Ubisoft Decapitates Wii U and Stamps on Corpse

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Topic started: Tue, 9 Jul 2013 11:22
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Tue, 9 Jul 2013 11:22
AH yes, ZombiU, a game rushed to market six-months early, with a staggering number of game-breaking bugs, failed to sell well...what a surprise.

(The only surprise is that the hacks in the gaming media lavished praised over a barely-playable tech demo.)
Tue, 9 Jul 2013 11:23
BTW, Spoing, be great if you pointed out that it took them nigh-on six-months to fix the game-breaking bugs. Ubi has *zero* respect for their customers, as ZombiU and Might and Magic have amply proven over the past 18-months.

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