Bethesda: Still No Update on PS3 Skyrim DLC

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Topic started: Sat, 27 Oct 2012 06:29
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man with no name
Sat, 27 Oct 2012 06:29
So the same statement as always cheers bethesda, I would just like some honesty from them just come out and say "we are unable to release any dlc we are very sorry ect". However they continue to hurt their future sony game sales ps3/ps4 (when it comes out) and their reputation.

game player
Sat, 27 Oct 2012 13:46
They might still bring it out and until they know if it will come out they have nothing to tell us.
Angry Gamer
Sat, 27 Oct 2012 15:24
This has been such a big f***up by Bathesda and ps3 ! I spent so many hours playing skyrim on the ps3 even through the issue they had initially for a long time! and now this!?? I check the news every week but nothing seems to come out ! Ps3 owners have been treated like dirt ! My next console is gonna be a microsoft one and bathesda can go screw themselves too!
Sat, 27 Oct 2012 17:15
Probably going to release all DLCs as a pack some time in the future.
Sat, 27 Oct 2012 18:06
This is why i havent bought Dishounored, i just want HearthFire
Sat, 27 Oct 2012 18:28
Look yes we are all mad about the dlc but i am too but being mad might just drive them away from releasing it at all. Now if it dont come out then it doesnt. youll just be saving money. when you bought the game you bought it for skyrim alone. if you want more of the game it will still cost you. so if there isnt no dlc then you save money. to me its still a win win but i still would like to spend money on dlc
Sat, 27 Oct 2012 21:04
I don't know why there are some people swearing off of bethesda's next games because they didn't get extra content. If you didn't like Skyrim, then don't worry about dlc. If you did like Skyrim, then great, get the next game, because people don't release games with the promise of dlc for everyone. Just look at Assassin's Creed; they are releasing dlc exclusively for ps3, but I don't care, because I'm buying it for the game.
Sun, 28 Oct 2012 01:53
this comment comes from an avid elder scrolls player, and a very sarcastic one at that:
ive been following this skyrim dlc issue for ps3 since it started in august, now as we all know Beth sold off the rights for dlc access to microsoft, this isnt a huge surprise as its the only thing going for the xbox console. however the real issue is that the details of the arrangement were never released to public domain, therefore speculation has arisen towards bethesda licking microsofts butthole at the demands towards not releasing any dlc for sony consoles, this can been seen within any beth ps3 game its not that its impossible to program games (as they wouldnt have been released) nor dlc for ps3 split memory but that they simply neglect doing it correctly, why we may all ask? well the issue here lies within behind the scenes deals adhering to mother microsofts wishes, if the mother says youre not allowed to play nicely with any Asians (sony) for the rest of your life or we'll let you starve to death then they will do so without questioning, for this reason i have downloaded every Bethesda game free of charge and i encourage you all to do the same, may the greedy corporate bastards burn within their own demise of malcontent & neglection towards their community. next time dont advertise dlc if youre going to make deals that will never have it released, false advertising is punishable by law btchs
Sun, 28 Oct 2012 02:17

how. honestly i am sure they would just say they could not fix it if they thought it was impossible you impatient bitch
Sun, 28 Oct 2012 09:52
@man_with_no_name AMEN
project DEAD
Sun, 4 Nov 2012 11:51
here lie a piece of new project DEAD would not of liked to here a member of the clan said "Bethesda are being paid buy Xbox 360 to stop ps3 players from playing skyrim dlc" if this is true please just tell use honestly if there is or is not going to be any dlc for skyrim ps3. your's fatherly project DEAD's owner.
no one
Mon, 5 Nov 2012 11:28
I think the matter is that the company just dont seem to care any more , all PS3 users like myself just want the truth, if they just turn around and said "sorry no DLC" then we wouldnt give a damn, but what they are doing is NOT TELLING us what is going on all they say is "we are working on it" personally thats not good enough, like many ppl I wanna know what exactly is the problem, at least then we know the truth and Bethesda will have some respect back that they are losing from the PS3 users

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