Analysts: PS3 vs Xbox 360 Xmas Fight

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Topic started: Wed, 25 Nov 2009 13:10
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Joined 14 Feb 2008
Wed, 25 Nov 2009 15:35
What are you buying this Xmas?

as of right now:

MW2 Prestige Edition and a Guitar

I have both and PS3 is by far the best of the 2
Wed, 25 Nov 2009 16:51

I have both and 360 is best of the two. I guess it comes down to taste and generally preferring the better versions of games.

Regarding the awards.. AAA's or not. there's not much there pn the PS3 exclusive list that has done anything for me. Uncharted 2 would be it.
Wed, 25 Nov 2009 16:53

as soon as you use phrases like "xbot" it become impossible to take a word you say seriously as it's clearly going to be written through a fanboy filter.
Joined 14 Feb 2008
Wed, 25 Nov 2009 17:14

I agree it is down to taste, as for better versions on 360 I have to disagree very rare is there anything more than a negligible difference, might have been true 3 years ago but not any more.
Thu, 26 Nov 2009 00:36
Xbox 360 is better than ps3. The 360 was god's gift to the world. It really is that amazing!
Thu, 26 Nov 2009 00:57
Why can't we all ge along? Now is the best time in gaming history. I own both systems I personly think as a purely gaming machine the Xbox 360 is better, But the PS3 IS A ALL AROUND BETTER VALUE AT THERE CURRENT PRICE POINT. Some one mentioned that at the Spike VGA award show the PS3 cleaned up....Think about this---SONY has better 1st party support than MS. But after all is said and done we all should be happy that both machine are doing well, that means better times for us all. Again I own both systems an I show them equal love....just my 2 cents...Happythanks giving to all.
Thu, 26 Nov 2009 01:38
God's gift to the world was the the crucifiction if his only Son. so that you and I can live and have eternal life if we accept Jesus in our life :-)
Thu, 26 Nov 2009 02:10
ps3 10 times better and free playstation network rahter then 50 dollars a year in this recesion
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Thu, 26 Nov 2009 06:04
But vouchercodes does not actually SELL ANY consoles "through their site". It merely points users to discount promotions.

No PS3 promotions, no sales "through their site" no kick-back payments for Mr Pearson.

I cannot think of a more skewed indicator, and for CVG to be interviewing Mark Pearson, rather than someone with an objective overview of the market. Mark is making money off the back of 360 promotions, so it is in his interest to hype the console to generate interest in the promotions.

As a PR exercise for vouchercodes, this has been superb work though. Next, Mark will be telling us that the tawdry restaurants he peddles 50% off vouchers* for are better than the Fat Duck - based on sales "through his site".

* Only valid on Tuesday afternoons in November between 14:56 and 14:58 for meals including no main course. Discount does not apply to drinks, side orders, starters or puddings.
Thu, 26 Nov 2009 10:15
Not intended to be a rant - just my two penneth...

I seriously believe that with the slim Sony COULD find their feet; but for **ME** the SONY ship has sailed (except for the PSP - I much prefer that to the DS).

I tend to the verbose; but am no noob (38 yrs old, started consoles with Binatone...) so consider that my opinion has validity to someone!

Being a techie who loves my media, I have tried most things on most consoles and can agree with some of the comments made here from both sides...

YES - the xbox is noisy compared to the PS3 - though I hear the latest revision is quiter (whereas apparently the slim is slightly noisier than the original PS3 - not from experience, just the industry reviews) - that being said, it's still probably quieter than the latest XBOX.

YES - the PS3 has bluray - but BEWARE - if you have invested heavily in a good sound setup which can strip TrueHD / other lossless 7.1 from the HDMI then DONT get the original PS3 - it will re-encode the stream before it hits the amp and WILL BE INFERIOR. The slim has the option NOT to do this.

YES - the PS3 will play AVCHD (nobody has said this yet - it's a big plus if you have an HD camcorder).

YES - the PS3 online gaming is free.

(I can't defend the noise level of the XBOX - it really annoys me)

You can get a MUCH cheaper bluray player for less than half the cost of a bare PS3; and - sorry to have to say this - it will be a BETTER experience. The PS3 takes an age to get to the bluray content. The PS3 can't be controlled by a universal remote 'coz it's not I//R (yes you could pay more for a device to convert it). The PS3 remote is not backlit and is poorly laid out (a big thing if you're really into media - H/T setups usually operate "lights out"). I KNOW that digital content is digital content is digital content etc. but the same video stream somehow looks CRISPER from the LG BD370 than my PS3; and before anyone asks - YES - I've tried switching on / off and adjusting ALL the video options etc. Like I said - I'm not exactly a noob at this... OK - you'd have to add a bluray player to the cost of your xbox if bluray is important to you - but if bluray IS important to you, the PS3 will be annoying (My personal experience - at-least if you have the original (non-slim) PS3 with a decent amp and an H/T setup). If you just want bluray to plug into your front-room telly / standard home audio setup then any flavour PS3 might fit your needs.

