Bungie: We Carried Xbox 360

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Topic started: Thu, 6 Nov 2008 16:24
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Joined 4 Jul 2007
Thu, 6 Nov 2008 16:24
I think its safe to say that Halo did make the XBOX a cult gaming choice at the time, it had a reason to be on the market, but the 360 would not of failed without Halo 3, in effect the 360 was initally successful on the carried weight of the XBOX and Halo 1 & 2 fans, so it helped the 360 certainly, but Bungie wont be helping the next XBOX, although the HALO IP might.

But isnt this the situation for all consoles? Good games equal good console sales?

XBOX has Halo just like the PS1 had Final Fantasy to thank.

Its a little big headed of the Dev to think they Made MS gaming choice easier! the fact the game was good Dev should get thanks for, thats about it, but it will be interesting to see where Bungie ends up, i suspect without Halo they will struggle to be noticed as much.

Joined 13 Apr 2005
Thu, 6 Nov 2008 17:32
haritori wrote:

But isnt this the situation for all consoles? Good games equal good console sales?

Explain the PSP sales then? Which aren't really bad, actually quite good, just not compared to the DS, but no one buys games on it that aren't called Monster Hunter...and it sold already quite good before Monster Huner came on it.
Thu, 6 Nov 2008 18:01
First of all nowhere in the interview did he say "We Carried Xbox 360" that's just a nice controversial headline you chose to get plenty of fanboy traffic, "...had no idea it would... single-handedly make or break Microsoft’s entry into the game console market." refers to the original Xbox which certainly got a boost from Halo 1+2.
As for Halo 3, you could just as easy say that Bungie needed the 360 as it would never have made a profit off of the user base that the PS3 had at that time, good games require a console with a good market share to make money and consoles need good games to get their market share, the 360 had a strong user base before Halo 3 launched, yes it moved more consoles but they couldn't of made the kind of money they did without the 360.
To be honest all Bungie have done is a bit of self-promoting which you would expect a company to do, it's you who have changed the emphasis of their word to get youself some of that fanboy flame war traffic.
Joined 4 Jul 2007
Thu, 6 Nov 2008 18:02
OptimusP wrote:
haritori wrote:

But isnt this the situation for all consoles? Good games equal good console sales?

Explain the PSP sales then? Which aren't really bad, actually quite good, just not compared to the DS, but no one buys games on it that aren't called Monster Hunter...and it sold already quite good before Monster Huner came on it.

Piracy as with the DS and any other handheld console previous that was dominated by nintendo. at least thats my opinion, the fatc the PSP costs nothing to hack and the DS requires a one time buy of a Cart that costs less than half the price of a DS game.

where as compare that to the 360 and PS3 and Wii

you first have the complication of soldering a chip to a board, special Readers and Writers to Rip and Burn respectively and not to mention Media for 360 and PS3 doesnt come cheap, its why its not so popular as it is in the Handheld market.

as for Monster Hunter well thats those Crazy Japanese for you, personally i thought Monster Hunter was pants, Lego Batman is my fav PSP game at present and Lumines being my all time fav, as Soon as Sqeenix Annouce a PSP FF7 Remake then that will be im sure.
Joined 4 Jul 2007
Thu, 6 Nov 2008 18:12
Sam wrote:
First of all nowhere in the interview did he say "We Carried Xbox 360" that's just a nice controversial headline you chose to get plenty of fanboy traffic, "...had no idea it would... single-handedly make or break Microsoft’s entry into the game console market." refers to the original Xbox which certainly got a boost from Halo 1+2.
As for Halo 3, you could just as easy say that Bungie needed the 360 as it would never have made a profit off of the user base that the PS3 had at that time, good games require a console with a good market share to make money and consoles need good games to get their market share, the 360 had a strong user base before Halo 3 launched, yes it moved more consoles but they couldn't of made the kind of money they did without the 360.
To be honest all Bungie have done is a bit of self-promoting which you would expect a company to do, it's you who have changed the emphasis of their word to get youself some of that fanboy flame war traffic.

but htere hasnt been any fanboy flame war traffic? and if the title is trying to attract fanboys what kind of fanboys that love halo 3 or the MS would come to slag off Bungie or the 360? even PS3 fanboys would have nothing to add other than maybe "yeah the 360 would fail with out Halo" to which a 360 fanboy could reply "yeah the PS3 has no games" and so on...

