performing the same trial run.

If have to allow this company to roll out it's product. It's a very competitive market. Nintendo have been in the hand console business since 1983. Sony are new to gaming hand consoles admittedly but one of the biggest electronic industries on earth.Both have huge cash reserves. Tiger is by comparison a small fish in a big ocean, swimming with all the vim & vigour of an underdog. Give it a chance.
This product is expected to sell by the end of this year for £90.
When it does it really will open up the industry.

This is an industry where, whether you succeed or not, it's about being aggressive and saying "Hey! You! Idiot outside the shop window! You WANT me! Yeah, you do!". It's the tactic that won people over for the PlayStation 2 despite the fact that it had no games of worthy note at launch until about a year down the line when MGS2 was released. There's room for new competitors, but not competitors who pussy-foot around its consumers. This isn't the 1980's anymore.

You will see just how assertive (a better word I think), Tiger Telematics will get, they are don't forget an American company!(with British technology I might add!!!)

You mention specs for Gizmondo. Yawn. I think everyone's kinda gotten bored with specifications now. And it's all well and good to be a jack of all trades, but the Gizmondo looks like it's a master of none.

Cliche time is it? Funny how spec' conveniently doesn't seem to be a factor now hey? Well I'll keep it short it has the fastest processor out there on th market 128bit Nvidia chip 3DForce. I won't go on for fear of you yawning.

Jake wrote:
Hold on...yes I'm getting an image of you now through the ether... yes the eyes are open, the mouth moves, but the brain has long since departed!

I probably would have at least respected you for making at least some sort of mature debate in this topic, but that comments just shows to me you're a bit of an uncharismatic child. Cheers.

A sense of humour is essential, especially if it's droll & dry! Try & work on it yourself.

EDIT: ***n00b weblink removed*** />[Focusing on the Tom Green video, and neglecting his actual participation in the video as he never actually talks about Gizmondo]

When you have random unknown people (I can't tell if they're meant to be celebrities, that's the sad thing) drunkenly splurting their "own opinion" that the "Gizmondo is the best fing I evva sin!", you know you got problems.

Yeah I thought that was naff too! But that's showbiz (b******s) folks.
Joined 29 Nov 2004
Thu, 7 Apr 2005 22:24
Thank God you quoted that, othwerwise I would've had no idea what you're talking about!!
Joined 10 Jun 2004
Fri, 8 Apr 2005 08:05
I've seen two Gizmondo adverts:

1) On late-night Channel 4

2) My email (BT Yahoo!) displayed a Gizmondo Flash advert on their front page for about 4 months.

Actually, these promotional techniques were highly effective. Up until a month ago I'd seen mre Gizmondo advertising than I had for the DS.

I would also like to point out that Tiger appear to have a supportive attitude towards developers. If Tiger can support start-ups that will develop only for it's console then it could gain considerable but non-mainstream support. It's already signed Ubi to develop a version of Rayman. Not bad.

Is this the same Tiger that did release the The website says Tiger Telematics and the Tiger that released the was Tiger Electronics. I don't think they're the same. I owned a, and it was excellent for puzzle games put awful for anything else (it couldn't render graphics quickly enough - they blurred together with movement).

My overall impression of the Gizmondo is very positive, and I think it could be a success in it's own right, especially if Tiger can release developer tools to the wider community. I would love to be able to actually play on a Gizmondo to comment on the console itself. Sadly, I don't have the money to purchase one at the moment.

Tiger Telematics are different to Tiger Electronics who created the
"Gizmondo Europe" wrote:
Gizmondo Europe is a subsidiary of Tiger Telematics Inc. which was founded in 2001
Joined 5 Apr 2005
Fri, 8 Apr 2005 13:20
Thanks for some support there!
I had intended to highlight my responses to Svends, but this site doesn't seem to want to co-operate with my mac' in that italics & quotes are not operative. Anyway here's a way around it, to stop any confusion.

