Japanese Xbox 360 support: "...to the extreme"

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Topic started: Tue, 5 Apr 2005 13:39
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Joined 7 Apr 2005
Thu, 7 Apr 2005 07:22
Is anyone here other than me sick of this Neo guy ruining every single post he responds in?! He keeps contradicting himself left and right, saying the PS2 is so high and mighty and we are all morons for falling victom to Microsoft and it's alluring Xbox, and then going on to say that he himself owns one....for halo non-the-less(which he also keeps bashing). If I remember correctly the Xbox was number one in sales numbers for the '04 holiday season, and you had your great GTA title to help fend against Master Cheif. But the truth is that no one that bought GTA 3 cared about San Andreas for more than a week, it was an expansion pack for a bland game as was Vice City. You payed full price for those, didn't you...and you complain about Xbox Live's price, you're such a fool. And as for the Japanese sticking with Nintendo and Sony just because they're Japanese companies, that's the stupidest...least coherent thing I've ever read in any forum or post of any kind.....EVER. Look at you, you damn Yankee...you're a proud American and you sit at home lubing it up to play your JAPANESE console. So why do you play PS2 if you're American...software you jackass...and why would the Japanese play an American console...software. I'm glad we cleared that up. If anyone else agrees that this guy brings nothing intelligent to these posts and is just mad because people on Spong like Xbox and Live more than PS2 and their near non-existant online service....just let me know, and tell him know so that way he can see that he's become a lot of wasted space on a great website.
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