I also read the interview, and i got that they implied to carried MS into the Games market which includes XBOX and XBOX360.
Joined 6 Nov 2006
Thu, 6 Nov 2008 18:18
Sam wrote:
First of all nowhere in the interview did he say "We Carried Xbox 360"...it's you who have changed the emphasis of their word to get youself some of that fanboy flame war traffic.

Hi Sam,

I can sort of see where you're coming from here. However, the line in the interview: "In recent times, Bungie has not known anything other than big; anything other than carrying the weight of an entire console on our backs...." more than indicates to me that indeed the 360 was meant (my emphasis).

This is why I did a double-take - well, it's one of the reasons.

As for creating fodder for fanboy wars, one of the things we constantly try to avoid (sometimes to the detriment of hits) is exactly that. Actually, which fanboys would be drawn to this one? Are there Bungie vs Microsoft fanboy wars now?

I'm sorry if that other sites have lowered your trust levels and I hope you take the time to respond to this.

Cheers for the visit.

Joined 13 Apr 2005
Thu, 6 Nov 2008 18:40
Tim Smith wrote:
Are there Bungie vs Microsoft fanboy wars now?

*checks memo's*

No...no Bungie vs. MS wars...yet...

Let's go live to the Pentagon pressconference for more feedback on this potential growing threat
Joined 6 Nov 2006
Thu, 6 Nov 2008 18:46
OptimusP wrote:
No...no Bungie vs. MS wars...yet...

Oh s**t, does this mean that this thread has inadvertently started one?


Joined 23 Sep 2005
Thu, 6 Nov 2008 19:57
haritori wrote:
I think its safe to say that Halo did make the XBOX a cult gaming choice at the time, it had a reason to be on the market, but the 360 would not of failed without Halo 3, in effect the 360 was initally successful on the carried weight of the XBOX and Halo 1 & 2 fans, so it helped the 360 certainly, but Bungie wont be helping the next XBOX, although the HALO IP might.

But isnt this the situation for all consoles? Good games equal good console sales?

XBOX has Halo just like the PS1 had Final Fantasy to thank.

this is a very good ponit just look at nintendo and rare ok the n64 did not do as well as it could but i think with out one of rares best tiles 007 goldeneye the n64 would have done even worse a bit like the gamecube as i feal that if rare were with nintendo in the gc era and had made perfect dark and kemio which were both games that were ment to come out on the console the sales would have been a little better

halo made the xbox it was the beast game for the console for pritty much 2 years halo2 was the beast online game for xbox and for the start of the 360s life and still to day many people play it at this time there are 1,023 Players Online in Halo 2 and 11,695 Halo 2 Players (Last 24 Hours) which for a game that came out 9/11/2004 on a last gen console is a hell of a lot
Fri, 7 Nov 2008 03:03
Well yes my trust levels have been put to the test and this site has had it's part in that but i've not read a thread on Sprong for some time so i'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you've either grown up as a site, employ better writers or i visited here on a couple of particularly bad days, as i'm somewhat amazed that your comments section hasn't errupted into a an all out console war, every other site i have visited lately has gone off after even less fanboy sensative threads than this.
We can at least agree to differ on the context, "In recent times, Bungie has not known anything other than big; anything other than carrying the weight of an entire console on our backs...." to me that kind of emphasizes the pressure to live up to the expectations of 360 owners, Halo 1+2 were hugely popular on the Xbox and the hype for Halo 3 on a new generation console must have surely been a huge weight on their backs, i don't think any game developer, however egotistical would lay claim to be the sole reason for a consoles success, fanboys definitely but the Community Lead at Bungie or any other software company? i just can't see it.
Anyway if i misjudged your motives i apologize, i've just had a very difficult time on forums as ever thread seems to end up as flame bait, judging by your lack of fanatics on this thread you seem to be some kind of exception, you must tell me what your secret is.

Joined 6 Nov 2006
Fri, 7 Nov 2008 08:33
Sam wrote:
Anyway if i misjudged your motives i apologize, i've just had a very difficult time on forums as ever thread seems to end up as flame bait, judging by your lack of fanatics on this thread you seem to be some kind of exception, you must tell me what your secret is.

Not a problem. One thing I do try to respond to is criticism that does leave me thinking, "Were we right to report it like that?" I also appreciate people taking the time to post (as long as it's not 'First post' or 'you iz all noobz' etc).

