I was never any good at beat em ups, but at 43 I don't feel particularly incapable at stuff involving However, I do get my arse handed to me in pretty much all FPS multiplay, so maybe there it is, right there. May be, my brain isn't even aware how slow it's become, and is incapable of comprehending its failings?
I'm with you on this Chris. In fact I think it started for me even earlier and I didn't grow up on consoles so much, to 2D platforming was always a foreign art as far as I was concerned. It's why although I love indie devs most of their output is lost on me as platforming seems to be the number one choice, I guess due to it requiring less work to create 2D worlds than full on 3D landscapes. As you say though there are so many other genres that still are playable and enjoyable and many many which always will be. Perhaps the resurgence in turn based strategy with the likes of XCOM and Massive Chalice is being driven by us older souls who have the brains but not the finger twitches of skilled gamers.
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