Batman: Arkham Asylum

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Topic started: Mon, 31 Aug 2009 16:14
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Joined 4 Jul 2007
Mon, 31 Aug 2009 16:14
I am very veyr pleased with this game, in fact i will go as far as to say its awesome, and the fact it includes batman and batman as batman should be makes it all the better.

also good review
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Thu, 3 Sep 2009 12:30
I think a lot of developers have been scared to use elements of what Bioshock used, but here it works perfectly to bring the whole of Arkham together. Its also strange that in a Bioshock way, Eidos releasing this game around august got it perfect attention time.

I ahven't picked up a copy yet, but its defintely on my buy list. You don't have to be a Batman fan to like and enjoy it, and I have to say, for once I'm glad to see Eidos get success with something that isn't Tomb Raider. While they bath themselves and the Rock Steady team in success and champagne, perhaps some question need to be asked.

The most pressing one, should they put Lara croft on ice, and concentrate on more original games with better game designs? I'm of the mind that while TR help put Eidos on the map, like Square and FF, its also clouded their judgement. If Eidos had more faith in their teams, we'd see more cool games like Urban Chaos RR and BAA, and I pray that while they morph into Square Europe, they take a few more chances. Action games are also a genre, that has eluded Sqaure for the most part over the years (cough ...Dirge of Direness...cough), so BAA will have them bouncing off the walls. Remember, this is usually Capcom or Sega's playground.

As for a Batman sequel, I wouldn't be at all surprised if one is green lighted by Square, behind the scenes. Anyone would be mad not to build on this kind of good stuff, and we all know Square likes a safe sequel bet (cough ...FF...cough). I know, some will bring the, 'don't do a ,this is perfect, don't spoil it' argument, just like was done with Bioshock. However, these are tough financial times and potential sure fire hits are rare gems. I'd love to see what Rock Steady, could do with a more open Gotham comic universe at its fingertips, and I seriously doubt DC/Warner would say no either.

Great review, Spong.

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