PS3 – No Component Cables or Infra Red

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Topic started: Thu, 12 Oct 2006 15:41
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Joined 27 Jun 2006
Thu, 12 Oct 2006 15:41
Well done Sony that's so next gen!, they force blu-ray on you then they dont even give you cable to use it!
Joined 23 Mar 2006
Thu, 12 Oct 2006 16:11

Man, this is hilarious. When was the last good piece of info to come out of Sony? I guess they really do know how to make their money. I'll be disaapointed if the PS3 sells as well as the PS2, having retailers push this expensive s**t in my face just 'cause it's popular.
Joined 14 Oct 1999
Thu, 12 Oct 2006 18:05
hollywooda wrote:
Well done Sony that's so next gen!, they force blu-ray on you then they dont even give you cable to use it!

Given that, at the moment, most people don't have an HD-TV, why should they include a component or HDMI cable at launch?

If you have a PS2 and a TV capable of taking component inputs, chances are you have a component cable for it, that cable will work equally as well with the PS3. If you have a TV that takes HDMI, you'll know where to get a new HDMI cable for your PS3.

Of course, Sony can't win on this. If they include component or HDMI cables, then they are "jacking the price up with stuff we don't need", if they don't include them then they are "ripping us blind by not including the essentials".

Sometimes I think that if Sony announced they had a free cure for cancer, the Internet's chattering classes would find some way of getting bad press out of it.
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Thu, 12 Oct 2006 19:16
Meh, I think they dropped the ball on this one. Slightly cumbersome as it may be, a solution parallel to MS' combination cable for the 360 was the obvious answer to give out-of-the-box connectivity to the broadest possible range of users. Might not have been a win, but it wouldn't be a loss, either.

Does the PS2 component cable, which is supposedly functionally identical cost $30 as well? The original Xbox Adv. and HD packs were $20, and those had digital audio as well. Seems like they're taking some profit there, especially if the PS2 cables are cheaper. And God forbid if theres local shortages of these cables, preventing someone from hooking up his shiny new console to his chosen display device.

*wonders whither the "tyrion is a Sony fanboy" squad...they should be howling for blood 'ere long...

tyr, I believe you're really not a Sony fanboy. I figure you just like all the attention for the angry, pimply faced young men those ardent anti-Sony partisans must be...rofl, joking...don't hurt me.
Joined 23 Sep 2005
Thu, 12 Oct 2006 22:14
Given that, at the moment, most people don't have an HD-TV, why should they include a component or HDMI cable at launch?

maybe in europe but in japan the HDTV is more likely to be in the home than the old style tv
Joined 23 Apr 2005
Thu, 12 Oct 2006 22:20
I'll tell you why they should include at least some kind of HD hook up out of the box! Because they (yet again) have been running their mouths for over a year about the HD features of this overpriced turd. I got HD hookup for my 360 for $200 less AND my controller runs the DVD player. No IR port is just another reason to FORCE people to spend even MORE money on their already obsolete format. Way to go Sony!
Joined 8 Mar 2005
Thu, 12 Oct 2006 22:26
Wait... How the hell do you push new HD movies with HD cables... Say what you want about, how Sony will get bitched at for everything they do, but... They've been so big on getting this new fangled blu-ray into the consumers home because its oh so pretty and waaay better than DVD... stick good ol' composite cables in there and now its a really expensive dvd experience...

Sony seems to be trying to play both sides of the fence and getting horned up the anus...

Uber movies... s**tty cables
Entertainment "computer"... no IR

It's like they want to make it something, but don't have the gas/balls/money/remaining positive PR...
Joined 12 Oct 2006
Thu, 12 Oct 2006 22:36
The PS3 controllers are wireless, why would you want a remote? :D
Joined 11 Dec 2005
Thu, 12 Oct 2006 23:12
I guess the lack of an ir port isnt that bad for me considering ive lost every universal remote ive ever owned, and as for the cable, my tv has hdmi and hdmi cable is prity cheap (atleast at my walmart). Also, SCEA and SCEE might pick up on the outroar and add the cables into the ps3 for their regions release. That was only for japan where it was anounced, and considering the ps3 is cheaper their, that might be where the money was cut out.
Joined 9 Nov 2005
Thu, 12 Oct 2006 23:21
I've never owned a universal remote control. I bought the PS2 one, then I end up using the controller most of the time.

IR is damn-old to be honest, Bluetooth is just as good.
vault 13
Joined 22 Oct 2004
Fri, 13 Oct 2006 03:19
tyrion wrote:
Sometimes I think that if Sony announced they had a free cure for cancer, the Internet's chattering classes would find some way of getting bad press out of it.

Tyrion, may i preface this with a no homo, but I think I'm gonna have to get down on my knees and take one for the team because that was pure poetry. I agree 100%.

Get over it folks. How many of you who are complaining actually have a High Definition TV?
vault 13
Joined 22 Oct 2004
Fri, 13 Oct 2006 03:36
warbaby wrote:
Uber movies... s**tty cables
Entertainment "computer"... no IR

Forget about all the Sony posturing, the corporate double talk, the marketing strageties, and such.