Quote Svend:
Um, what? As a (training, taking a degree course ;P) journalist myself, I don't see any journalistic inaccuracies in SPOnG's post there. The only thing I've been told that SPOnG appear to "break" is that "You can't put opinion into news stories, only feature articles" - but since niche (read: gaming) media journalist sources tend to merge news stories with feature anyway, it's hardly something to bring to light :P

Response Jake:
How can you possibly state & I quote from the article:
"the Gizmondo team has released a games slate for its intangible portable platform promising software that, when compared to the offerings of Sony and Nintendo, is laughably weak".
Ok lets start by actually analysing that statement.
The games listed number 25, more than half of which have never been released therefore never been played by the public. 89 games in total are to be released (89-25=64 games not mentioned)
My point is how can you state they are laughably weak, when a/ you don't know what the majority of them are (64) & b/ probably not played a fraction of the games that have been mentioned?
That is downright sloppy journalism.
Tantamount to expressing an opinion on a film you've not seen or for that matter a book you've not read!!!

(I'm surprised that you didn't pick up on that especially as you say you're studying journalism right now.)

Quote Svend:
DoctorDee's comments have nothing to do with being "linked with Nintendo". As a journalist, it's his duty to be as impartial as possible. Heck, if SPOnG actually had a Gizmondo to play on, I'm sure their perception of "your console" (since you, on the other hand, DO tend to act like you're being paid to promote it) would change dramatically.

Response Jake:
Is it really possible to be impartial when you haven't tried all of the machines out there on the market? The fact that he hasn't been able to get his hands on a machine must surely add an element of bias to the review - how can he accurately review a product he hasn't tested? Sounds obvious?!

Quote Svend:
Summed up, SPOnG's news story reads:
- Gizmondo cannot be found anywhere outside London/specific cities
- Two titles have previously been released at launch (frankly, pathetic attempt at best), but more are planned
- Against Nintendo, Sony and perhaps even NGAGE, Gizmondo is seriously out of its depth at the moment.

Response Jake:
For god's sake it's just been released. It's a newcomer to the market. You seem to want to throttle the living daylights out of it before it's given a chance to prove itself.
It's spec' is very impressive, 89 games coming out soon, 21 flagship stores opening globally from New York's Times Sq to Moscow to Shanghai to Rio de Janiero...

Quote Svend:
None of the above is false. It's all well and good to tell us to 'get our hands on a Gizmondo', but where do you propose we do that? I don't know about you, but I'm not willing to go out of my way to buy a console in a totally different city. The company has to come to the consumer and shout its product out. Not whimper in London and ask people to take a day trip to their specialist store just to pick one up.

Response Jake:
Ok try:
gamestation & many more to come.
Just a little initiative is all it takes!

Quote Svend:
I've seen no adverts for it. Not in print, TV or otherwise. The best I've seen is the website - actually wait, tell a lie. I was at GameStars Live last year (VIP baby) and there was a Gizmondo stand there. It's a shame that they never actually showed anything aside from a few "construction" banners and signs signifying the console's coming soon, and a poor Powerpoint style presentation. What bothered me was that it took up a large space of GSLive, and Tiger (because let's face it, Tiger are the ones behind this - more on that later) did absolutely nothing to try and grab the attention of the passer by. In the stand's defence, the poor people couldn't, because they had no material to pull punters in with.

Response Jake:
Tiger telematics have employed the award winning advertising agency "Mother". Tv ads have appeared on terrestrial tv & SKY.
However the "big push" campaign is yet to start here.
Additional commercials for the United states market will be screened at the US launch.

Quote Svend:
And Tiger, surely they've learned their mistakes with the Before Gizmondo there was the Tiger, and that sunk like nobody's business. That was said to "innovate" and "bring new ways of playing". Heck, the even had a touch screen. But the games for the handheld were trying to be 16-Bit, when the handheld obviously could only do 8-Bit monochrome at best. The best games for it were Solitaire (included in the console itself) and William's Arcade Classics (although STILL those basic graphics glitch and have slowdown). How do I know this... um... I'm ashamed to own one. It was only for collector's purposes... I had to get Sonic Jam for it... and now... now I played the worst Sonic game in existence (truly) on perhaps the worst handheld, I feel dirty

Response Jake:
Bad homework! Tiger electronics relating to
were a completely different company!!! Tiger telematics an american company has nothing to do with the Tiger electronics company!
The namesake of Tiger has duped you.
It's just aswell you're not studying law isn't it?!

