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Topic started: Tue, 17 May 2005 12:10
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Joined 18 Oct 2004
Tue, 17 May 2005 12:10
Hate to spill the beans guys: BUT KAPLAN IS A WOMAN!
Joined 16 Dec 2004
Tue, 17 May 2005 12:16
The Revolution will sell loads in Japan and Asia, the Xbox 360 will sell loads in the US and pretty well in Europe, but only the PS3 will make buckets of money across the globe. Its a forgone conclusion - why fight it or pretend otherwise.

So long as Nintendo stay in the frame though I'm more than happy to buy their products.
Joined 25 Feb 2004
Tue, 17 May 2005 12:21
ozfunghi wrote:

That is why there is no waving of the willy
Joined 24 Jan 2004
Tue, 17 May 2005 12:23
ozfunghi wrote:
Hate to spill the beans guys: BUT KAPLAN IS A WOMAN!

Dude, that's what you say, but I think you'll agree that the evidence suggests otherwise:

That picture screams "PRE_OP" to me.
Joined 18 Oct 2004
Tue, 17 May 2005 12:36
ozfunghi wrote:
Hate to spill the beans guys: BUT KAPLAN IS A WOMAN!

PS: And bad marketing on her part as well. Or she shouldn't have said anything (at least remain more vague) or just give or wait for the official specs. But she just lost a couple of million possible interested gamers by stating it will 'only' be 2-3 times more powerful. Sad but true. They're making the same mistake as with the current gen consoles. GCN is mildly inferior to xbox, but according to Nintendo's specs, it was hardly superior to dreamcast and inferior to even ps2 by a landslide (or how do you express that in English).

This kind of media stunts (blunders) is what's costing them the mainstream market. Even IF this is true and the system IS inferior to the other two by that much, just wait until people actually know what the system is about before shooting yourself in the foot. Leave the tech talk to independent analysts and just give the specs. Chances are MS and Sony's numbers are highly inflated and Nintendo's are not, but what does the casual gamer care or know.
Joined 14 Oct 1999
Tue, 17 May 2005 12:47
So first the XBox and now the Revolution are just PCs??

My evidence, you ask?

Mini-ITX PC case. Have a similar one myself in my lounge.
Joined 10 Jun 2004
Tue, 17 May 2005 13:22
ozfunghi wrote:

But she just lost a couple of million possible interested gamers by stating it will 'only' be 2-3 times more powerful. Sad but true.

I dunno, most mainstream people don't care about specs. They form impressions based on the quality of the release titles, if you get my drift.

But she still shouldn't have mentioned that now.

They're making the same mistake as with the current gen consoles. GCN is mildly inferior to xbox, but according to Nintendo's specs, it was hardly superior to dreamcast and inferior to even ps2 by a landslide (or how do you express that in English).

Huh? The Gamecube has a 495MHz processor compared to the PS2's 300MHz one and the Dreamcast's 200MHz. The processor design itself is more recent that those two and is generally a lot more powerful.

Comparisons with Xbox are hard. However slower PowerPCs have been known to beat faster Pentium IIIs. I'd say, without being a fanboy, that the GC is on-par with Xbox. Although if someone could give me some ratings in flops that say otherwise, I'd aceppt that.

This kind of media stunts (blunders) is what's costing them the mainstream market. Even IF this is true and the system IS inferior to the other two by that much, just wait until people actually know what the system is about before shooting yourself in the foot. Leave the tech talk to independent analysts and just give the specs. Chances are MS and Sony's numbers are highly inflated and Nintendo's are not, but what does the casual gamer care or know.

I think that if their system is going to be less powerful, they might as well say it now and get it out of the way and then concentrate on the unique aspects of the system.
Joined 2 Jul 2004
Tue, 17 May 2005 13:38
Rod Todd wrote:
ozfunghi wrote:
Hate to spill the beans guys: BUT KAPLAN IS A WOMAN!

Dude, that's what you say, but I think you'll agree that the evidence suggests otherwise:

That picture screams "PRE_OP" to me.

I think her husband and child might have to disagree with you, somehow.
Joined 29 Nov 2004
Tue, 17 May 2005 14:09
YenRug wrote:
I think her husband and child might have to disagree with you, somehow.

Gay and adopted, respectively?
Joined 17 May 2005
Tue, 17 May 2005 14:49
nintendo is so F@$king pathetic, i was a hardcore nintendo fan, but now. plane and simple i hate them. how can you bring out a system that only 2 - 3 times more powerful than you're current system. i'm finish with them and jumping on the X-box bandwaggon. Nintendo only thinks for them selves and not the gamers, the "Revolution" sounds like it's only a 1.5 upgrade to the Gaycube. i thought Revolution means new era with advancement! sound like a new gameboy to me! Nintendo can go the way of the TurboGrafic-16, this is what you get when a women is in control....

