PES 2011 Release Date Challenges FIFA 11

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Topic started: Wed, 18 Aug 2010 10:42
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Thu, 19 Aug 2010 10:42
PES I believe might be for those who can't type proper grammer..
Joined 19 Dec 2005
Thu, 19 Aug 2010 11:01
@TK - I believe Konami said that in the next few years they hope to have all the licenses, but currently EA have exclusive rights on lots, and those contracts need to expire!

@pollox - yes blud!!
Thu, 19 Aug 2010 15:00
why PES11 is not coming in PSP
Gucci boy
Thu, 19 Aug 2010 15:31
DJ Onick
Fri, 20 Aug 2010 01:12
Fifa is for people who want realism.
PES is for people who just want a bit of fun.
any way im a fifa fan because pes is really unrealistic come on i know the game is fun but at least make it realistic enough.the players run like as if they need the toilet and the goalkeepers are just crap even the best one's.
DJ Onick
Fri, 20 Aug 2010 01:15
@manan it will come on psp but after the ps3 and xbox 360 versions are out
DJ Onick
Fri, 20 Aug 2010 01:25
check this website out it tells how well both games have done over the last five years. ***n00b weblink removed***
Sun, 29 Aug 2010 18:52
Pes is for hardcore footballers. Fifa is for small kids who prefer a football game to grow instead of hitting the game running...PES is always the s**t when it comes to playability whereas FIFA tends to become lack-lustre on the long run
Fri, 3 Sep 2010 17:27
Both FIFA and PES are good games. fifa has definately been better overall both off and online over the last 2 years. I am looking forward to pes this year, from what i have seen, its looking like how it should have looked from 09 edition. fifa will be good though too im sure, but pes will get my £40 and thats 4 damn sho! psn nate_210
Sat, 4 Sep 2010 12:16
@play_Pes?_=_fail fifa is for noobs
Tue, 21 Sep 2010 22:59
iv played both pes and fifa demo i am fan off both but no doubt pes is beta it has champions leauge and all the others lyk euro cup and everything amazon plus now the players are more realistic lyk the keepers save a pritty lot off shot depending on how good they are in real life but on fifa u can just score from halfway line like wot kids lyk to do :/ pes all the way the only thing they need is the kits on the teams fixed and names and thn more teams lyk fifa has every leauge if pes had tht fifa would probs be out off buisness no1 wud buy it cum on pes get ever lisence ino tht fifas are narely expired soon so hopefully they wont renew and join pes where they belong :)
Fri, 24 Sep 2010 15:00
Personaaly i hadn't bought a fifa since 95, when as van basten you went to the one posisition and i went to pro evo and vowed never to go bk to fifa...until i bought a ps3 and fifa 10 was the free game just for playing purposes i cracked on took me a while to get out used to not having pro evo controls, but when i got into it loved it so assumed pro evo 10 would be twice the game as it has been for ages....i was so annoyed! it was no were near! it seemed wooden compared to fifa in fluid gameplay and neat touches and much to fast for realism, c'mon enjoying the fact you can build a beautifull move up and find it difficult is realism...the fact a team will make it difficult is realism...and football fans love to tinker with management side as well, the intricate transfer options and scouting, all i am sadly dissapointed to say fifa have took to a level way beyond pro evo in the 10 series, have pre ordrerd fifa 11 but haven't heard or seen pro evo 11 so any one with websites i'm still soooo wanting to fall bk in love with the pro evo i have been for years
Sat, 16 Oct 2010 19:21
i love what ea did with the fifa happy for the tight competiotio though.
mohammed taha
Thu, 21 Oct 2010 18:59
i love pes
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