Shining Force III Videos Suddenly Removed on Copyright Infringement Claims

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Topic started: Tue, 20 Nov 2012 22:01
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Tue, 20 Nov 2012 22:01
This started back in August with the same 'Sega' user filing copyright complaints against videos on the Shining Force SOS YouTube account - which is totally ridiculous as the videos were of people (Shining Force fans, specifically) saying who they are and that they love Shining Force. I'm not sure how Sega can claim to own the rights to videos of these people. They only targetted a few videos, primarily those posted by Shining ROM hackers, myself (Shining Force Central creator) and an editor from GamesTM magazine whose opinion I guess holds some weight too.

It would seem to stem from an altercation between Japanese fans of the 'new' Shining series from 2chan who took a dislike to 'classic' series fans supporting the SF:SOS campaign. This original altercation led to a misunderstanding with Sega and consequently bad feelings (being conveyed in less than polite way, which I have been warned not to post publically) from Sega Japan's Shining producer towards myself and the SFC community.

It may well be the folks from 2chan trying to stir things up again - though how they managed to get an official Sega Japan email address on their YouTube account is unknown. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to which videos get flagged and they certainly don't all even include gameplay footage and some include little more than a logo or the mention of the words 'Shining Force'.

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