I did it again, and i'm proud
Joined 17 May 2005
Tue, 17 May 2005 14:59
Adam M wrote:
ozfunghi wrote:

But she just lost a couple of million possible interested gamers by stating it will 'only' be 2-3 times more powerful. Sad but true.

I dunno, most mainstream people don't care about specs. They form impressions based on the quality of the release titles, if you get my drift.

But she still shouldn't have mentioned that now.

They're making the same mistake as with the current gen consoles. GCN is mildly inferior to xbox, but according to Nintendo's specs, it was hardly superior to dreamcast and inferior to even ps2 by a landslide (or how do you express that in English).

Huh? The Gamecube has a 495MHz processor compared to the PS2's 300MHz one and the Dreamcast's 200MHz. The processor design itself is more recent that those two and is generally a lot more powerful.

Comparisons with Xbox are hard. However slower PowerPCs have been known to beat faster Pentium IIIs. I'd say, without being a fanboy, that the GC is on-par with Xbox. Although if someone could give me some ratings in flops that say otherwise, I'd aceppt that.

This kind of media stunts (blunders) is what's costing them the mainstream market. Even IF this is true and the system IS inferior to the other two by that much, just wait until people actually know what the system is about before shooting yourself in the foot. Leave the tech talk to independent analysts and just give the specs. Chances are MS and Sony's numbers are highly inflated and Nintendo's are not, but what does the casual gamer care or know.

I think that if their system is going to be less powerful, they might as well say it now and get it out of the way and then concentrate on the unique aspects of the system.

hey, you can not deny it, Nintendo F@#ked up 3 times in a row, and in Baseball and L.A, 3 strikes and you're out. this round nintendo will be less advance than the serprior Xbox-360, and the PS3. this new nintendo is more of a 1.5 towards the gaycube. and that lady for nintendo needs a stiff one to show her what power is all about. look at this, would you buy a Kia vehicle that pushes a mair 120 horsepower over a brandnew porch car that pushes 3200 horsepower and has everything that the kia has with better response? would ya?

now take that to the bank
Joined 10 Jun 2004
Tue, 17 May 2005 15:18
Unknown wrote:
this round nintendo will be less advance than the serprior Xbox-360, and the PS3.

Depends how you define "advance".

this new nintendo is more of a 1.5 towards the gaycube.

It's going to be 3 times as powerful. It might have a totally unique feature that sets it apart from the Xbox and PS3. The Gamecube is a competant console itself.

ook at this, would you buy a Kia vehicle that pushes a mair 120 horsepower over a brandnew porch car that pushes 3200 horsepower and has everything that the kia has with better response? would ya?

now take that to the bank

LMAO. You have no idea how funny you are.

Do you need 3200 horsepower? What if the Kia saves you petrol? What if you find it easier to hand and park? What if you want a car that is functional and fashionable? What if you don't want to spend thousands more on the Porche with excess speed? What if you don't have that much money to spend?

The flaws in your argument are too numerous.
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Tue, 17 May 2005 15:36
How long have you guys been gaming. Ninty will not dissapoint. fact. Please remember the sort of boasting Msoft put about before the release of the Xbox. Something like a deep voice at the end of every ad says "The most powerful games machine in the world" – apart from the fact that it wasn't (any pc / Apple duel processor user will tell you that) all you need to do is look at Resi4 to form an opinion.

Ninty have a habit of playing with the media before any big announcement. Have faith - why would they underpower the machine??
vault 13
Joined 22 Oct 2004
Tue, 17 May 2005 15:36
You obviously are a graphics whore. I bet your gonna also argue that X-Box is the only system worth playing because of it's sErperior graphics. Nintendo has stated thousands of times that the Revolution will not be a super advancement in graphics but how we play and visualize our gaming experience. Have we even seen the controller yet with it's presumed and hopeful touch screen? It'd be funny if you bash the system like crazy and then it happens to have the best controller ever. Or the best and most innovative games. But then again, that contradicts my original arguement, "You are obviously a graphics whore."

Oh and don't tell me that graphics make your games more better because they have lots of polys now and Chun-Li's boobies look like real now. If graphics were the bottom line, then Nintendo would be out of business. They pulled some amazing things out of N64, Gamecube, and even the GB. They'll have the most innovative games on the market, indeed.
Joined 26 Jan 2004
Tue, 17 May 2005 16:12
Unknown wrote:
this is what you get when a women is in control....

Sonny, i'd show you control. You're a dummy and you suck.

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