I think i like the design of the PS3 more and more every time i see it. It doesnt look much diffrent from the old e3 2005 shots, but they just make more and more minor improvements
I never thought the PS2 was a design classic. It reminded me of a 60 radio, all those heavy horizontal (or vertical ) plastic bars...
I thought it looked horrble compared to the PS1. I don't love the curves on the PS3 - but these shots make it look 1000x better than any we've seen previously.
There hasn't been a good looking video games console so far and this just goes to show there won't be soon, either. But at the end of the day, how can anyone really care what the console itself looks like? I know mine all just sit in a dusty heap with only the controllers ever being handled.
yer, well no, but it doesn't feel like anything really new holding that same controller design again!, we've just done that for 2 generations of previous hardware, WE WANT NEW TOYS!!!!
from a design perspective when i look at the console it's shapes fight against each other, there's curves next to rectangular sections, it looks like a miss mash of different geometry, it's awkward to look at.
when i first saw it, i kind of didnt like it, but i grew on me and now i really do like it, plus, ive heard it looks alot better in person because its really shiny
Indeed, for all the bashing the orignal xbox got i thought it was much cooler looking than the ps2. And the gamecube is of course awsome inspite of its childish look.
hollywooda wrote:
ps3 looks like stuff
ohms wrote:
new controlelr was better
Totaly agree! i thought the boomerang controller looked a bit silly but if sony tells me they tested it and designed it to be super comfortabel then i trust them. The world of bitchy fans convinced them to change it without ever putting their hands on it. I for one agreed with MS that the original DUKE controller was very ergonimically correct. I thought it was incredibly comfortable (except the inability to hit certian button combos). And i personaly really like the six button face layout and wish the 360 had goen that route. I dunno why 4 became the standard but im not hapy with it. (though the bumpers are a great)
Inspite of my MS/Nintendo fanboyism the graphic whore in me makes me want a ps3 reeeeaaally badly. unless i come into some unexpected money this fall i doubt i will get one right away as im more than set with new 360 games and the Wii of course... but that wont make it suck any less when one of my firends gets one and willy waves about it. __________
Doesn't look any different to me, no matter how they try to dress it up with cool angles and funky lighting.
It does have a George Foreman grill look about it, there's no doubting that.
The absence of the disc tray is a problem for many import gamers, who are used to Swap Magic gaming. I'm likely to be one of them but that won't be for ages. Many won't care, mind.
I really feel that Spidey font has to go and I still do. Yes, we know you own the rights to Spidey flicks Sony, but a little thought in the selection of font would have been better.
Come on Sony, think hard, work hard and earn my purchase.