Nintendo's Wii U Woes Continue, as US Sales Show Dismal Performance

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Topic started: Fri, 15 Mar 2013 13:14
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Fri, 15 Mar 2013 13:14
That's pretty crap! The "dead in the water" Vita sold almost that amount in each of the last two weeks in Japan.
Sat, 16 Mar 2013 04:37
They need to completely start over in the consoles features. First I recommend dropping the horrible UI. It looks pretty cheesy and a little too childish looking. Second, try attracting more 3rd party developers to design and port games to the Wii U (Rockstar Games/ Take Two). Third, stop burning out Mario, he has been burned out 2012-2013. Too many Mario games are being released. Nintendo your fans want more, not just Mario, Mario, Mario, Mario. Also the Wii U needs a signiture feature, Wii U Street View IS NOT A KILLER APP. Its been out on hundreds and billions of devices for YEARS.

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