Analyst: Nintendo's Wii U, Wii Mini are "Ideas From the Last Decade"

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Topic started: Mon, 21 Jan 2013 14:32
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Mon, 21 Jan 2013 14:32
This man makes 15 conflicting statements, often taken directly from unsubstantiated rumours and tries to take the glory if he is right. The problem is, he is rarely right. He has been trolling Nintendo since the Gamecube died and if anything it has just improved Nintendo's fortunes. I think he just hates them because he knows they will never do what he would do if it was his company.

I agree that Nintendo are way too late to the HD party and have milked the wii too far but that is not their gameplan anyway.
Mon, 21 Jan 2013 17:19
Why are you giving Pachter the light of day? He's the most ignorant "journalist" around. Don't fuel the fire.

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