Nintendo Fans Overwhelm uPlay Miiverse Community With Rayman Anger

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Topic started: Fri, 8 Feb 2013 14:24
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Fri, 8 Feb 2013 14:24
i loved rayman on the ps3, 1080p at 60fps, with handmade graphics, animations, those lovely tunes and effects, those colors and effects popping on the screen, the fun characters, the perfectly dosed difficulty, turned rayman in one of my favorite platforms, and my top 10 best games of all time.

Not bashing or whatever, but we all know that the wii U won't be able to run the new game, at 1080p and 60fps, with even better graphics than the ps3 or x360 version. when we see the ports like mass effect 3, or the exclusive zombiU, it's hard not not admit that the console has some limitations.

Even if ubisoft are incredibly talented guys, they can't do miracles if the hardware can't do more. that's why i think the problem here, is the new rayman on the wii U not being as good as the old rayman on ps3/x360, ubisoft simply doesn't want the wii u version to be released 7 months before the other versions. Because if many nintendo fans will run and buy it, no matter how the game is, all other players, who already have an x360 and ps3, will simply realize that the wii u version isn't even as good as the old rayman, and will simply wait for the perfect 1080p60fps version for their consoles. Which would translate in less sales for ubisoft/nintendo, because most people would wait for the xbox and ps3 versions.

maybe the wii u version will also be in 1080p... but will it have the same quality ? because we can have a 400X300 jpg image stretched on a 4000x4000 image... and the big resolution won't make it look good.

when i see the ports that have been made on the wii u, we see there is some serious power lacking, due to nintendo using old hardware, and developers didn't have more power to make it better.

By releasing the game on the 3 consoles at the same time, even if the wii u version will be inferior, graphically/fps, people won't have 7 months to compare, to judge, to analyse, etc, and and wii u/ps3 owner, for example, may pick the wii u version, because maybe he prefers the gamepad on the nintendo console.

BUT, if the game is released now, some people will buy it now, because they like their wii u console and rayman will still be a great game, BUT, most users who have several consoles, they will skip the wii u version, and will wait. because the ps3 and xbox version of the game will use 100% of the power, which will translate in a even better game than the first rayman, while ubisoft will still learning how to max out the new nintendo console, which is totally normal, given the fact that the hardware is new.

Here is my opinion.

and for those who will say "f-uk U", really, do you think the wii U, based on the quality of the ports, so far, and the exclusive games (and i mean games with textures, not big round faces with a single color, with the background made with 2 or 3 colors, instead of textures), do you think the wii U can output 1080P@60fps with some insane graphics, even better than the ones on the rayman origins ps3/x360 version ?i'm afraid the answer is no...
Fri, 8 Feb 2013 14:28

heck yea it can brahhhhhhh. Trine 2 on wiiU runs with a higher resolution and increased particle effects, in fact, there was an expansion that was added to the wiiU version that couldn't run on ps360. So it's def more powerful than those consoles. holler.
Fri, 8 Feb 2013 15:25
@mike666 uh, The Rayman Legends DEMO on U runs rings around Origins on PS360--are you blind?? I haver both Origins on PS3 and the U demo, and it's not even close.

(And yes, it *does* run at 1080p and 60fps, nitwit, and that's on a very old demo--you expect it to get *worse* in the final??)
Joined 8 Feb 2013
Fri, 8 Feb 2013 15:35
Why did you spend however many minutes to write that nonsense? Nearly everything you just said is wrong not to mention that the only draw with this game is the touchscreen stuff which will definitely not work as well on any other console
Sat, 9 Feb 2013 11:45
i spent a few minutes because you guys are still at school, we need to explain slowly so you all can understand every word.

why nitwit, ergo ? if you can't figure out alone, ask your daddy and he will explain that now, that he is still paying your consoles and games, it's normal for you to accept and love anything nintendo may release.

but in, like 4 ou 5 years, when you will start working, you will then notice that nintendo, since the first wii was released, only rely on 5-10 classic games, most having "mario something" on the title, along with a few other metroid, monster hunters, pokemons, the remaining 95% of games being shovelware, with graphics using no textures, only flat colors, huge faces and eyes, that mums and dads will buy, because it was the trend, just to see them gather dust one month after, and ever be touched again.

