Topic started: Thu, 11 Mar 2010 15:09
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Thu, 11 Mar 2010 15:09
Am I the only one put off by Final Fantasy games needing massive game guide to get the most out of them? (only £9.99 when bought with the game!)
I'm not talking about needing help with enemies or annoying mazes (ff8's disc one sewer anyone?) but the ridiculous amount of effort in gaining the top tier weapons and such.

Don't touch that chest at the start of the game, because you'll be kicking yourself after 25+hours of game play...
Joined 13 Aug 2009
Fri, 12 Mar 2010 13:15
Much of the early part of FFXIII doesn't need a game guide, just follow the path - but as the bosses harden up I can see why it would be useful.

The hardback copy looks beautiful (£20) but I'm sure if you don''t mind waiting a fair few will turn up on ebay or amazon second hand.

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