PS4 Priced at £499 Says UK Retail

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Topic started: Fri, 22 Feb 2013 11:03
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Joined 25 Nov 2008
Fri, 22 Feb 2013 11:03
Wow, at least they didn't pull a NINTENDO . A Nintendo is what i now call huge MISTAKES THAT LEAVE U BANKRUPT . I can't wait till XBOX Market place has all the Old games when then buy there BANKRUPT Butts . The same could happen with SONY but less likely . Lets face it 1 DAY PEOPLE MIGHT BE ABLE TO PLAY GAMES ON THEIR PHONES . When that day happens u will be getting a free VITA or DS GAMEBOY with the purchase of there System . THE NETFILX 720 and all the Crap Sony are doing , well its S**T !!! 60 buc games i can take with me . WHO CARES ??? I WANT NO CHEATTING , NO LAG and WHY WOULD I EVER TAKE MY EYES OFF MY BIG SCREEN to look at MY SECOND SCREEN . TO DIE MAYBE !!!! PLEASE NO MORE GIMMICKS and MORE VOTING OUT THE CHEATERS .

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