Xbox 360: Shipments to Top 3 Million?

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Topic started: Wed, 13 Apr 2005 17:56
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Joined 7 Apr 2005
Wed, 13 Apr 2005 17:56
Man, I hope that this isn't totally true. I want my Xbox to be all tricked out and have a bunch of goodies, not be all "low-end" and really suck ass compared to the PS3. I want it to stand it's ground with hardware and software.....hears to hoping.....or is it hopping?
Joined 30 Sep 2004
Wed, 13 Apr 2005 18:37
CrmsnAngelus wrote:
Man, I hope that this isn't totally true. I want my Xbox to be all tricked out and have a bunch of goodies, not be all "low-end" and really suck ass compared to the PS3. I want it to stand it's ground with hardware and software.....hears to hoping.....or is it hopping?

its a little poorley phrased but i think that bit was in refference to the xbox1... like how the ps1 is still sold today mostly to younger children... so instead of gettign top tier games it will start to recieve the prerequisit barbie and Marykate&Ashley olsen fodder.
Joined 19 Mar 2004
Wed, 13 Apr 2005 20:50
You know what's funny about the X-box 2 coming out so early? The remake of Conker's Bad Fur Day will once again be a AAA title being released at the very end of the system's lifespan.

Not that it matters, because it took Rare freaking years to simply pretty up a game with almost no changes and somehow (according to IGN) take the 1 player mode down from twenty (20) hours to seven (7). Something is seriously wrong with Rare.

And Microsoft sometimes.
Joined 30 Sep 2004
Wed, 13 Apr 2005 20:59
Alan is my first name wrote:
You know what's funny about the X-box 2 coming out so early? The remake of Conker's Bad Fur Day will once again be a AAA title being released at the very end of the system's lifespan.

Not that it matters, because it took Rare freaking years to simply pretty up a game with almost no changes and somehow (according to IGN) take the 1 player mode down from twenty (20) hours to seven (7). Something is seriously wrong with Rare.

And Microsoft sometimes.

i thik the reason fo rthe chnage it length is the removal of soem of the trivial collection puzzles and the trial and eror style of play that came from the sevear diffculty... like its quicker because now its not unnecesarily difficult cause they fixed the camera bit and removed soem of the mor epainfull sequences... i.e. leadign the eel thign through hoops... especially since the swiming controlls are so bad

but more than half the game tiem is still pretty drastic
Joined 19 Mar 2004
Wed, 13 Apr 2005 21:45
LUPOS wrote:
Alan is my first name wrote:
You know what's funny about the X-box 2 coming out so early? The remake of Conker's Bad Fur Day will once again be a AAA title being released at the very end of the system's lifespan.

Not that it matters, because it took Rare freaking years to simply pretty up a game with almost no changes and somehow (according to IGN) take the 1 player mode down from twenty (20) hours to seven (7). Something is seriously wrong with Rare.

And Microsoft sometimes.

i thik the reason fo rthe chnage it length is the removal of soem of the trivial collection puzzles and the trial and eror style of play that came from the sevear diffculty... like its quicker because now its not unnecesarily difficult cause they fixed the camera bit and removed soem of the mor epainfull sequences... i.e. leadign the eel thign through hoops... especially since the swiming controlls are so bad

but more than half the game tiem is still pretty drastic

If the cameras and missions were so badly made that a simple next-gen revamp of them would knock off 10-13 hours of gameplay, Conker's Bad Fur Day would have been so bad that nobody would even remember it.
Joined 29 Nov 2004
Wed, 13 Apr 2005 22:14
Alan is my first name wrote:
If the cameras and missions were so badly made that a simple next-gen revamp of them would knock off 10-13 hours of gameplay, Conker's Bad Fur Day would have been so bad that nobody would even remember it.

I can't say CBFD is particularly high in my Pant-Wetting-Anticiption-List ™
Joined 2 Feb 2005
Wed, 13 Apr 2005 23:04
Well, I finished it on N64, and I don't remember it being that hard. Some of it was a bit tricky, especially the war sections fighting waves of teddys, but other than that, it wasnt that bad. Maybe they cut out all the beginning stuff and just went straight to the war bit as a tutorial for live. I swear if they've cut the singing poo boss I'll die.
Joined 10 Jun 2004
Thu, 14 Apr 2005 08:01
Haven't played CBFD, but I'm not about to buy an Xbox to play it either :p.
king skins
Joined 10 Mar 2005
Thu, 14 Apr 2005 11:52
SPONG Article wrote:
What is more interesting are the expectations for shipping numbers offered by GS. According to the collective Internet readings they have clearly sifted through, a launch shipment figure of 3 million units is expected, somewhat more than the million initially mentioned by Microsoft at GDC in March.

Wasn't it 1million per territory?
1million to USA
1million to Europe
1million to Japan


3million total shipment. That is if they release in Japan at the sametime... or are they doing that after Christmas?

Joined 12 Mar 2004
Thu, 14 Apr 2005 18:36
Won't be buying until I see something I really want on the new box. I feel MS are rushing out to soon though. Sometimes that doesn't work as the Sega Dreamcast will testify.
Joined 30 Sep 2004
Thu, 14 Apr 2005 18:47
Joji wrote:
I feel MS are rushing out to soon though. Sometimes that doesn't work as the Sega Dreamcast will testify.

and some times it works too well... as is the case with the ps2... and to be realistic... sony and M$ are alot more similar than M$ and sega... most people can agree sega is wherr they are cause they couldn't match the advertising monster that is sony, M$ do not have that problem, has halo2 has so succesfully proven.
Joined 26 Mar 2005
Sun, 17 Apr 2005 19:34
It's not true

XBOX Next AS IT WILL REALLY BE CALLED is Launching in March next year latest will be summer next year.

there's plenty of Proof floating around that it's not called XBOX360 and that it is not coming out at the end of the year.
Joined 29 Nov 2004
Mon, 18 Apr 2005 08:18
MichiyoYoshiku wrote:
there's plenty of Proof floating around that it's not called XBOX360 and that it is not coming out at the end of the year.

Care to share this proof?
Joined 26 Mar 2005
Mon, 18 Apr 2005 12:20
Yeah Look at registered copyrights

XBOX360 isn't registrered to Microsoft.
Joined 21 Feb 2005
Mon, 18 Apr 2005 12:47
MichiyoYoshiku wrote:
Yeah Look at registered copyrights

XBOX360 isn't registrered to Microsoft.

Xbox360 is copyrighted? Wow. There was me thinking a brand such as this would have been trademarked. I'm shocked and amazed that someone other than Microsoft has a "copyright" on a name that contains the term "Xbox"

Where exactly did you find this "proof". You say there's plenty of evidence to prove this isn't the system's name, and you show up with this single shaky "fact".

Methinks you're a troll. Off you trot, Mr Troll.
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