Xbox Founder Slams Microsoft for "Jumping its Own Shark"

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Topic started: Wed, 13 Feb 2013 17:54
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Joined 30 Oct 2006
Wed, 13 Feb 2013 17:54
I've got a feeling that the reason the XBLIG and XNA are being killed off is down to the integration of Windows RT into the next Xbox - which will provide the same App market place that is available on Windows 8 (PCs and the Surface tablet), anything written to run on WinRT will run on the new Xbox.

So while the XNA development scene will fade away, the new Xbox may actually be as open to developers as the Surface Tablet is (which, unless I've misunderstood how the development works for that, would mean that indie developers would automatically have access to both the Xbox and Windows user base)

Also suspect that 'touch' base games will be playable using the new Kinect to emulate the touch actions, but we'll see how that turns out!

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