Why ProtoType 2 Alex Mercer is Your Enemy

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Topic started: Mon, 25 Apr 2011 05:54
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Mon, 25 Apr 2011 05:54
Note: This rant is on this specific website because on here you don't need an account to post comments, now onto the rant. . .
I don't know why so many people are angry about the Mercer to Heller change, I mean firstly Mercer was never really the "good guy", secondly the virus IS the main character of the story(was Mercer back in Hope, Idaho? No, no he wasn't) and finally. . . . .Heller is a badass name, I mean come on guys how could you not like that name!?! Also, so many people out there are confused as to why Heller was infected, but didn't turn into a zombie. . .uh duhhh(winning, JK) because he was infected with the same "variant" of the virus as Mercer, the Blacklight variant not the Redlight! Anywhoo I'm just looking forward to the game in 2012. . .yeah I think a game about the end of the world/new york/something else will be much better than the actual end of the world, sure the real thing will have some fancy disasters but then it's done, but with [PROTOTYPE] you can go back even after the game is beat'n. . .
P.S I really want to play as a black dude for once!
P.S.S. What does P.S. stand for?
Mon, 2 Apr 2012 22:14
@JR P.S means Post Scriptum dude
Sun, 12 Aug 2012 20:29
such a waste, Alex Mercer is so cute! I don't want to kill him lol
I will probably replay Prototype 1 just so he can be my character again.

but still, awesome game, both of them 1 and 2
Thu, 31 Jan 2013 23:36
How can mercer be cute? Besides if any characters deserves to die its Dana as in [prototype] Alex risked every thing to save her from greens hive and in return she turns on him

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