US Senator: Government May Have to MAKE Video Games Makers Comply on Gun Censorship

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Topic started: Fri, 5 Apr 2013 17:24
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Fri, 5 Apr 2013 17:24
Pray tell WHY should she know better?? Democrats are the ones that have spear-headed the vast, vast, vast majority of such legislation in the past. Why the left *insists* it's the right that engages in this when it's the LEFT that has been flogging this horse for a decade (look at the major legislation proposed by Democrats in this area from the past decade, then go back to Tipper Gore and music lyrics instead of being blinded by an ideology that doesn't even support what you think it does) is beyond those of us with functioning frontal lobes.

NEWFLASH: Democrats *hate* videogames. Hillary Clinton, Joe Lieberman, Diane Feinstein, these are all *very* hardcore, *very* left Democrats. The state senator in CT that proposed banning gun games in arcades? A Democrat. The California pol that wanted to impose draconian sales laws on videogames? A Democrat.

At some point the overwhelmingly leftwing gaming media will admit this is an issue and start calling for some heads instead of providing cover for their ideological stablemates and boring us to death--as Spong does regularly--about the Daily Mirror's latest 'outrage', when it's people with *actual* power that are your worst enemy.

(But probably not.)
Mon, 8 Apr 2013 06:53
I bet this passes way before any Gun or Magazine legislation passes !

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