Iwata: ‘Revolution user interface not yet decided’ – Plus lots more on new home console

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Topic started: Mon, 14 Mar 2005 13:43
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Joined 10 Jun 2004
Wed, 16 Mar 2005 09:05
vault 13 wrote:
Even though I don't think graphics are the biggest decider for me when looking at games, %75 of the gaming populace is made up of jocks, kids, gansta ghetto kids who play Madden and GTA, et al. There not gonna wanna control an italian plumber by voice or fly Kirby around with strap on wings.

This is why Nintendo need to fund some adult game development as well as keeping their kiddie franchises.

I think that the Revolution will flop unless Nintendo gets it's act together.
Joined 6 Apr 2004
Wed, 16 Mar 2005 09:27
Adam M wrote:

This is why Nintendo need to fund some adult game development as well as keeping their kiddie franchises.

I think that the Revolution will flop unless Nintendo gets it's act together.

Well depends on your defintiion of "adult". In my opinion games like gta only appeal to kiddies and teens.

Nearly all of the cube owners i know are in their 30's and love playing "kiddy" games (as you put it) like mario.

but as i said before.. why go for the same market as the other ones are going for? But if you want "adult" games (i.e. games for kids with violence and stuff).. look at resi-evil 4 and eternal darkness.. Or do "adult" games only count when they're crap?
Joined 10 Jun 2004
Wed, 16 Mar 2005 13:49
Yeah, I'd agree with that, however Nintendo's main focus with games hasn't been anything other than kids. Some adults may watch the Loony Toons, but they're designed with kids in mind.

I don't sticktly mean adult adult nudity, sex, violence games but games that are "popular" at the present time. For example FPS and RPG genres.

Nintendo still produce games derived from what people were playing in the 90s.

Important Edit
This month Personal Computer World have reviewed the Nintendo DS. Their main summary of it was that it doesn't stand a chance against the PSP, however that it will do well in the market Nintendo are aiming it at, kids. The magazine states that the DS was obviously targeted at children.
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