Creative Assembly to Make Multiple Warhammer Games

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Topic started: Sun, 9 Dec 2012 22:16
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Sun, 9 Dec 2012 22:16
Games Workshop need to take a leaf out of Wizards of the Coast's book and create a fully featured Free-To-Play online version of the core game product - a la Magic The Gathering Online.

MTGO represents more than half of all MTG product purchases, and allows people with more access to stores and physical games to enjoy the franchise to the fullest; it's a no-brainer, so the continued absence of an online WH40K system is a real head-scratcher.

I know I'd never ever spend money on a collection of models that would see scant use and would never get painted; but I would spend money building up a digital collection that I could easily customise from my computer and be sure of finding other players to battle against night or day from across the world.

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