Quote Svend:
I would hope that Tiger would not make the same mistakes they made before, but it looks like in their bullish attitude, they want everyone to have a Gizmondo, but WE have to be the ones to come get it. It's failure will have nothing to do on people's judgements on the console (because from what I've read so far on its website, it's pretty ok feedback...) or on how much more Nintendo or Sony will sell, it'll be first and foremost down to Tiger's complete incompetence at the handheld industry. Heck, if the Gizmondo was a home console it'd be dead by now.

Response Jake:
Is this an example of the "British disease" at work again? "It's always open season on any newcomer especially if it's looked upon as being an upstart"."Shoot it down before it gains flight for god's sake"!. Isn't that the routine?!

Quote Svend:
Sure, I'm pretty unbiased. Like you said Jake, I tend to view everything in a somewhat optimistic light, and meet with new contenders with enthusiasm for daring to be different. I have a Game Gear and NGPC and love 'em. But, there's a reason the previous handhelds failed, but the reason I'm worried about Gizmondo is for something entirely different. While the Game Gear, NGPC and others were happily trying to advertise at least once in a blue moon and managed to get stock into major stores... Gizmondo's managed to bag itself a limited run in two northern Gamestation stores and precious few other retailers, performing the same trial run.

Quote Svend:
You have to allow this company to roll out it's product. It's a very competitive market. Nintendo have been in the hand console business since 1983. Sony are new to gaming hand consoles admittedly but one of the biggest electronic industries on earth.Both have huge cash reserves. Tiger is by comparison a small fish in a big ocean, swimming with all the vim & vigour of an underdog. Give it a chance.
This product is expected to sell by the end of this year for %A390.
When it does it really will open up the industry.

Response Jake:
This is an industry where, whether you succeed or not, it's about being aggressive and saying "Hey! You! Idiot outside the shop window! You WANT me! Yeah, you do!". It's the tactic that won people over for the PlayStation 2 despite the fact that it had no games of worthy note at launch until about a year down the line when MGS2 was released. There's room for new competitors, but not competitors who pussy-foot around its consumers. This isn't the 1980's anymore.

Response Jake:
You will see just how assertive (a better word I think), Tiger Telematics will get, they are don't forget an American company!(with British technology I might add!!!)

Quote Svend:
You mention specs for Gizmondo. Yawn. I think everyone's kinda gotten bored with specifications now. And it's all well and good to be a jack of all trades, but the Gizmondo looks like it's a master of none.

Response Jake:
Cliche time is it? Funny how spec' conveniently doesn't seem to be a factor now hey? Well I'll keep it short it has the fastest processor out there on th market 128bit Nvidia chip 3DForce. I won't go on for fear of you yawning.

Quote Svend:
Jake wrote:
Hold on...yes I'm getting an image of you now through the ether... yes the eyes are open, the mouth moves, but the brain has long since departed!

I probably would have at least respected you for making at least some sort of mature debate in this topic, but that comments just shows to me you're a bit of an uncharismatic child. Cheers.

Response Jake:
A sense of humour is essential, especially if it's droll & dry! Try & work on it yourself.

Quote Svend:
EDIT: ***n00b weblink removed*** />[Focusing on the Tom Green video, and neglecting his actual participation in the video as he never actually talks about Gizmondo]

When you have random unknown people (I can't tell if they're meant to be celebrities, that's the sad thing) drunkenly splurting their "own opinion" that the "Gizmondo is the best fing I evva sin!", you know you got problems.

Response Jake:
Yeah I thought that was naff too! But that's showbiz (b******s) folks.
Joined 24 Jan 2004
Fri, 8 Apr 2005 14:08
Jake wrote:
but this site doesn't seem to want to co-operate with my mac' in that italics & quotes are not operative.

Yeah, but it's not too hard to do it manually. open-square-bracket i close-square-bracket will do italic, same with quotes. open-square-bracket /i close-square-bracket will close them.

Ok lets start by actually analysing that statement.

And then off you go, not analysing the statement at all, but ranting like a fanatic.