The XBOX will play anything your HT PC can if you're running media center - it's a media box extender which has an excellent interface. OK - you can get the excellent free PSM media streamer for your PC if it's going to be on anyway to deliver content to your PS3; but actually I prefer the common UI approach taken by MS on this one - maybe just because I don't particulaly like the XMB (personal preference). The xbox can also stream content (video / audio) from normal PC shares just like the PS3 if you dont have media center; but despite recent improvements you may have some content which will play on the PS3 but wont on the xobx (and vice-versa - the PS3 is a long way from perfect on this, too - but maybe has a very slight edge). If you are streaming audio on the xbox from the local drive / a PC share etc. you can choose to use it as background audio in ANY game!

XBOX LIVE. OK - you PAY to play games online with your mates, but everything else on it (except for rented / purchased content of-course, which will by definition carry a cost on ANY network...) is free, fast and really intuitive. By the way - WHEN you pay your £5 per month for "Gold" membership - the consistent use of the LIVE facilities for voice comms / invitations / parties / trophies / online links to gamercards / avatars (Thanks, Wii!) / non-game specific buddy lists etc. is an amazingly well thought-out - yet constantly evolving - experience. I dont think anyone seriously critical of live vs PSN would suggest that PSN is better - just less expensive.

The "New features" being introduced to offer 3rd party services on both consoles are interesting but really not an edge for either console - as the other could as easily broker a similar deal with the provider. But FYI: BBCiPlayer on PS3 - excellent and free. Will eventually probably hit the xbox, too despite their tie-in with Sky but there is no official suggestion of that from MS yet... SkyPlayer on XBOX - potentially better than iPlayer - but AGAIN with costs associated unless you are already multiroom or broadband unlimited with Sky - this price policy could change at any time and is SKY's cost, not MS. THE VOD section of the SkyPlayer is fabulous, by the way. Music video streaming service onthe PS3 - EXCELLENT but frequently takes an age to start / update etc. Playstation HOME on PS3 - Actually is Sony so wont go to XBOX but come on - seriously - a VERY poor implementation (Tech is amazing, but why so darned SLOW moving from scene to scene?). ANNOYINGLY slow in use but worth 20 minutes to look at (Will take more than that to get it running first time...). After that, you wont want to go back. Facebook / Twitter on XBOX - no idea - dont use either - have 3 young lads, a wife and a life; no time left after work and an occasional movie / game!. Zune marketplace on XBOX - actually is MS so wont go to PS3 - but PS3 could offer something similar (YES - I know they already offer movies etc. online; but take a serious look at the Zune thing - it really does stream HD after about a 20 second delay... brilliant!). Last.FM on XBOX - fantastic. Will probably go to the PS3 too eventually; I was already a Last.FM user, so knew what to expect but the implementation is great.

Finally - the games... Like I said before - for me; the 360 titles appeal more. Don't want to get into protracted debate or slanging match - it's that simple. I prefer the 360 games and gaming experience.
Joined 14 Feb 2008
Thu, 26 Nov 2009 12:35
wg wrote:
God's gift to the world was the the crucifiction if his only Son. so that you and I can live and have eternal life if we accept Jesus in our life :-)

sure it was, god's gift to the world was video games whether it be PS3, 360 or both
Thu, 26 Nov 2009 14:51
It seems some don't know the truth here so here goes.

Any Xbox can use an external USB connected hard drive of any size.
If it's formatted to HFS+ you also have no Fat 32 restriction - so your HD .wmv encodes can be a decent 4gb+ size.

The fact that some of the PS3 fans don't care to accept is that PS3 has had its sales spike, those who were waiting on the slim & the price-cut have now bought one and sales are tailing off again.

Xbox just offers much more for gaming.
I don't need Blu-ray in a game console and similarly if I want wi-fi it's no big deal, I'll just use a spare router - although personally I much prefer a wired connection for less lag and greater accuracy.
Sat, 28 Nov 2009 19:11
PS3 all the way. Better graphics, better games, better controllers, Blu-Ray+DVD player, FREE PSN!!!!!!, and a lot of other better stuff.
Sat, 5 Dec 2009 05:18
Switching systems
Mon, 7 Dec 2009 02:21
Well ive been an xbox fan for a long time first 360 lasted 2 hours the 2nd system three months and i have went through three systems since then and im not even a hardcore gamer so after investing into over 30 games rockband set up and my forza 3 with wheel im giving up. time to sell it all off because if i see the three red rings 1 more time i will kill bill gates. this christmas I asked my wife to get me a PS3 no more low quality microsoft garbage

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