Japanese Xbox 360 support: "...to the extreme"

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Topic started: Tue, 5 Apr 2005 13:39
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Joined 2 Nov 2004
Tue, 5 Apr 2005 13:39
Money, lots of it.
Joined 19 Mar 2004
Tue, 5 Apr 2005 16:11
This is simply hype by the numbers.
Joined 4 Apr 2005
Tue, 5 Apr 2005 16:22
Alan is my first name wrote:
This is simply hype by the numbers.

Yeah, but it works! Sony did it to the Dream Cast.... Sega had a successful launch and came out a year earlier, but it just couldn't shake the hype of the Ps2.... The Dream Cast was always under it shadow. Microsoft is pulling every single punch it can find. I think its only sold roughly half a million units in Japan, which is a really, really low number when compared to Nintendo and Sony. The only one that gots my attention to date... is Mr. Sakaguchi-san! Still its nice to see them back the system..."Extreme or not!"
Joined 29 Mar 2005
Tue, 5 Apr 2005 16:44
Hype by the numbers? Who cares. I think this is great news for gamers, i for one, will be buying an xbox360, only because I dont want to wait another year for the next generation of systems to come out, and this news shows that microsoft is dedicated to provided us with quality software to play. I dont like microsoft, I'm not the biggest fan of microsoft, I do prefer windows over linux ANYDAY, but I dont like the way they are trying to monopolize the gaming industry like they did with operating systems and web browsers for the PC, but you know what.. so is SONY... they killed off Sega, and now they are trynig to take over the hand held market and kill off nintendo. They are all after money. And I am going to buy any system as long as it has good games. If playstation 3 or revolution are good enough to make me trade in my xbox360 next year then i will
Joined 4 Apr 2005
Tue, 5 Apr 2005 17:22
shediesinred wrote:
Hype by the numbers? Who cares. I think this is great news for gamers, i for one, will be buying an xbox360, only because I dont want to wait another year for the next generation of systems to come out."--

Yeah,....Lol! The heart of a true gamer! I guess your right! It depends on the games! "Software!" The only thing is they have all these game exclusive console titles which really suck. I have to versions of Silent hill 2...... oh well huh? sucks to be hard core!
Joined 20 May 2004
Tue, 5 Apr 2005 18:16
Rather MS money got spent helping small and interesting games along than trying to make another expensive Windows...
Joined 29 Nov 2004
Tue, 5 Apr 2005 18:55
shediesinred wrote:
They are all after money. And I am going to buy any system as long as it has good games. If playstation 3 or revolution are good enough to make me trade in my xbox360 next year then i will

That's pretty much my stance. I have no allegiance to anyone (anymore). If the Xbox 360 has a couple of killer apps at launch, I'll get one. If not I'll just bide my time.
Joined 2 Apr 2005
Tue, 5 Apr 2005 19:25
Good point.I hate to admit it but Nin might suffer severely nextgen in Japan if Microsoft continues its deadly moves.If M wins over Nin in Japan it'll be game over for Iwata-san so,better not wait for Ps3 Iwata, you hear!!A few cunning deals and a sexy looking Xbox360 suffice.As for how they're faring right now take a look at hardware sales this month:
PS2- 166 479
GC-15 453
Xbox- 1117
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Tue, 5 Apr 2005 22:39
It's good to see MS touting for japanese developers for Xbox360, I have always said bring the japanese games and myself and others would be more likely to buy one.

I think Nintendo will be on their guard but also on a offensive footing themselves as Revolution and DS go online which will be a first for them. Both will be supported well but it's up to 2nd/3rd party developers to help make or break a system.

There is a danger here that might effect the industry. If there is too much exclusivity and money exchanged in the next round it will spoil things for a lot of consumers. Should be interesting to see which developers spread the love to all systems.
Joined 31 Mar 2005
Wed, 6 Apr 2005 07:20
Microsoft can sign as many japanese developers as they want, it won't change their alligence to their fellow japanese companies like sony and nintendo. If xbox 360 isn't getting a final fantasy from Hironobu Sakaguchi then it's pointless. Some of you guys said you allign with the company with the best games and yet most of you like xbox which only has halo and a handfull of titles like splinter cell, fable and kotor.
Mean while the ps2 as old as it is still produces title's like gran turismo 4 (which is # 2 in the uk charts), devil may cry 3 (# 6 in the uk), metal gear solid 3 (# 10 in the uk) and gta san andreas (# 22 in the uk). Only one of those xbox titles I mentioned is on the charts, that one is splinter cell chaos theory but it's # 3 in the uk under ps2 not xbox.
The numbers don't lie, world wide ps2 is number one and ps3 will be no different, so guy's please don't waste your money on xbox 360 unless all you want is halo 3.
Joined 19 Apr 2004
Wed, 6 Apr 2005 09:52
its great to hear that you know how the future will be. thanks alot for telling us =)
Joined 31 Mar 2005
Wed, 6 Apr 2005 17:09
SilverDogg wrote:
its great to hear that you know how the future will be. thanks alot for telling us =)

My pleasure dogg.
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Wed, 6 Apr 2005 18:06
Well the question beckons, how long will Sony's dominance of the industry last?

On December 3rd of 2004 the Playstation machine and name in japan was officially ten years old. A whole decade of Sony dominance has passed already but will they last another five or ten years at the top?

Sony and Nintendo have clearly known that buy holding onto Japan from MS will always have problems no matter how many Xbox were sold in the u.s or japan.

The PS2 was five years old on March last month in japan so while PSP sells and PS3 gets ready it will be hard for MS or Nintendo to wrestle more of the market for themselves. (harder for MS I think)

Will Xbox360 lure more japanese developers from Sony and Nintendo? Perhaps but I doubt it, I think japanese like to do their own thing most of the time and favour supporting their countries economy and consoles as a result.
Joined 31 Mar 2005
Wed, 6 Apr 2005 18:10
Joji wrote:
Well the question beckons, how long will Sony's dominance of the industry last?

On December 3rd of 2004 the Playstation machine and name in japan was officially ten years old. A whole decade of Sony dominance has passed already but will they last another five or ten years at the top?

Sony and Nintendo have clearly known that buy holding onto Japan from MS will always have problems no matter how many Xbox were sold in the u.s or japan.

The PS2 was five years old on March last month in japan so while PSP sells and PS3 gets ready it will be hard for MS or Nintendo to wrestle more of the market for themselves. (harder for MS I think)

Will Xbox360 lure more japanese developers from Sony and Nintendo? Perhaps but I doubt it, I think japanese like to do their own thing most of the time and favour supporting their countries economy and consoles as a result.

I agree
Joined 2 Apr 2005
Wed, 6 Apr 2005 21:19
Joji wrote:

Will Xbox360 lure more japanese developers from Sony and Nintendo? Perhaps but I doubt it, I think japanese like to do their own thing most of the time and favour supporting their countries economy and consoles as a result.

Hmm, in my opinion japanese consumers will just buy whatever they like regardless of its origin if it's a good highly praised launch by their sources that is.Remember on Tenchu's 1st Lv that fatty merchant...well, that's how i see their publishers/developers.
and MS modest wallet runs deeper than the fiery pits of hell for that purpose.It's a great doin for MS but Nin won't be keepin' up until Revolution proves revolutionary and developers start turning heads.
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