US Politicians Slam NRA's 'Practice Range' Shooting App

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Topic started: Wed, 16 Jan 2013 18:45
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Wed, 16 Jan 2013 18:45
So if I have this right: games don't affect people except when they do, Spong? Have I got that about right? You can't have it both ways, so either games do create murderous monsters (and this app is a bout as anodyne as it gets) or they don't.

Also: LMAO, you're stating that a game were people are shooting at TARGETS is somehow hypocritical of a group criticizing games where headshots are the new handshake? If that's the case, me throwing a vase at a wall is excessively violent--or is that only if I'm throwing it at someones head? It's so hard to keep track fo the shifting morality and ethics of the crack Spong staff!!

Do you even think before you write this stuff? (The answer is no but, then, you studiously ignore that politicians of a certain ideological bent are far more likely to go after games, and it isn't the party typically associated with the NRA that's doing it. A tiny bit of consistency would be great, guys.)

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