Finally It's Steam for Linux But Only Officially for Ubuntu

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Topic started: Fri, 15 Feb 2013 12:49
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Jon Cotton
Fri, 15 Feb 2013 12:49
Don't think there's any deal here, I'm sure at some point before Valve have mentioned this is the way the would roll out linux support, by starting with the most popular distros first. This is one of the reasons they collect so many usage stats from steam users, so they can make intelligent decisions when choosing where to concentrate dev/testing resource. If Ubuntu is the most popular distro for steam users then it absolutely makes sense for Valve to build and test it on there first. They're not saying *only for Ubuntu*, they're simply saying, we've built a Linux client and tested it on Ubuntu, if you want to try it on other distros go ahead, but we can't guarantee it will work. I'm sure support for other distros will follow soon enough.

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