Well, unsurprisingly the fanboys don’t like Wii. The Internet has been rocked to its very core, with anti-Nintendo flak flaming on all the major Western gaming sites since yesterday afternoon's announcement about the final name for Nintendo’s new toy.
Of course, nobody in Japan seems to be really that bothered either way. SPOnG asked colleagues over there earlier today what the response had been and we were told: “We asked around a load of guys over here and they all don't care - it's pretty neutral in Japanese.”
For the record, SPOnG likes Wii, because it’s like nothing that has ever gone before. And we agree wholeheartedly with Wired’s Chris Kohler who noted earlier today, “Of course, I expect the Internet to brim over with toilet humor; that is what the Internet is for. But the Internet is not real life. [Nintendo has] already proven this in a variety of ways related to Nintendo product announcements… In short, the fuss over Wii is an Internet Problem, not a Real Life Problem. In real life, the name's soundalike will pass almost entirely without notice. The positives of Wii will vastly outweigh the negatives.”
It's a good point, well made. It seems many gamers have very limited short-term memories. Think back to the initial derision from the fanboys after the announcement of the Nintendo DS and, for that matter, Nintendogs. The reaction to the Wii announcement is merely an echo of this.
As Nintendo has repeatedly stressed to SPOnG, it’s not really about the word, it’s more about the concept. Which, to give a nod to the fanboys, may well be cringingly pretentious, but, it
will work. Remember what you first thought when you heard the words iPod, Google and Yahoo. Wii is not some crazy Japanese concept foisted onto Nintendo’s Western offices. Rest assured that this has been focus-grouped to the nth degree.
There has never been a clearer statement of intent of Nintendo’s ‘New Ways To Play’ PR strategy of targeting non-traditional, casual gamers than giving their new console this barking mad name. Note also that it is not even the Nintendo Wii. Just Wii.
Wii has got more non-gamers talking about a console that is not yet on the market than perhaps anything else in the history of videogame marketing.
SPOnG also thinks that the strategy of using the same word/symbol worldwide is pure genius. Again, as Chris Kohler notes in Wired: “"Revolution" was never going to fly in Japan, where the word is nearly unpronounceable. The end. If it's a shock to anyone, it's only to those who can't imagine a world beyond their tiny corner of it.”
Websites and petitions have already popped up demanding that Nintendo change the name. This is not going to happen. Get over it. Find something better to do with your spare time than writing daft toilet jokes in forums. Like, err, playing games and enjoying yourself perhaps? Loosen up a little.
Whilst most forum postings we saw last night and this morning - probably around 90% or so - were fairly vitriolic and anti-Wii, there were a few choice ones, such as the following round up from one, which we pretty much agree with:
Microsoft/Sony fanboys will go 'lol that's shit lol'
Nintendo fanboys will go 'omg it's so cool and great and unique skeet skeet skeet'
Gamers, that's most of you guys, will be all 'omg such a shit name' but will get over it RIGHT BEFORE E3 when you KNOW the exciting shit is coming, in fact, in that respect, this announcement has pretty much been timed to perfection. Those of you who were excited by the rev to begin with will still get one, particularly after all the cool shit you will probably be seeing at E3, you will probably be just as hyped as you may have been last night when you had no idea about Wii. Those who weren't really interested with the Rev to begin with probably won't change their minds.
This will then grab casuallers attention, in all the wee=piss territories it'll get a couple of guffaws then they'll get over it, and I think the name will stick. The point about Google, Yahoo, iPod and all that stuff was pretty valid.
To those of you still hung up about the wii = wee = piss thing, try and just think of it as we, maybe? I mean, it's not as though saying we normally gets to you.