Gamestop Outs Xbox 720 But Claims People Want PS4 More Than "All The Other Things They Could Buy"!

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Topic started: Thu, 4 Apr 2013 23:01
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Thu, 4 Apr 2013 23:01
HEY DUMB ASS BETTER GET EXCITED THAT YOUR NEW CAREER WILL BE STARTING SOON . GAME STOPS #'s are DOOMED . NOW THAT THE GAMING INDUSTRY are all MAKING TV MACHINES THAT SUPPORT GAMES . YOU WILL SEE THAT 1 DOLLARS PHONE GAMES WILL OUT SALE ALL THE THE BIG 3 COMBINED ! I SAID IT HERE IN 2009 that the Wii and Sony were trying to bankrupt the gaming Industry with crap Add Ons . I also said that XBOX , SONY and NINTENDO would all fall to the real gaming machine , the IPHONE . So i was half right . The Android was not around when i made this perdition . Maybe Nostradamus could have seen this , but me . WELL I AM JUST A VIDGAME GOD not FORTUNE TELLER !!!!

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