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Topic started: Tue, 16 Nov 2004 11:52
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Joined 7 Jan 2004
Thu, 18 Nov 2004 23:52
lex_vc wrote:
Perhaps you should make your points a little clearer next time. The way I read it was - "I own a PS2, the Xbox is simply a rip-off of a PC, so why both even caring about the sequel to the console."

It's funny how you never hear anything particularly good about the console on this website as well, nor its games. For every good news to come along for it, you seem to have a bad comment to make about it. Not to mention the fact that you manage to undermine every aspect of the console. The GTA: SA review has been on the front page for 3 weeks, whereas the Halo 2 review was late getting up on the page in the first place, and there is no doubt in my mind it will be gone relatively soon.

I know what you're thinking. "Like it matters, more people own PS2s, and he can't make a difference anyway". True, but you know what, that doesn't keep me from being severely disappointed with your site and the way you run it. It would just be nice if we had a more unbiased video game website. I don't mind the PS2 news, but give the Xbox some good comments for once, will ya?

I agree 100%. It's ridiculous when you try to read through a NEWS site (one that I frequent because it gets great scoops, often earlier than the competition) that is completely tainted by cynical, opiniated tripe instead of an unbiased view on the video game industry.

I hate the fact that I constantly have to defend myself just for owning a microsoft produced console. They're evil; so what. Corporations aren't there to give you a backrub and ask you about your day, they exist to sell you things that you like and want. So far, they've done a great job with the "things I like and want" aspect.

Anyway... we should all just shut up and play some dreamcast.
Joined 14 Oct 1999
Fri, 19 Nov 2004 14:00
lex_vc wrote:
Of course games are the most important, yet I fail to see where you get the idea that "XBox users are simply pissed off because PS2 owners can point to custom CPU, custom graphics processor and custom control chips".

And I fail to see where you got the idea that "PS2 users are simply pissed because Microsoft used better PC parts than Sony did." I posed an opposing view that was just as valid in the opinion that it expressed. All the XBox owners I know are constantly defending their consoles with the "it's not just a PC" line. Given the ire stirred up on this thread by Rod Todd's initial assertion that the XBox was just a PC, I would have to imagine XBox owners are pissed off at this constant defending. That was what my point was about.

lex_vc wrote:
I am perfectly happy knowing that I have a PC part in my Xbox, because you know what? It's better than Sony's custom pieces.

The point being made is that you don't just have one piece of PC hardware in your XBox - your XBox is a PC. It has PC architecture, a PC CPU, PC memory, PC controller chips and PC graphics. The only non-PC bit about the whole thing is the controllers, and even these use a version of USB.

lex_vc wrote:
The main draw for the xbox (as well as how many of the games run so well) is the hard drive. Hard drives have existed since the early 90s. There is no reason Sony couldn't use one in the PS2 (much less a simply 5-10 GB one, God knows they have the money).

I think the main draw of the XBox at the moment is Live! and the opportunities offered by an online service that actually seems to work well.

The main reason that Microsoft lose money on every XBox sold (or have done so far) is the inclusion of the hard drive. The hard drive is not confirmed for Xenon, so maybe Microsoft are having second thoughts.

lex_vc wrote:
Speaking of custom processors, the CELL chip? Unproven, overprices, and in my opinion, most likely overpriced.

The PSX and PS2 had custom processors, the GameCube has a custom processor. Custom processors aren't anything new in the console market. Not many people outside of Sony or IBM knows what the Cell chip will do. Certainly, we don't know how much it will cost.

The fact is, I don't agree with Sony's business principles or the amount of dedication they've given to the industry (next to none).

Yet you do agree with Microsoft's business principles? Sony haven't got up to half the tricks that Microsoft have done in the past. Nor have they been ruled to have acted in an illegal manner, like Microsoft have.

And Sony have plenty of dedication to the industry. They have expanded the size of the market, almost single-handedly, since the release of the PSX.

lex_vc wrote:
Ok, I'm sorry, I have rambled on enough.

Hey, that's what these boards are for.
Master Chef
Joined 2 Nov 2002
Fri, 19 Nov 2004 14:35
Stryfe01 wrote:
the graphics processing unit is an advanced gpu. not a current generation (at the time) nvidia geforce gpu.

I think there will be a R500-level (R520?) GPU card out for PCs before Xenon is released (early 2005 is my guess).

Anyway Nvidia's cards are currently the best imo.

My point being that it might be 'tweaked' to deal with Xenon's quirks and limitations, but it's still going to be essentially the same beast as a stock PC GPU card.

Joined 24 Jan 2004
Fri, 19 Nov 2004 15:00
lex_vc wrote:
Unproven, overprices, and in my opinion, most likely overpriced.

Now, that looks like English. It smells like English.. but it shure ans sugar don't sound like English.

lex_vc wrote:
Yes, I am what I suppose you would call an "Xbox fanboy"

Oh, you're quite wrong there. I'd never call you that.

lex_vc wrote:
but that doesn't mean that I am completely biased towards it.

No, it's everything you're written that means that.

lex_vc wrote:
I still base all of my opinions on Sony on fact.

Is what you say. And we're all mighty impressed by your level headed bi-partisan attitude.

But then you go and blow it all by talking out of your rectum thus:

lex_vc wrote:
The fact is, I don't agree with Sony's business principles or the amount of dedication they've given to the industry (next to none).

Of course. Because next to Microsoft, Sony's "business principles" are horrific.

And Microsoft have done so much for the industry (I assume you are talking about the gaming indiustry)...

lex_vc wrote:
Ok, I'm sorry, I have rambled on enough.

More than enough. But you were spot on with the rambling part.
Joined 24 Jan 2004
Fri, 19 Nov 2004 15:08
kinigitt wrote:
I agree 100%. It's ridiculous when you try to read through a NEWS site (one that I frequent because it gets great scoops, often earlier than the competition) that is completely tainted by cynical, opiniated tripe instead of an unbiased view on the video game industry.

Oh, don't be a doormat. Are you so used to being fed corporate approved, unquestioning tripe by Fox News that you can;t cope with a world where people hold real opinions?

Have you spent so much time reading the unquestioningly re-written press releases on GameSpot that actual opinions scare you, make you feel inadequate because you got yours of the back of a cereal packet.

kinigitt wrote:
I hate the fact that I constantly have to defend myself just for owning a microsoft produced console.

You are not defending yourself for owning the console, you are defending for suporting an organisation that has held back computing for years, and will spoil the games indistry. Who don't give a damn about games or gaming, just about profits.

kinigitt wrote:
Corporations aren't there to give you a backrub and ask you about your day, they exist to sell you things that you like and want.

Really, That's what corporations are for? To sell you what you want? WRONG! They are there to make money for their shareholders. In a compeitive market, the only way they can do that is to sell you things you want... but as they achieve market dominance, they can (and increasingly do) sell you what THEY want. And because you let them get dominance, you can't do jack about it.

kinigitt wrote:
Anyway... we should all just shut up and play some dreamcast.

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