Sony Patents Method for Detecting Pirated Software

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Topic started: Mon, 25 Feb 2013 12:00
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Joined 14 Feb 2008
Mon, 25 Feb 2013 12:00
how would that work? wouldn't the load times be the same pirated or not since it's the same disc drive doing the reading?
Joined 3 Feb 2000
Mon, 25 Feb 2013 12:38
I can only see it being different if the pirated disk had the data laid out differently or the duplicate disk caused more read errors.

Surely an ageing drive would cause this test to fail too because of increased read errors. Does anyone remember having to have their original PlayStation stood on it's side, for example?
Joined 26 Mar 2007
Mon, 25 Feb 2013 22:42
Upside down worked for my PS1. I'm guessing this system is to detect when games that are "pretending" to be on a BluRay are actually installed on the hard drive. I'm guessing it'll be when they load too fast, not too slow.

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