Let's get something straight. The PS3 is a piece of electronic hardware, right? TVs, dvd players, surround sound audio systems, speakers, Blu-Ray dvd players, media centers, HD recorders, cable boxes, Tivo boxes. stereo systems, and computers systems are all pieces of electronic hardware right?

Do they come with the proper cables to make them work properly? (*ahem, in the most cocky voice I can muster) NO, THEY COME WITH FRICKEN COMPOSITE (RED, YELLOW, WHITE) CABLES NOT SUITABLE FOR TRANSMISSION OF AN HD OR SURROUND SOUND SIGNAL!!!

Look folks, if you buying into HD, you're gonna need to spend money. Stop crying babies and get over it. Buy an HD tv, you'll need HD cables for your cable box, buy an HD Upconvert/regular dvd player/blu-ray or hd-dvd player. you'll need HD cables to make it look how it's supposed to on an HD dlsplay. HD recorder, DITTO. Surround sound audio system, optical or digital coax!!! It's not a fricken mystery why Monster and Acoustic Research and Belkin make s**tloads of money. BECAUSE YOU NEED ACCESSORIES TO MAKE YOUR $10,000 PURCHASE WORK CORRECTLY!

Let's look at it this way as well. You, the consumer, spend $600 on a shiny new expensive next-gen game system. You need a pair of $30 component cables to make it work the way the manufacturer intended. That's, let's see, 5% of your total purchase. Is that too much for you. you poor poor consumer. Shut up! Quit whining and deal with it. You can't put 87 octane gas in a Lambo, it ain't happening. I don't know, use any fricken analogy you want.

Why do you think that HD device (tvs, dvd players. etc.) prices are soooo ridiculously low? Because they come with NOTHING! NOTHING!

It's all true, I've worked 2 years in a major electronics retail store chain. I know exactly what you need, whay comes and doesn't come in the box, and what each customer will say when you tell them that they'll have a to spend a few more bucks to make your $10,000 purchase work correctly.
Joined 14 Oct 1999
Fri, 13 Oct 2006 07:43
PreciousRoi wrote:
tyr, I believe you're really not a Sony fanboy. I figure you just like all the attention for the angry, pimply faced young men those ardent anti-Sony partisans must be...rofl, joking...don't hurt me.

I don't enjoy their attentions, but I'm willing to put up with them to get my point across. And, no, I'm not a Sony fanboy, I just like pointing out the obvious stupidity of the "fanboi" classes, currently they seem to be mainly anti-Sony, so I come off as defending Sony. However, I'm really just trying to defend sanity.

horngreen wrote:
I got HD hookup for my 360 for $200 less AND my controller runs the DVD player. No IR port is just another reason to FORCE people to spend even MORE money on their already obsolete format. Way to go Sony!

Point to conclusive proof that you can't control DVD/Blu-ray playback with the default controller and I'll write a strongly-worded letter to Sony myself and post the letter and any replies on these very boards.

vault 13 wrote:
Tyrion, may i preface this with a no homo, but I think I'm gonna have to get down on my knees and take one for the team because that was pure poetry. I agree 100%.

Vault, as a friend of mine would say, I'm flattered, maybe even a little bit curious, but no thanks. I'll take your written admiration instead! :-)

vault 13 wrote:
Do they come with the proper cables to make them work properly? (*ahem, in the most cocky voice I can muster) NO, THEY COME WITH FRICKEN COMPOSITE (RED, YELLOW, WHITE) CABLES NOT SUITABLE FOR TRANSMISSION OF AN HD OR SURROUND SOUND SIGNAL!!!

In a world where a USB only printer will never come with a USB cable, is anybody surprised in the slightest that the PS3 is coming without any high-def capable cables? The way I see it, these days you are lucky to get a bloody power cord with some of these devices!

And to answer the cost issue, I just found a PS2 component cable for £6.95 ($13) on Froogle. That should work just as well in a PS3 as it does in a PS2. Of course, I can't vouch for the quality of such an item, but the £3.95 ($7.35) gold-plated HDMI cable I also found on there should do very nicely.
Joined 14 May 2002
Fri, 13 Oct 2006 09:18
tyrion wrote:
Given that, at the moment, most people don't have an HD-TV, why should they include a component or HDMI cable at launch?

That's b******s! Now is the time that people are getting "HD Ready" over here, whereas they have been for a while in the US. Sony is touting the PS3 as an HD machine - 1080p games, Blu-Ray movies. Shipping the machine with a f**king composite cable is just unacceptable.
Joined 27 Jun 2006
Fri, 13 Oct 2006 09:36
you are so talking out of your @rse!!!.... mate take those sony blinkers off. hahaha it's sooo sad, are u scared that if you say that Sony should have included a HD cable with there HD system they wont like you anymore???.... it's a cheap move & it's wrong, dont be afraid to have your own opinion.

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