You will also notice that , for example, the 2006 ps3 was created and drawn in 2003, and 10 years later, you have games like the last of us that will impress even the PC fanboy. and you will also notice that we're in 2013, and nintendo build a new console, using 7 years old technologies, thinking all the moms and dads would run and pick one, blindly, just like they did with the first wii... wrong, mr. nintendo, the wii u is not selling well, which is really incredibly surprising for a nintendo console, and all those mums and dads won't do the same error twice: buy it for their kids, and see it gather dust over and over, a couple of weeks after they bought it.

it worked once, but it won't work twice. look at ZombiU, made with the great absolutely huge power of the wii U technology, and watch the last of us, for example. while now it's just impossible for you and many other young people and fanboys to admit the wii U won't exist until 2018-2020, because you're still wowed by the amazing textures on the wii u version of super mario, in less than one year, in a few months, when you will start watching gameplay videos of some ps4/x720 games, you will finally admit that not only the wii U isn't future-proof, but it isn't even as powerful as the almost 8 years old x360 or ps3.

only the day you will work hard and will have to make the good choices, like choosing a console that will give you great games for the next 7-10 years, you will realize and admit the wii U was rushed, and nintendo did it, put an HD on it, hoping all the kids would cry, to have one.

my 8 yo nephew got a wii when he was 6, played mario and 2 or 3 other games like 2 or 3 weeks, and the day he started playing fifa or other games on the ps3 i gave him, never again did he touch his dust-collector wii machine. it's that simple.

but it's ok, kids, you have the right to defend whatever you like, just because you have it, it becomes the best thing in the world. but there are thousands of AAA games, in other consoles, you knew that ? metroid, marios, mario karts, zeldas, pokemons and monster hunters version 1-2-3-4, repeated every year, in every nintendo device aren't the only games in the world.

when i talk about games without textures, with only simple flat colors, simple gradients, without a single texture, i mean this. and these kinds of games, will represent 97% of the "great HD graphics" in the wii u gaming catalog, for the next 2 years, because graphics like this are good for the kid's eyes and brain. here are some incredible amazing gameplay videos, where we can see all the power of the wii U components being used at 100%. and no, i'm not trolling. it's just the simple truth, nothing more, nothing less.

***n00b weblink removed*** />wow, how many billions polygons are being used here ? what about the 4096x4096 amazing textures ? how can a 50-60$ game look this good ? a game and graphics like these should cost at least 99$

what about this one ? i have it on my ps3, and it looks at least 2 times better, even when i choose 1080p on youtube. where is the extra power of the new wii U ?
***n00b weblink removed*** />

what about this : just compare it with killzone 3, or even call of duty, no matter which one. look at the riffle textures... there are only 2 textures, one for the metal, one for the wood. no reflections, no bump mapping, no effects, no lights on the metal, nothing. a simple flat 10 years old texture. once again, is that the new GENERATION hardware ? is this console that is going to compete with the ps3 and x360, not even talking about the ps4 or x720. and this is activision who is doing this game... not an amateur in is bedroom. even the first half-life on pc , from 2000, looks almost better.
***n00b weblink removed*** />
wow, monster hunters 3 looks impressive. look at the monster, there are 3 colors on it.
***n00b weblink removed*** />
another incredible game, here, look at the graphics at the 3m00s, and compare it with the x360 and ps3 version.
***n00b weblink removed*** />
here is a good example what the shelves are going to be filled with: tons of this. incredible game by the way.
***n00b weblink removed*** />
here, play the ps3 version, and then, play this version. your eyes are gonna bleed. textures are so ugly and compressed, the colors are so washed out, the foes textures and colors are so "raw", it looks like it's a different game:
***n00b weblink removed*** />
even nba 2013, which is not that complex, just a court with 10 players and the public, compared, for example, to a infamous 2 whole city, the textures have like a blur filter, it's awful, compared to the ps3 or x360. and the public, wow, no textures, only simple colors. really, is this running on a brand new 2013 HD console?
***n00b weblink removed*** />
what the hell is this ? games have textures. 1998 pc games used this kind of graphics, with simple colors and gradients. we're in 2013. how can we sell games like these, and call them new gen, and HD ?
***n00b weblink removed*** />
ok, this is a long and nice post, i had some pleasure writing it, during 15 minutes. but imagining the kids faces when reading my comment and watching the videos, it's priceless :)

