Cliff Bleszinski Defends Free-to-Play Business Practice

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Topic started: Fri, 1 Mar 2013 13:15
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Fri, 1 Mar 2013 13:15
The issue is that Valve make good games, EA have a more spotty record.

Also, EA buy up other developers and the quality of the games seems to go down afterwards.

Big company = evil, bad games = evil, "killing" small devs = evil.
Joined 25 Nov 2008
Sun, 3 Mar 2013 02:04
The Only Problem with this model is : ANY LOSER CAN PAY TO BECOME AS GOOD AS ME !!!! I have dominated in 5 different Shooters ( i mean being in the #1 position on the leader board ) and I usually got there by putting hundreds of hours . Hell I remember two losers who cheated for 3000 and 4000 houRs to steal my #1s in BATTLE FIELD 2 MODERN COMBAT . So now all these two loser would need to do is BUY THEM ???

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