You are right that there are only 25 games listed out of a promised 89. But companies never release the name of the worst ones do they? So it is logical to infer that the 25 that Tiger listed in their press release are the nest of what's on offer. If so, the offering IS laughably weak.

That is downright sloppy journalism.

And that is the first call of the outraged person who is suffering from cognitive dissonance.

Is it really possible to be impartial when you haven't tried all of the machines out there on the market?

I am pretty msure that Doc did say that he HAD used a Gizomondo.

The fact that he hasn't been able to get his hands on a machine must surely add an element of bias to the review

Well, firstly, there was no review. And secondly, not being able to get his hands on the console may lead him to infer that the company producing the console were inept at promoting it.

For god's sake it's just been released. It's a newcomer to the market. You seem to want to throttle the living daylights out of it before it's given a chance to prove itself.

So has PSP, so has DS. If you want to nail your flag to a failure, feel free. No one here is stopping you, no-one is iven trying to cvonvince you not to. Not even DoctorDee, I think.

Its spec' is very impressive, 89 games coming out soon, 21 flagship stores opening globally from New York's Times Sq to Moscow to Shanghai to Rio de Janiero...

Sound like marketing hype.

Tiger telematics have employed the award winning advertising agency "Mother". Tv ads have appeared on terrestrial tv & SKY.

No amount of award winning advertising will help them make a success of a so-so console with a poor software line-up. THier web site is very impressive... until you go to the games section, and see that two have been released, and both of those are poor.

It's just aswell you're not studying law isn't it?!

Are you perchance studying being arrogant and smug? Although Tiger Electronics (a part of Hasbro) and Tiger Telelmatics are unrelated, the fate of Gizmondo will be the same as

Is this an example of the "British disease" at work again?

Well, I'm American, and I think Gizmondo is f**ked. Go figure.

You will see just how assertive (a better word I think), Tiger Telematics will get, they are don't forget an American company!(with British technology I might add!!!)

There you go again, sounding like you are an employee of Tiger.

Funny how spec' conveniently doesn't seem to be a factor now hey? Well I'll keep it short it has the fastest processor out there on th market 128bit Nvidia chip 3DForce.

But without the games that people care about, it doen't matter if you get Deep Thought into a handheld, and give it a Quadro FX-3000G GPU - no one will care.

A sense of humour is essential, especially if it's droll & dry! Try & work on it yourself.

Is that the sound of tumbleweed blowing slowly across the forum I hear?
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Fri, 8 Apr 2005 14:50
Svend Joscelyne wrote:

Um, what? As a (training, taking a degree course ;P) journalist myself, I don't see any journalistic inaccuracies in SPOnG's post there.

Thanks for that.

I did, personally, think that the original piece was too cynical and agressive. And I told the writer that. But he convinced me that it was justified, that Tiger was doing a very poor job of launching that Gizmondo, and that the software line-up was laughable.

So I did some of my own research, and I had to say that, basically, I agree with him.

I'd like to point out that I am not really a journalist any more, though I do wirte the odd article, I have something being published in the Guardian in the next couple of weeks. My own comments in this forum are my personal opinions. They do not really represent SPOnG editorial standpoint, though they may happen to coincide with and inform that standpoint.

I am strongly in favour of new entrants to the market. I despise the monopoly that is developing in computer games, both from a hardware and a software publishing perspective.

But it was Jake's blind acceptance of Gizmondo's market hype that affronted me so.

But I note with interest that while Jake has addressed your posting point by point, he has not even addressed the direct questions I put to him. So I'll ask him again to give us example of the many times that new entrants have broken the mould in mature markets.

If SPOnG cannot know that it is a poor product based on the fact that we have played with it for a very short period of time, and seen very few titles, how can he know that it is a quality product with barely more exposure to it.

Jake also seems to suffer from the fervour of the early adopter, desparately needing everyone else to validate his purchasing decision. I pesonally think people should only beome early adoptors if they can accept that the money they spent may possibly have been as productively used as fuel for a small fire.

I cannot help but suspect that Jake is part of a viral marketing exercise. An employee of a company employed by Tiger to talk up the Gizmondo in forums and newsgroups. I accept that he may not be, but his admiration for the Gizmondo seems to go far beyond that of a typical early adopter.

