Xbox 720: Always On - Deal with It says Microsoft Man

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Topic started: Fri, 5 Apr 2013 14:02
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Joined 3 Feb 2000
Fri, 5 Apr 2013 14:02
So was he actually talking about "always on" or "always online"? It matters because they're talking about both of these concepts for the next consoles.
Fri, 5 Apr 2013 17:26
"His responses, such as "I want every device to be "always on"", portray not only the arrogance and entitlement we've come to expect from large corporations and wealthy individuals, it also suggest a total misunderstanding of how the Internet is actually supplied."

Yes, because the little guy is never an asshole, right?

Puerile, unnuanced, Cliche much, Spong?
Darren A.
Fri, 5 Apr 2013 23:22
Wow...Microsoft is retarded. I just cancelled my internet because I have data plans for my Galaxy S3 & ipad. Really, home internet is becoming less important w/ mobile devices & hotspots.

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