Aliens: Colonial Marines - "Primary Development Outsourced to TimeGate Studios"

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Topic started: Mon, 4 Mar 2013 09:39
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Mon, 4 Mar 2013 09:39
One word; WOW and I don't mean World Of Warcraft. I was a US Marine back 06 and got out 2011 and I've been waiting for this game like years. Thx Nintendo what a way to stick it to the Marine Corps lol like 71 years later aslsohes. In any event you just know SEGA was like Oh yeah sure make your high speed low drag Motion Tracker. We don't mind f**king over the fans after years of waiting and countless setbacks of the game. F**k it! They don't need it!!! (Quoting our awesome Commander and Chief Joe.) But am I right tho aren't I. Sad but true. I mean really Wii come on what a way to not jump on board when your train was at the station eh? Anyway whatever at least I still got Prometheus in a week or so; so I'll get mine Nintendo I'll get mine.This is Angry Murpheus message out!
Mon, 4 Mar 2013 10:52
Why you haven't been killed is beyond me, you f**king retard. You sound like an embarrassment to your Corps. F**king sense of entitlement, indeed.

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