I'm of the Bill Hicks school of thought where marketing is concerned. And I'd hate to think that our forums were being used to market products. If Tiger wants to talk to our users, it is welcome to pay for advertising.
Joined 10 Jun 2004
Fri, 8 Apr 2005 15:34
DoctorDee wrote:
I have something being published in the Guardian in the next couple of weeks.

Cool. Any chance of a link if it goes up on Guardian Unlimited?

So I'll ask him again to give us example of the many times that new entrants have broken the mould in mature markets.

I have to admit that you have a good point there.

The best example I can think of is the Playstation and the Xbox. The PS broke into a market dominated by Sega and Nintendo while the Xbox broke into a market domainated by Sony.

If SPOnG cannot know that it is a poor product based on the fact that we have played with it for a very short period of time, and seen very few titles, how can he know that it is a quality product with barely more exposure to it.

I have a support for Gizmondo based on the fact that on paper the device may look ugly but sounds impressive. The company have also signed Microsoft Game Studios, Ubi and SCi. This gives it the possibility of considerable support in the future especially if M$ can pull a few more games out of the bag. The Xbox sold on Halo alone, why not Gizmondo too?

It could well be that the Gizmondo will carve out a small but profitable market. The nGage must have been profitable for Nokia, and it has sold a fair number.

My instant reaction that the moment is that it's launched with insufficient games at a stupid price. £230 for an ugly portable console without the screen/aesthetics of the PSP or the possible play features of the DS seems stupid. However, should that price come down to £100-150 or so then the console may stand a chance.

I cannot help but suspect that Jake is part of a viral marketing exercise. An employee of a company employed by Tiger to talk up the Gizmondo in forums and newsgroups. I accept that he may not be, but his admiration for the Gizmondo seems to go far beyond that of a typical early adopter.

That would just be dirty.

If Gizmondo could get a few in shops to try I'd be will up for going in and having a play to give my opinion on the actual console, but at the moment there doesn't seem to be anywhere to actually play the console itself. People are naturally cautious about purchasing an unproven device from a new company. The only way Tiger can convince people to buy would be to take it out on the road and into game shops throughout the UK. If it's such a good device, it will sell itself.
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Fri, 8 Apr 2005 16:49
Adam M wrote:
Cool. Any chance of a link if it goes up on Guardian Unlimited?

Of course!

The best example I can think of is the Playstation and the Xbox.

I take your point, but the key for me is is the term "broke the mould". I do not believe that either Sony or Microsoft did that. They essentially did EXACTLY what Sega and Nintendo had done before them, but of course with a new generation of faster hardware, and with CD media. But they were logical iterative developments, in fact both Sega and Commodore had had CD consoles already.

Jake maintains that Gizmondo is a breakthrough piece of hardware. I dispute that.

The company have also signed Microsoft Game Studios, Ubi and SCi. This gives it the possibility of considerable support in the future especially if M$ can pull a few more games out of the bag.

The thing is, it costs a developer nothing to say that they will support a new platform. But that doesn't mean that they actually WILL.

It doesn't cost them too much to port a few old games - and gives them a possible welcome revenue stream for old IP.

But to produce new, dedicated games, costs lots. And there is no proof that anyone other than Tiger's own studios are going to do that for Gizmondo. And they do not seem to have any particularly interesting IP.

But without stand out new games, no console will succeed.

The Xbox sold on Halo alone, why not Gizmondo too?

Because Halo has not been released for Gizmondo. I know that sounds fatuous, but you get what I mean, Gizmondo doesn't have a killer app.

It could well be that the Gizmondo will carve out a small but profitable market.

The problem is in the modern marketplace, small just isn't profitable anymore. Tiger has already burned through millions doing very creditable websites, presentations at E3 and Game Stars, PAs with Pharrel out of the Neptunes and advertising campaigns from Mother. Unless it is more than a small success, it is unlikely to be a profitable one.

However, should that price come down to £100-150 or so then the console may stand a chance.

I think even at that price, it would still suffer from not having sufficient games available for it. Plus the manufacturers would probably be losing an unbearable amount of money on each unit.
Joined 10 Jun 2004
Fri, 8 Apr 2005 16:55
Yeah, as always your reasoning is 100% sound.

