Sony Europe Announce PSP UMD Launch Titles

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Topic started: Mon, 20 Jun 2005 11:28
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Joined 20 Apr 2005
Mon, 20 Jun 2005 11:28
Damn, was really hoping for 'Police Academy 6: City Under Siege', Mariah Carey star vehicle 'Glitter' and infamous sleeper hit 'HobGoblins' to be on this list.

Thankfully, Sony had the foresight to include 2004's masterpiece of excrement 'You've Got Served' ( Bottom 100 #24).
Joined 28 Jun 2000
Mon, 20 Jun 2005 11:53
What's that you say? eMule and a 2GB Memory Stick and some good compression software? What do you mean?
Joined 6 Apr 2004
Mon, 20 Jun 2005 12:06
So.. No porn then?

Joined 12 Mar 2004
Mon, 20 Jun 2005 12:12
That line up is about as exciting as the one at my local indian corner shop, one or two goodies but everyone has them on DVD already.

Notice there is no RRP, that's most likely because the price of these UMDs is probably more than DVDs. If that is the case Sony, why on earth should we all bother with PSP films at all if there is no real value for money.

Get it right next time, Sony we want games not bloody films. Seems the PSP may already have got more films than games in it's launch line up. Quite sad really.
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Mon, 20 Jun 2005 12:29
LOL. no porn because Sony sell porn distributors a license to put their stuff on UMD disk and then back stab by first taking their money and then by claiming porn is evil (or similar.

Damn and I wanted the Ron Jemery collection on UMD too....LOL.. .Just kidding.
Joined 14 Oct 1999
Mon, 20 Jun 2005 12:39
Joji wrote:
Notice there is no RRP, that's most likely because the price of these UMDs is probably more than DVDs. If that is the case Sony, why on earth should we all bother with PSP films at all if there is no real value for money.

Well based on prices on, UMD movies are the same price as DVD movies in the US.

Hitch (UMD Mini For PSP) List Price: $28.95
Hitch (Widescreen Edition) (2005) List Price:$28.95

Hitch being about the most recent film on the list above.

I can't see UMD movies coming out over here any more expensive than DVD movies. Especially since there isn't as much room on a UMD for special features and the like.
Joined 18 Mar 2005
Mon, 20 Jun 2005 14:22
Oh dear, you really have to laugh at this.

The films that are being released are so terrible as to be a deterent to the purchase of a psp rather than an incentive.

I think this just goes to show that the film-on-umd gimmick is precisely that - a gimmick. Much like the psp itself. If it wasn't for Lumines, I would have eBay'd it months ago.

I wonder if Sony will be releasing new music on umd to add to the humiliation?

Joined 10 Jun 2004
Mon, 20 Jun 2005 16:00
I really like the idea of playing video on a portable console if it wasn't for several flaws:

* I wouldn't buy a PSP just for video functionality considering the lack of A-grade games.

* I would like to play my movies at home on a big screen rather than being cramped looking at the PSP screen.

* I expect most of us have massive DVD collection - who wants to rebuy their DVDs? (Excluding the Stick options).

* The UMD format doesn't sound long-lasting to me. You'll still be able to buy DVD players in 10 years time, I'm not so sure about anything that can play UMD.

Anyway, that's my take, be it with a heck of a lot of "I"s.
Joined 15 Jun 2005
Mon, 20 Jun 2005 20:10

I completely agree Adam. I'm a huge hardcore gamer, with no expenses, and not too much I like better to spend my time and money on than video games, and I haven't even considered buying the PSP. Pretty much only Lumines interests me, and the other "great" features on the PSP are pathetic, and do nothing but drive the price of the thing up, so I don't buy it.
Joined 29 Nov 2004
Mon, 20 Jun 2005 22:11
Fair enough if the games don't appeal, but I don't understand the issue with movies.

Like TigerUppercut said earlier; get as big a memory stick as you can afford (but no bigger than 2GB) and rip your DVDs to .mp4... saves battery life too.
Joined 4 Apr 2005
Mon, 20 Jun 2005 23:16
fantastic! so now we have to spend another, what? £200 so we can watch movies? so add that to the price of the psp that's what? a bit too much? no. a hell of a lot of money for a pointless feature anyway.
Joined 15 Jun 2005
Tue, 21 Jun 2005 05:04

Yeah, with a 1gb mem stick and a game a PSP would be around $450 in the states. Plus tax, which is different around the country, but still probably around $20-40...not worth it for what it does.
Joined 29 Nov 2004
Tue, 21 Jun 2005 08:21
imnotregret wrote:
fantastic! so now we have to spend another, what? £200 so we can watch movies?

... and take photos, listen to music, record video. Sony's Memory Stick is compatible with plenty of their other devices.

imnotregret wrote:
so add that to the price of the psp that's what? a bit too much? no. a hell of a lot of money for a pointless feature anyway.

You find portable video playback pointless? Each to their own, I guess.
Joined 15 Jun 2005
Tue, 21 Jun 2005 08:24

Isn't Sony's memory stick only compatable with plenty of other Sony products?
Joined 4 Apr 2005
Tue, 21 Jun 2005 11:40
kid_77 wrote:
imnotregret wrote:
so add that to the price of the psp that's what? a bit too much? no. a hell of a lot of money for a pointless feature anyway.

You find portable video playback pointless? Each to their own, I guess.

I do indeed find it pointless when you have to watch it on such a tiny screen, i mean i like to watchmovies when i can get into them properly and watching 10 minutes of something on a bus doesn't really appeal to me.
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