ok guys, forget all this bullshit, the Wii U is a revolutionary piece of hardware, that can make games 2 times better than the current ps3 and x360. even pc gamers are jealous of it's power. and the wii u is so powerful, that it will be sold until 2020, at least, if not 2025.

guys, honestly, love your nintendo consoles if you want, but admit nintendo could have done something much better, and right now, i would be playing some great games on it. but no, they did something hoping another 100 million mums and dads would run to pick one... but no. 50$ reduction are already being offered, so people buy it, in usa. even nintendo bosses say it is selling really... ehhh, not that well. if the ps4 or the x720 are released before chrismas 2013, the wii U could terribly suffer from it, and could see it's sales decrease even more. nintendo is in a tough position, they bet on the wii u, using old hardware, hoping all fans would pick one, but it didn't happen. we're in 2013, even a 7 yo kid can see a difference in games, if one game is really beautiful, and the other is average. people, even young people are used to everyhing HD, and know if a game is ugly, if the game is actually ugly. if the next consoles are released this year, with some insane graphics and media features, nintendo could start asking SEGA what does it feel like, when we go bankruptcy.

please, people, criticize as much as you want, but don't offend me. i'm simply telling what i feel about nintendo politics, and i really feel nintendo had a chance to make an amazing console, with current hardware, but no, they've chosen the easy way: old tech, same old games. we're in 2013, we want to have some amazing games on our 42-65" lcd tvs, and not just flat colors, big heads and eyes on games for 4 years old kids.
Sun, 10 Feb 2013 15:24
Listen jackass (mike 666), Nintendo has clearly specified that their console can run 1080p HD at 60 fps. But enough about graphics because that is NOT what Nintendo is about: Gameplay and Innovation over Graphics and Processing power. It's not all about the fancy visuals but about if the game is fun to play. Obviously you have way to much time on your hands going on forums and typing paragraph after paragraph of utter horseshit. The Rayman demo on my TV runs at 60 fps and unless they downgrade that during development I'm sure it will on the finished copy. Sorry, but it's not hard to get a 2D platformer to run 60 fps. That being said I don't why your going on these forum pages if you don't like the WiiU. I don't like Justin Beiber, doesn't mean I type his name in Google and shovel stupid facts over his fan pages. Plus you do realize that while the PS4 and Xbox 720 may (slim chance) support 4K, no one will be able to afford one...after all the cheapest ones are around $10,000. So, go back to your Xbox forum page, hun.
Mon, 11 Feb 2013 06:06
I'm sorry man but your article here BREATHES "I'm an xbox fanboy who's so butt hurt to see Nintendo succeed because it hurts my ego that I'll go out of my way to convince other people that mediocrity is better than originality". It's hard to argue over your posts because most of your information is beyond irrelevant. Deny and argue as you may. As for not selling well, wrong, ps3 better looking, I'll say it was designed to be a close improvement, not blow your mind. I simply put won't be paying $700 for a machine that looks like the 360 only doesn't use fuzzy clouding to mask the fact it can't run at true 1080p using a trick the N64 used to hide insecurities. Frankly your information is from a derived pit of nonsense and ego. Thus, I can't really argue your points. It's like arguing the sky is purple because you're wearing sunglasses. Take off your petty glasses of hurt and pain and face reality. Not everyone is pleased with the same nonsense and 'mature' blood gore and 'terrible quality so long as their are huge boobs' that you evidently love in the PS3 and 360. I love the PS3, I don't have one because the scores of Wii games that I play on a weekly basis occupy my time as compared to the $20 one week after release your precious PS360 crap enjoys. So many fanboys like yourself (though you argue against the Nintendo fanboy) stress the inefficiency of the Wii. Needless to say every Wii I know is played beyond the capacity of your