The secret to not having (too many) fanatics? I wish I knew. We just try to keep the reporting across all levels of gaming. It's up to the SPOnG readers to tell you why we don't have too many flame wars.

Cheers for coming your post - it's also refreshing from this end to see that kind of input.

king skins
Joined 10 Mar 2005
Fri, 7 Nov 2008 13:28
Tim Smith wrote:
It's up to the SPOnG readers to tell you why we don't have too many flame wars.

Probably cos most of the threads end up going massively off topic and you have to prove your point on these forums as most people end up posting reasoned replies rather then the normal my console is better than yours s**t you get on other sites
Joined 4 Jul 2007
Fri, 7 Nov 2008 15:50
king skins wrote:
Tim Smith wrote:
It's up to the SPOnG readers to tell you why we don't have too many flame wars.

Probably cos most of the threads end up going massively off topic and you have to prove your point on these forums as most people end up posting reasoned replies rather then the normal my console is better than yours s**t you get on other sites

Id agree with that, although my console is better :))
Joined 13 Oct 2008
Fri, 7 Nov 2008 17:53
haritori wrote:

I think its safe to say that Halo did make the XBOX a cult gaming choice at the time, it had a reason to be on the market, but the 360 would not of failed without Halo 3, in effect the 360 was initally successful on the carried weight of the XBOX and Halo 1 & 2 fans, so it helped the 360 certainly, but Bungie wont be helping the next XBOX, although the HALO IP might.

But isnt this the situation for all consoles? Good games equal good console sales?

Nope. Even with the huge sucess of Metal Gear 4, Devil May Cry, and Little Big Planet, the PS3 is still playing 'catch up' to the 360/Wii sales. Just look at current sales figures, and you'll see my valid point.

haritori wrote:

XBOX has Halo just like the PS1 had Final Fantasy to thank.

actually thats sort of wrong. The PS1 had more than just Final Fantasy to sell it. Every exclusive title that the PS1 had, Metal Gear, Final Fantasy 7-9, Tekken 1-3, Vagrant Story, Twisted Metal 1-3 ,Resident Evil 2-3, Crash Bandicoot, etc. was a reason to buy it then because you couldnt find that title on any other console. And it continued with the Ps2 , like "The Shadow of the Colossus", as most of those companies still did huge exclusives(I dont need to name all of those..just look at your PS2 game library) on the Ps2 giving it a reason to have it unlike the 'other' systems. I doubt that the Ps2 would have sold as good if MGS3, Shadow of the Collosus, Okami, Final Fantasy X & X-2, released on the original Xbox simoulatenously. But despite the orignal Xbox almost flopping in Japan, the Halo/Bungie combo didnt seem to help much there.

haritori wrote:
Its a little big headed of the Dev to think they Made MS gaming choice easier! the fact the game was good Dev should get thanks for, thats about it, but it will be interesting to see where Bungie ends up, i suspect without Halo they will struggle to be noticed as much.

yes it is...but its also very arguable whether Bungie was reason that people bought an Xbox for. I bet if the Xbox was a pain in the arse to develop for (like all of the Playstation systems are) this gen would be significantly different. But I do see Bungie having a hard time creating any FPS with or without a Halo's IP. They need to switch genres, like a RPG for instance, like a Halo MMO.

Joined 13 Apr 2005
Sat, 8 Nov 2008 14:03
Roblc wrote:

Nope. Even with the huge sucess of Metal Gear 4, Devil May Cry, and Little Big Planet, the PS3 is still playing 'catch up' to the 360/Wii sales. Just look at current sales figures, and you'll see my valid point.

Well, actually, the PS3 has this year so far gained the Xbox360 by a million and a bit more. A more realistic picture is that the Xbox360 and PS3 are fighting over the pseudo-hardcore scraps Nintendo is literally leaving them, untill Nintendo moves up-market and pushes both out. It's called a disruption strategy, a economic theory developed by a Harvard prof.

Roblc wrote:

Really, Okami? Sure, fantastic game, but it sold anything but buttocks and is one of the big capcom mistakes they have been making since 2004. Should have been made on the GC and it would have sold better (like all the quirky games released last-gen like Killer 7, Beyond Good & Evil, Viewtifull Joe and it's sequel ect. all sold better on the GC then on the PS2)

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