Kojima: I Want to Make Metal Gear Rising 2 with Platinum

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Topic started: Fri, 22 Feb 2013 18:02
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Fri, 22 Feb 2013 18:02
In other words: Platinum is awesome, I just wish they wouldn't insist on doing 60fps games because then they don't look as good in screenshots.
Fri, 22 Feb 2013 20:13
What? The 60fps are a necessity for fluid action games. It is one of the most important things for the genre, just like it is for fighting games. Fluid gameplay is far more important than the game looking a little bit prettier @Ergo
Sat, 23 Feb 2013 18:46
MGR Revengence was amazing!!(At least on the 360 I didn't play the PS3 one) It had the perfect story going to keep MGS and MGR fans waiting and wanting more. My friend told me Metal Gear Solid is SOLID snake so that means its now RISING Raiden. If(and hopefully) another MGR is made it needs to be either as good or better than Revengance.
Mon, 25 Feb 2013 04:42
Kojima wanted it to be running at 60fps.
Thu, 28 Feb 2013 19:00
Loved the game! Kind if wished for stealth camo. Remember! The two cyborgs before raiden had SC! But not a necessity. This game was way to awesome! Another one please!
Thu, 28 Feb 2013 23:16
Yes, I have heard about this, and I'm all for it. Such a game could only be better and more polished after handling the game once before, and the style that game has can only be done P*. Besides, there are still things that I wanna see in this series that I don't believe will make it through DLC alone. Oh, yeah, I like Kenji Saito san, and of course, I'd like him to stay on the team, but I'd like Kamiya-san to consider working on the team next time...! :D
Mon, 4 Mar 2013 01:29
Rising 2 with raiden as the main hero again, raiden fighting new enemies and having new abilities it would be so awesome!

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