New Nintendo DS Colours Revealed at Long Last!

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Topic started: Wed, 2 Mar 2005 13:27
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Arse McAdams
Joined 4 Mar 2004
Thu, 3 Mar 2005 17:11
Zeo wrote:
An array of contemptible and anally-retentive outbursts, both too frequent and too ignorant to bother quoting

Why not actually read the story, you gimp.

The GBA 2 story infers that Spong has been given this information from within Nintendo - if anyone's lying it's the source of the story, and if this is the case then so be it. Spong should be given credit for a) making the effort to get hold of news like this and b) having the balls to publish stories that could either upset publishers, prove to be false, or both.

If it is all bullshit, then f**k it. Is your life that frustrating and uneventful that a video game news story whips you up into such a frenzy? My suggestion would be to either go let off some steam or get the f**k off these forums.
Joined 10 Jun 2004
Thu, 3 Mar 2005 18:01
Calm down, children.

We've had this discussion before.

Let's just wait for E3, guys.
Zeo [banned]
Joined 28 Nov 2004
Thu, 3 Mar 2005 19:00
Arse McAdams wrote:
Zeo wrote:
An array of contemptible and anally-retentive outbursts, both too frequent and too ignorant to bother quoting

Why not actually read the story, you gimp.

The GBA 2 story infers that Spong has been given this information from within Nintendo - if anyone's lying it's the source of the story, and if this is the case then so be it. Spong should be given credit for a) making the effort to get hold of news like this and b) having the balls to publish stories that could either upset publishers, prove to be false, or both.

If it is all bullshit, then f**k it. Is your life that frustrating and uneventful that a video game news story whips you up into such a frenzy? My suggestion would be to either go let off some steam or get the f**k off these forums.

It's called an excuse, fool, so Spong can cover the fact that they're -lying-.

And you want to know how I know? It's not a SECRET, jackass, it's common sense. You should get some.

The people here sure are blind.
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Thu, 3 Mar 2005 22:52
Have to agree with Adam on this one. Everyone take your pinch of salt and wait for E3 to see what happens, as much as I like the news that's what I am doing.

There's no need to get ants in your pants about it, Zeo. It's just news which is yet to be confirmed. If you don't believe Spong that's fine and we've heard you loud and clear, but why bother coming here to blow a fuse about it?

I am not your enemy and I don't know you but if it's biting you so much just let the passage of time pass and we'll find out in a few weeks.

Peace to y'all
Joined 21 Feb 2005
Fri, 4 Mar 2005 09:25
Zeo wrote:
It's called an excuse, fool, so Spong can cover the fact that they're -lying-.

And you want to know how I know? It's not a SECRET, jackass, it's common sense. You should get some.

The people here sure are blind.

Common sense? Since when has common sense had anything to do with Nintendo's strategy?

Ex. With the DS due to launch in just seven days in the UK, common sense would suggest that Nintendo would be whoring the f**k out of it so that everybody from little Timmy to grandpa Jones knows about it thinks its cool.

Cue tumbleweed, haunting winds blowing over open plains.

Where's the parity between common sense and Nintendo's strategy? Only medium to hardcore gamers know about the DS in the UK. Common sense here says that something peculiar's afoot.

Here's a thing. You registered months ago, and this thread contains your inaugural post. Classic astroturfing behavior. You're a Nintendo PR drone pinwheeling like f**k in an vain attampt to perform some damage limitation, and I claim by five rupees.
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