Prehaps I was just being a tad optimistic.

The Register have found that even the console's killer GPS feature is seriously flawed:

In fact, the reviewer appears to have similar sentiments to myself about the unit.
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Fri, 8 Apr 2005 17:15
Adam M wrote:
Yeah, as always your reasoning is 100% sound.

I wish ;-) it always was, I mean!

On the other hand, I do think the Gizmondo looks great.

And I do wish we had a serious third player in the hand-held market. And that that third player wasn't Microsoft - but as I've stated before, I think Giz wil either fail, or get bought by Microsoft and turned into Xmob.

But after reading the review on your link, it sounds like it's got even more to worry about than the lack of games. And it's OK the reviewer saying give them six months to sort it out - this market just doesn't work like that.

I know that the reviewer likened it to the problems that "dogged" PS2 and PSP on launch, but that's just bull. 99% of PS2s and PSPs were/are fine. Yes there were/are some manufacturing and quality problems - but the Gizmondo seems to have fundamental design problems - no on-board memory for maps, no GPS antenna. These things can't be fixed by a software release.
Joined 10 Jun 2004
Fri, 8 Apr 2005 17:28
The flaws that The Register cite with Gizmondo are fatal.

The GPS could provide the killer functionality and it doesn't work.

I can't believe it has no real local storage. I value my mobile credit a bit too much to be able to pay to fetch everything via expensive GPRS. I physically wouldn't be able to afford to run the system.

Many of the gripes as are fixable, but also as you said the market won't let Tiger have time to fix them. Just look at the flagging nGage QD.

But it will still be interesting, and they're not Microsoft yet. The future awaits.
Joined 5 Apr 2005
Sun, 10 Apr 2005 12:13
Ok, here we go again…


Let’s start with the internal memory issue shall we?!
64 mb’s of internal memory:

This has been cut and pasted directly from the Gizmondo website:

World's most powerful memory chip into Gizmondo

Now we can say it. Gizmondo will come complete with the industry's most advanced on-board nonvolatile memory chip, mDiskOnChip G3 from M-Systems.

"I am pleased to see our new mDiskOnChip G3 product contribute to the high-performance, small size and long battery life of this exciting multi-entertainer," says Francois Kaplan, General Manager of M-Systems Europe.

mDiskOnChip G3 was launched in March 2004. It provides low cost, next-generation flash storage for embedded systems, without compromising reliability and performance. The 64MB flash disk gives Gizmondo the necessary on-board storage for it's variety of facilities, such as movie playing, gaming and music. What it means in non-technical terms is simply: maximum fun.

Gps works absolutely fine. Just stood outside my house getting a fix on 8 satellites,
Which took about 2 minutes.. Then clicked on “Where am I “ came straight back not only the road I live in but also my house number too.
When the “Tom Tom” software is released next month, we really will be “cooking with gas”!!!

Doctor Dee wrote:
“But I note with interest that while Jake has addressed your posting point by point, he has not even addressed the direct questions I put to him. So I'll ask him again to give us example of the many times that new entrants have broken the mould in mature markets.”

OK. Let’s put his question to rest. Dyson, a new-comer into the vacuum cleaner market, was a rank outsider but he competed against the long-time leaders, Electrolux and is still going strong. Anita Roddick launched into a mature cosmetics market with a new approach to selling and marketing beauty products with the Body Shop. Still doing well I believe. Apple, I also believe have been very successful. They have been through rough times but twice they have swam against the tide of opinion and gained strong market share. Do you want another? Well, there’s EasyJet with its new approach to marketing flying – in a mature market against to rather big and established set-ups. BA immediately springs to mind! And I could go on but I’m come to the end of the line in terms of doing your research for you. I’ve argued my case clearly, clarified every claim and corrected your errors, and believe it or not I have no association with Tiger Telematics other than the fact that I think the Gizmondo is a great product and the company has lots of potential. Not a crime I think.

With 21 stores opening up globally. 89 games to be launched. Millions of units already signed up in distribution deals around the world.

I think the future is looking good. However the test of time will tell.

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