"Ze Share Buy Out! Eet Eez Ostile!"

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Topic started: Wed, 22 Dec 2004 14:04
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Joined 30 Sep 2004
Wed, 22 Dec 2004 14:04
Come on UBI show us stoopid americans the french can fight back!!

We always seem to forget over here that the french have a pretty good history of being fighters.

It'll be nice to see someone turn EA down, i just worry that it might get angry and force itself on the poor girl. That would be just like EA, typical!
Joined 10 Jun 2004
Wed, 22 Dec 2004 14:42
I'm surprised the French let EA in the door.
Joined 20 Apr 2004
Wed, 22 Dec 2004 15:49
In matters related to shares and such that are publicly traded, the company really doesn't have a choice. The problem occurs when a company can't afford to buy back shares to fend off unwelcome advances (such was the case with Sega and Sammy).
Joined 9 Dec 2003
Wed, 22 Dec 2004 20:18
Go to Google and type:

French military victories

Then press the 'I'm feeling lucky' button.
Joined 22 Dec 2004
Wed, 22 Dec 2004 21:04
EA is just a big bully in the Video Game Industry(VGI). All they do is make endless sequals, spin-offs and buy out companies. There latest move with the NFL is horrible. If EA does buy out Ubisoft, I'm sure a legal dispute involving the US Supreme Court and the European Union wiill break out.
Joined 29 Nov 2004
Thu, 23 Dec 2004 09:27
Ha. My work's webpage blocker, erm, blocked google.com result. Uk version a load of conservative jokes, some of which are actually quite funny.
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Thu, 23 Dec 2004 15:31
Have to say if thigns keep going like this we'll have another Microsoft on our hands. I like a lot of Ubisofts products because I truly believe they put good games before big bucks. EA seem to be a company that does the opposite.

When it comes to games I reckon the french have their own unique angle just like the japanese and other smaller euro outfits. With EA in the picture this could disappear as big money pushes Ubisoft to churn out dross instead of good games like POP:TWW, Splinter Cell etc. Ubisoft also produced the brilliant sleeper hit Beyond Good and Evil, this type of game was a chance to do something different that EA would be very reluctant to try. With EA pulling strings good original games and taking chances could disappear.

Just look at what has happened to small softcos in the past once they get eaten by the big fish. Things get tricky and restricted and in some cases staff leave because they can see where things are going (yes I know there are advantages too). I'll say a prayer that Ubisoft can get out of EA's clutches.
Joined 24 May 2004
Mon, 27 Dec 2004 13:31
Actually EA is Canadian
Joined 30 Sep 2004
Mon, 27 Dec 2004 15:36
acidviper wrote:
Actually EA is Canadian

I was under the impresion that EA is an american based company with a development studio in Canada (among other places). EA canada is home to EA big which makes all of there extreme sports games and mostly all of the good EA games come from EA canada. But that isnt their only office.

If anyone can verify one way or the other please do. link perhaps?

ok so i looked it up... EA headquarters is located in Redwood City, California.

sounds like an american company to me, but then i suppose i could be wrong. it doesnt happen offten but it happens :P

Joined 9 Dec 2003
Tue, 28 Dec 2004 22:12
acidviper wrote:
Actually EA is Canadian

I think you'll find it's a US 'Silicon Valley' company.


Joined 3 Sep 1999
Wed, 29 Dec 2004 09:24
LUPOS wrote:
acidviper wrote:
Actually EA is Canadian

I was under the impresion that EA is an american based company [...]
If anyone can verify one way or the other please do. link perhaps?

ok so i looked it up... EA headquarters is located in Redwood City, California.

You could also try searching SPOnG's company database (on the right, change "games" to "companies") and you'll find this entry
Joined 10 Jun 2004
Wed, 29 Dec 2004 09:55
Ubi do produce some excellent games.

I think that EA are the 3rd party Microsoft. However Microsoft want to get into every high-tech industry and kill it - for example games - where as EA are quite happy with software.
Joined 10 Jun 2004
Wed, 29 Dec 2004 10:02
config wrote:

You could also try searching SPOnG's company database (on the right, change "games" to "companies") and you'll find this entry

I had a look at the Games Database last time you mentioned it. Very impressive. Even managed to find information on some quite obscure games. Nice little tool!
Joined 30 Sep 2004
Wed, 29 Dec 2004 12:51
Adam M wrote:
Ubi do produce some excellent games.

I think that EA are the 3rd party Microsoft. However Microsoft want to get into every high-tech industry and kill it - for example games - where as EA are quite happy with software.

while i understand the knee jerk fear of microsoft entering games (afterall they do suck at almost everythign they do) i cant understand why people are so quick to critize them and at the same time give sony a free pass. I dont know if anyone here remembers or not but there used to be a time when sega and nintendo where actually the best console makers in the world! crazy but true i swear! and you know who brought that to a crashing hault? thats right people... SONY! not microsoft. So whenever you are sitting around longing for the good old days when games where "all about design" and "clever and original", take a good long look at that stupid poor excuse for a video game machine sitting there proped on on its end wedged between your tv and the wall fo your enteratinment center and think about what you have done!

Sega and nintendo are great cause they always tried to be inovative in some way, not just upping graphics but making new kinds of controlers and werid a$$ games about plumbers and hedge hogs before that was the acepted norm. I will never understand how people can be sooo happy that a tv/stereo manufacturer killed the dream cast and almost destroyed the N64 but then chastize a computer software maker for being the only worth while competition.

M$ and sonyt are good arch rivals casue they both have s**t tons of money and they both get that money from very different sources so they can compete with each other on the video game from for a loooong time. We shoudl all be glad M$ joined the fray to keep sony from monopolizing cause if there was no xbox chances are most of the xbox owners woul dhave bought PS2's and given them and even more painfull lead over nintendo.

ironic as it is M$ is helping to prevent a monopoly! strange but true. the sooner you learn to accpet it and get over your delusions the happier you will be.
Joined 10 Jun 2004
Wed, 29 Dec 2004 16:55
LUPOS wrote:

ironic as it is M$ is helping to prevent a monopoly! strange but true. the sooner you learn to accpet it and get over your delusions the happier you will be.

No way. M$ want to be in a monopoly position and eventually they will be in videogames. Then everyone will moan that they can only buy Microsoft consoles and games. M$ ultimate aim is to monopolise and make money, nothing else.

For a decade they've been accused of anti-competitive practices. Evil leopards from Hell never change their spots, or their twisted ways.
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