Wii Us Arrive Early for Online Shoppers

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Topic started: Thu, 29 Nov 2012 13:23
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Joined 23 Sep 2005
Thu, 29 Nov 2012 13:23
so its come but i caunt play it till i get on a train to travel to mothers (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO) All ican say thank god she was in i just wish i had put the address as my home address not mothers hurry up 10pm. i would take photos and vids but i want to play and every body all ready nows what it looks like so im not bothering lets bother house mates with over excited headcase lol
Joined 14 Feb 2008
Thu, 29 Nov 2012 23:50
Got mine today, still can't touch it till Christmas though

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