Microsoft Xbox 360 Life-to-Date Sales to Overtake Nintendo Wii UK

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Topic started: Tue, 29 Jan 2013 17:15
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Tue, 29 Jan 2013 17:15
Did they include or take away the ones that had to buy 2 to 4 new xbox 360? Because of the red ring of death.
Moe hunter
Tue, 29 Jan 2013 21:59
Sorry but why is this even in the news really I think yall forgot that Nintendo has a new console out and the wii had already wont he last gen in 2008 it don't matter what the x or ps3 do anymore that gen is done lol about xbox also I worked for game and seen the same ppl constantly buying the box due to the faulty hardware but like I said that gen was won long ago by the wii so lets stop digging up ld fossils and move into the next gen lol

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