SEGA and Nintendo - Hand in Glove as Console Gaming Chokes on Own Complacency

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Topic started: Fri, 17 May 2013 18:19
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Fri, 17 May 2013 18:19
Wow, Nintendo signs Sonic as an exclusive, and you connect the dots that it's the End Times for console gaming? Are you guys serious? This is the best you can do? Acting like a spoiled child that had his Sonic taken away, and now he might (oh noes!) have to buy a U to play the new one! Horror!

(What is hilarious is it's not the underwhelming sales of game after game in the 'hardcore' space, it's Nintendo signing Sonic that is death knell for console gaming...try harder, Spong.)

(And give me a break: if Sony or MS made this catch, you'd be saying how it's a "major realignment in the console space and this is a huge blow to Nintendo who was known to be the platforms for Sonic gaming".)

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