Exclusive: Xbox 2 Focus Group Names Machine, Offers Glimpse of Marketing Future

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Topic started: Wed, 16 Mar 2005 12:11
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Joined 24 Jan 2004
Thu, 17 Mar 2005 10:37
mattseds wrote:
You got fooled! ... focus groups are more to create hype than to leak info.

No, it's a homonym.

Focus groups are for companies to fok'us.
Joined 27 Jan 2004
Thu, 17 Mar 2005 11:32
kid_77 wrote:
"Xbox 360: Amplify Yourself!; Xbox 360: You're Next!; and Xbox 360: Shine!"


Ok Sony and and Ninty, this should be easy to top:

"PS3 - Heaven awaits!"

"Revolution - Touch the monolith, and evolve to the nth degree in an instant!"
I agree... Looks like they haven't learned a single thing from what happened with the Dreamcast. There is only one slogan that has a chance of staving off the massive anticipation there will be about the PS3.

Xbox... - The Future's Here. Why Wait?
Joined 29 Nov 2004
Fri, 25 Mar 2005 19:54
According to HSDEMONZ, the OXB Magazine's resident "insider" has said the next generation Xbox is to be called Xbox Next. The only other slightly interesting titbit [fnar] is that it won't be backwards compatible.

Not being a reader of this publication, I can't attest it's authenticity. But the article's author advises to "Take OXM rumours with a grain of salt."
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Tue, 26 Apr 2005 11:41
kid_77 wrote:
According to HSDEMONZ, the OXB Magazine's resident "insider" has said the next generation Xbox is to be called Xbox Next."

whoa, had to re-read your post...looked for a second like you were saying HSDEMONZ was OXBM's "insider"...he's not, if anyone else made that same mistake. Though I'd trust HSDEMONZ (or anyone at x-s) over anything OXBM had to say.
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