Video Games Lead to Knife Crime

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Topic started: Fri, 23 Jan 2009 00:28
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Joined 12 Mar 2004
Fri, 23 Jan 2009 00:28
Yeah, I guess I do reach for a knife to help open that cellophane, but if not a knife I'd improvise with my keys or a pen.

This overall connection to games is a weak one. I know the U.K government all want a scape goat, to slay, cook and serve to an rabid public, sick of society's decline and crime, but its unfair in the most extreme way to blame games, and yet make bogus exceptions for films and books.

We've heard of revenge of the nerds, well what's going on in the U.K is revenge of the children on their peers. When kids needs are sidelined by those in power up and down the country (for 15 years or more), they were stupid to think there would be no consequences.

Councils and the government, don't care about kids, so some kids notice that and care about themselves only. In short, this puts kids into a siege mode, where life is cheap and watching your crews back is all that counts, beyond close siblings.

Knife crime is a replacement to gun crime, showing the resourceful nature of humans to adapt. When knives are no more on the streets, I'm sure rock/stone crime will be next, games will probably be targeted for that then too.

How to solve it all? Get kids off the streets outside of school hours, by engaging them and giving them a space of their own (yes, I know some places do this already, but not enough). Get them early and things will change for the better. Maybe even a dose of national service, will install missing discipline if other options don't work.

Why is this knife problem unique to the U.K? Because of feryl latchkey kids combined with the problems above.
Maybe we need U.S style summer camps to break the cycle, as that can be when things get to their worst.

That's all I got for now.
john and lovemore
Tue, 15 Dec 2009 10:39
i think vidio games are very very good but can lead to vilonce.

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