understanding.I have 2 that are played equally because in both rooms with as much attention as they get its' needed. I have an xbox. But honestly none of the crap they offer can hold my attention. Halo, the reason for its' existence, has failed to hold my attention. I own Call of Duty Black Ops II on my Wii U, which is amazing, loads online multiplayer in less than 10 seconds. and looks as good as its counterparts as part of a one month effort to port. Should you know as much as a you desperately try to claim you'll understand that's an impressive accomplishment. Concerning your Rayman arguement, if in fact Rayman was built from the ground up for the Wii U, one of two things are going to happen. Either it's going to look better on the Wii U because it was built for its' software and the crappy port as you love to emphasize will dwindle with its' translation to your other systems, or if in fact the Wii U isn't as gorgeous as you claim, then all of them will suck. Congratulations. You, if in fact you know anything about games, should look at the games slated for Wii U and cannot argue their potential. Even Pikmin 3 which is glorious blobs of single color looks spellbinding. Ignorance and stupidity await you if you even try to deny the graphical potential of games built for the system. I honestly marvel at the lack of evident intelligence people who go on these Nintendo bashing rants like you do. The ample lack of thought and plentiful butt hurt emotional rampage is overwhelming. Reconsider, and evaluate. You should see it if you try.
Mon, 11 Feb 2013 06:11
Also, this has EXTREMELY little to do with the easy way, this isn't a group of CEO's looking for a way to make a cheap crap system. As you and others will GLORIOUSLY acknowledge the Wii U is selling under cost. If Nintendo made an xbox 720 esque sytem for $500+ would you have purchased it? No, because we'd be reading the same crap about how they blah blah blah, kiddy system, bankrupt, ps3 better, blah blah blah. The fact of the matter is, Nintendo delivered a system with slightly better graphical hardware, an F***ing tablet for a controller and a comprehensive demo game to tag along with it for half the price of your PS3 on release date. 30+ games on release day. An entire social network built it. A TV Guide to rule them all. All for $350. SO what are you complaining about? The amount of content Nintendo has released is overwhelming and with a few tweaks will prove marvelous. Simply you wish to pretent that isn't true because NIntendo isn't 'macho' enough for you. Admit it.
Mon, 11 Feb 2013 15:03
@mike666 What about Minecraft? It is a game that has horrible graphics compared to every other game. Yet 9,280,169 people have bought the game.
Brings up the question graphics or gameplay? Look it up on Google and you will see that most people agree that gameplay is more important than graphics.
Thu, 7 Mar 2013 12:22
Heroes of Ruin was better than that Vita game. I don't know what game that is thoguh as I have no interest in the Vita.Anyways, its fun to have your friends being able to jump into your game and to voice chat with them :) But I do not recommend worldwide multiplayer! As other players are assholes and ninja loot everything from under you.I've tried Rhythm Thief and that was a fun game :) I may get that one day, perhaps when its on sale here.Kingdom Hearts - I tried first game when it came out, and I didn't like the real time combat system, so I never bothered with the rest. The game looks really really nice on the 3DS thoguh! And I really like the cameo of Neku in the demo :) Its tempting me to get the game just for that LOL But I don't know, I don't have a great relationship with real time combat games LOL so in the end, not sure if I'll get this game.Rayman demo - this game irritated me LOL There is that level where you quickly have to run through the level? I found it impossible to play as I found it difficult to jump on the platforms. For some reason I found it difficult to judge the size of the platform, also the movement of Rayman was just weird, he didn't feel like he moved as fast as say Mario. I won't be getting this game. Looks nice, but I don't think it plays well on the 3DS, I don't think they've ported it well to the 3DS.

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